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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I feel sick. What an injustice, I don't know what to think anymore.
  2. FINALLY! A 3D 4 player Mario game, I've been wanting this ever since I first laid eyes upon Mario 64x4. Can't wait! Also, the inclusion of Peach and Luigi's flutter legs is amazing!
  3. I share Cher's thoughts right now... IT'S ALL OR NOTHING
  4. Haha yeah, you'll be fine! I haven't done an E3 for 2 years now actually (I was on holiday!) so this will be interesting for me, too :p


    Trying to type something out whilst listening to Iwata and keeping my hype in check can be tricky at times :p

  5. Another dancing game for you to kick my ass on :p (And I swear I'll get round to this weeks Just Dance off!). Get the Kylie game if you see it cheap, just to laugh at how cringe worthy it is. I saw it for a fiver at work last week. Anyway, in anticipation for Animal Crossing, I got THIS So impressed with the screen sizes And oh man, them L and R buttons are lovely! My hand won't feel as though it's being stabbed when I play Mario Kart now!
  6. No problem with subtitles, sometimes I prefer it. I find it so hard to sit down and just watch a movie recently, I always end up wanting to quickly go on my phone of 3DS. Subtitles really help me get immersed. And fuck, dubs are terrible. In pretty much every way.
  7. Nope, even the Rabbids don't want to be on Wii U now :p (It's on XBONE) But yes, JUST DANCE 2014 will be on Wii U and Wii, so you can dance the night away.
  8. Hey, welcome to the team :D Hope you're excited for tomorrow!

  9. I know man but I don't know if any click and collect staff will still be in! Whenever I go in late there aren't that many workers!
  10. I just did the same deal as Rez and got the black and red! I'm at work till 9.30 on Monday though so might have to get it on the Tuesday!
  11. It was my dads 50th Birthday last week so I helped my mom make him a MoonPig card. Looking through some of the old pictures I stumbled across a truly dashing one of myself: I wish I still had that poster
  12. My 3DS is bit of a pain, the battery isn't as great as it used to be, the pen always falls out and the top screen is awful. It always has those temporary lines thanks to the bottom screen rubbing on it and there's a crack going across the inside of the top screen. It's only noticeable when the screen is totally black but it's still annoying. Anyway, all of that put together really puts me off ever using it. Which is a shame as Luigi's Mansion is great fun and I plan to get Fire Emblem and Animal Crossing soon! With that in mind I think I'm gonna get an XL! Does anyone know where I can get one for a decent price in the UK? Also, I see so many different designs but I'm not even sure which ones are available over here. I'm really hoping the Luigi one is :P Final question: Is it easy to transfer my data over? Thanks guys!
  13. I already have one of these, the motion controls aren't quite as good as your standard wiimote but I'll no doubt be using a motion plus plug-in anyway. Really tempted as they look awesome and are now £17 in ASDA!
  14. Check the latest trailer for Pikmin 3
  15. Pikmin tshirt (lame picture quality but you get the idea!)
  16. Kicked @Ashley 's ASS on BoomStreet. He also promised to go Ice Rinking with me.
  17. For some reason I totally forgot about Nintendo Land :P Which is strange as I play it whenever my friends are over! Wario might be awesome, but I don't think anything can match the hilarity of 5 player Luigi's Ghost Mansion
  18. That site is awesome, definitely some of the best Nintendo advertising I've seen for a while! And that's why I love Wario so much, I can't imagine any other gaming character would pull it off. I love it when he goes fishing :p
  19. NTSC version of Donkey Konga 2 Imo, it's the best one, it's full to the brim with emo music :p I don't get why they cut most of the tracks and replaced them with classical/gaming music for the EU release. Either way I'm happy as it means more music to play on Donkey Konga
  20. I used to love watching the old SEGA free stuff friday giveaways, becuase the stuff was so awesome and because the presenter, Aaron, just made my heart melt. Anyway, I tweeted him yesterday after he mentioned the Sonic news and fuck, he RESPONDED... My heart skipped a beat.
  21. The more I listen to Touch, the more I like it. I actually love the build up. But Lose Yourself to Dance is by far my favourite, a definite stand out. Fucking hell, those robots... c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, c'mon, C'MONNNNNNNNNNNNNN
  22. The olympic games are awesome, I can't wait for this. And there's not a single decent party game on Wii U right now, so I can't wait! Nintendo aren't gonna just drop titles like this, which sell millions, because they said they're trying to appeal to the hardcore. Surely they can do both? And heck, this is by SEGA anyway.
  23. I wasn't really in 'the loop' for the launch period of Wii and GameCube, so I don't know if this is just typical teething problems, but as far as I can tell, this really seems like one of the worst console starts I've seen. So much early doom and gloom, maybe moreso than the 3DS. I just hope Nintendo can pull it off themselves, they managed to make the N64 work with little third party support (and saying that, did EA produce games for it? If they did, I can't remember any!) so hopefully the same will happen with Wii U!
  24. I loved the London 2012 M&S so much, can't wait for this one. Especially all of that unlockable music, holy shit.
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