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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. It's pay day on Friday and ZombiU at just 12.99 sounds very tempting! I've also gotta catch up on new releases, so if any of you guys see a good deal on Wonderful 101 or Rayman, let me know!
  2. eShop goodness? I hope you mean RUNNER 2
  3. I'm also sure that, especially after the Wii, parents (and even some gamers) are scared to buy non-Nintendo games on a Nintendo console because of the amount of utter shit we have seen in the past. At least with first party Nintendo games, apart from a few like Wii Music, you're going to get a decent title. And there's just always something holding back a Nintendo version of a multi-plat release that I imagine makes it sell less. A lack of HD, scaled back graphics, missing online modes, that sort of thing.
  4. Does anyone use the Twitter app? It just doesn't work for me. Whenever I open twitter in the Internet browser to get the pin for the app it always crashes. I've given up now. I also can't seem to find an option for text chat in the Skype appt, I can't tell if it's not there or if I'm just being stupid and missing something obvious.
  5. I can't tell if you actually do or are winding me up :p But either way, yes they're amazing! This song especially, though! Some of their others are a bit too far, especially some of the completely crazy garments they decide to wear! But I guess that's part of their appeal.
  6. I sometimes fear I will be single forever. The only hope I have is to fall in love with a mannequin in the hope that it will one day come to life...
  7. The GamePad is amazing for streamlining the experience. I love using the web browser and Netflix because it's just so easy... but as far as games are concerned it doesn't seem to add that much. Even in games such as Nintendo Land and Game & Wario, instead of showing us amazing ways to use it, it felt more like the developers were desperately finding ways to try and use it in some way. Everything just feels a bit forced, like when a new shy person is invited to a party and everyone feels the need to try and include them.
  8. Yeah, there's so many great mini games that still stick in my mind It really made a nice change from Mario Party!
  9. Just for you, Animal. So you can imagine me beating you hard. EDIT: But in all seriousness, just get DDR Mario Mix. Mario is cheering you on all the way, man.
  10. I know, they look amazing! It always feels like such a waste when I can't watch them in HD!
  11. I'll be getting it for sure, Wii Party was a great game. And it blows the likes of Wii Play and Play Motion out of the water considering it's a controller bundle game.
  12. That LEGO City bundle will be great. I love that game, I just wish the loading times weren't so bad. One of my ultimate pet hates is loading times. I think that in itself is Nintendo's fault. Whilst everyone else was sat around staring blankly at their loading screens on PS1 and PS2 I was thrown into the action right away on the N64 and Cube.
  13. I was going to catch up on the latest 3 episodes of Free! but my internet doesn't want me to. I went from 720p to 480 and now even SD won't play. First world problems indeed.
  14. You'd have to move to different places?! That's madness! And if you like her then don't let something like religion hold you back (unless of course it can't be helped, like an unaccepting family or something)
  15. I was wondering that but I bet a lot of it is due to the GamePad and all that wireless, instant feedback.
  16. Jesus christ. What is going on at Nintendo today?!
  17. I can see that it's for a younger market but at that price will it really do well? I got my XL for £109 two months ago when they were on offer. This thing just looks so ugly, but I can get over that given that it's meant for a younger audience and to expect a bit more wear and tear. What I can't get over is how uncomfortable it looks to hold. Oh well, I'm sure we'll have all forgotten about it before it even gets released, just like... and and (Ha)
  18. I've always been too scared to put a razor down there as I make a right mess of my face when I have to shave! I just trim instead which works fine. I still remember the first trim, I've never felt so FREE! I was about to post the exact same thing. I dunno, maybe you just get used to it?
  19. To my dismay, Klonoa and Parappa the rapper are not on the Vita store like I thought they'd be... They were literally the two games I wanted most D: I can wait and hope though! How often does the store get updated with new content? Also, I finally have a psn ID under the ever catchy name of Josh64128
  20. I find it weird that they're this far into development and still haven't decided on a name for the game! And I swear Nintendo are putting more effort into the year of Luigi than Mario's 25th anniversary :p
  21. On the subject of foreskin, I have mine but like, when I'm hard it nearly fully comes out anyway without trying. But yeah, I think it's cool if you choose to have it done but lame if you have no choice in the matter! The one thing that annoys me is that even now my penis is pretty unpredictable. Some days I'll just wake up and BOOM! Explosion. I thought that was meant to stop in your teens!
  22. Just played spin the bottle with @f00had and now Jodie would like a few words... Chin bumpin fun yo. ______________ Jodie just tried to play my vita but held it the wrong way, how silly. We also kick ass on BINGO on Donkey Konga 3. Also, I dont think I say it enough, but Ashley Jones is the best guy, especially in his hit video, Always on my mind by the pet shop boys (aaron DProdigy and Ashley2Jones) We just listened to dreams of an absolution by SILVER on sonic 2006 And remembered this shop in Barmouth that sold Pokemon cards and pikachu necklaces (I got the necklace when I was 9 obviously) Anyway, I gotta take banjo for his evening poo now. Bye guys
  23. Oh noooooooooooooooo. Guess I'll be sticking to UK games for a while with sd cards at those prices!
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