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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Got one of these with my bro @f00had And got myself... Monkey Ball was 7 quid, so not bad at all. Especially considering how much I love the series!
  2. I'm getting a Vita soon! On Sunday hopefully but with postage and bank holidays, it could be a bit later! I'm getting Monkey Ball, Fish ON!, Klonoa and Parappa when I get it. Any other suggestions? Got myself a 16gb sd card for £25 (those card prices are pretty sickening) but it had to be done. I also might get PS + but am debating it. I'll see what the free games are this month and decide that way. Also, I hear it's region free. Will it affect anything? Like using the same card for different region games? I know my Gamecube memory card messed up because I used it for Japanese games too but that could be because you weren't technically meant to use the GC as a region-free console :P Also, I'm new to the whole Sony thing! So I'll need some friends when I get it
  3. I already posted this on Twitter but think it fits better here. Pretty much sums me and relationships up:
  4. Oh my GOD. I need that special edition.
  5. Deleted all the driving theory mp3's off my phone and replaced them with TAKENOBU MITSUYOSHI. More like FUCKIN' GREAT SHIT thread, eh?
  6. Whoever was in charge of this needs roping back in: But remember guys, that Wii U ad is bad but it could be worse... That GameCube shot at the end just made me want to eat a Calippo.
  7. For those of you on the fence about Spin the Bottle, you should really give it a try! If you're into local multiplayer that is! I feel as though I might be fighting a losing battle though, considering it's a party game with a dire name. But still, let me persuade you, maybe: http://www.n-europe.com/reviews/spin-the-bottle-bumpies-party-2
  8. Passed my theory test! Now to catch up on all the stuff I would't allow myself to do this week... NINTENDO DIRECT, PIKMIN 3, ANIMAL CROSSING, BREAKING BAD.
  9. I really feel like I'm missing out here having not watched it yet. I hadn't watched any of Season 5 because I wanted to watch it all in one go but obviously I had to cave. Got to episode 2 today, gonna try and finish them all before the new episode next week!
  10. Every day for the last week or so I've felt sick as hell every morning but it passes after a while. I think it's just because I'm an emotional yo-yo. It usually happens when I haven't had a day to myself for a while, so I think I need to lock myself away in a room for a day. Also my friend at work (for about 5 years) is moving to America on Friday so that will be sad! But he's going to live the dream so it will be a happy goodbye at least. Aaaaaand I have a theory test on Thursday! I think my head will explode if I don't pass. I'm doing good on the theory at home but I can just imagine it will go wrong on the day. I remember getting a B+ for my business mock exam and then on the day got a D. It's just typical of me to do such things. I'm trying not to be negative though :P I've also had the Animaniacs theme in my head all day. Not even the proper one, the one from the SNES title screen. I haven't played the game in like 15 years so I have no idea why. You can perhaps see why I struggle sometimes when I'm haunted by things like this on repeat in my head :p
  11. I loved the first but have to say I lost interest in this pretty quick (got to world 3 or 4 I think). I might give it another go soon as I love the series, perhaps I just wasn't in the mood for it at the time!
  12. Thursday is the only day I can do :p keep me in the list though so I can play you guys sometime next week!
  13. Oh man, I was just gonna ask what's going on with Pokémon and NFC. A shame really but I can see why they wouldn't take the risk in Europe! Perhaps they'll try again in a few years with a sequel when there's a few more Wii U's flying around.
  14. Well now I just feel silly!
  15. You wanna get some winged Pikmin on that fuckin' moth, man.
  16. Spin the bottle: Bumpies Party - What a multiplayer game! It's really crazy and so much fun. And the idea of sitting around a GamePad and using Wii Remotes for tasks really brings you all together instead of being hunched around a TV screen. I'm really impressed so far, had a couple of 4-player games on thursday and will be going to a BBQ (or indoorQ, maybe) on Monday so shall have a go on it again then with hopefully 6 people. I can only imagine its more fun the more people you have. It's as crazy and weird as I was hoping Game & Wario would be. Highlight being the 'walk the dog' minigame where I made my friend get on all fours and blind folded her. I then had to direct her to where my Remote was. Invisible tennis from across the room is also pretty hard. And shit, I nearly accidentally got the Sketchpad thing thinking it was the full game. Haven't had time to watch the NDirect yet, you see! Also can't wait to sink my teeth into Wonderful 101 demo. And I really want to see the 101 Direct! And I still haven't played any more Earth Bound! And I need to go to sleep soon! *Gasp*
  17. Netflix all the way! And yeah, the US version is miles better but the UK one is also pretty good now and has a fair few really good exclusives that the US one doesn't. I have US on my Wii U and UK on my Wii, so the best of both worlds! And I don't know what LoveFilm is like on the laptop but I tried it once on Wii U and my gosh, the app is so horrible and the image quality is a joke.
  18. nando, you make me sick. Literally sick in my toilet bowl. Such a fantastic game... WASTED on you. If your only experience has been local multiplayer then I may forgive you (as that's the one huge problem with the game) but if not... my GOD. But don't worry I'm just jesting! Each to their own! I'm a fan of Wii Music, afterall!
  19. Aah that's good then! I was thinking it could be your Wiimote. I have a Wii Remote that doesn't sense any movement now and only the pointer works. I gave it to my parents for the Wii in the front room as they only use it for Netflix and Love Film - 6 months and they still haven't noticed :p __ I saw a Wii Mini in PC World with Super Paper Mario for £79. I was so tempted as it could be a future rare item! Saying that... I'm pretty sure it's the same stack of Wii Mini's they had from Christmas because that's the only thing in their gaming section. So I'm gonna wait and see if they go down in price :p
  20. Finally got the Captain What a beast, he reminds me of Chunky Kong for some reason, despite not being a monkey. I really enjoyed the boss fight leading up to finding him, but I agree that the days are sometimes too short. I had to quickly run home and gather all my 'min after only hitting him a few times and go back to him the next day! Now to find those blue critters!
  21. I never considered this guy could be bi until Animal said :P Here's hoping, aye?! I hope things go well
  22. It really does look amazing, if it didn't use the Wiimote so well I'd constantly forget it's on Wii! And I paid £15 from CEX which is a pretty great price, especially considering it was in fantastic condition. Not a scratch on the box or disc, I was so giddy in the queue. But It Now prices on eBay seem to be about £20 so assuming CEX has the same prices across the board, you should try and find it there. They have a handy thing on their site which tells you what games they have in any specific store. Or you can like, order online I guess, which is probably easier :p
  23. Is Nano Assault Neo anything like Child of Eden?
  24. Hahahaha, I didn't go back to it after the terrible response on N-Europe :P That and I had a bunch of other games at the time and totally forgot about it! That said, I already played Fragile dreams when it first came out and loved it then... and after a few hours play I still love it now! It has its flaws but they can easily be overlooked. And whilst the two games look very similar (and are probably by the same team, I didn't bother to check :P) this is already miles better just by the pace (and lack of flowers) and characters (the weird backpack thing is like an amazing version of FLUDD).
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