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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. Oh man, whenever people moan about 3D sonic games being shit.... WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?! I'm super stoked about the Sonic announcement
  2. Oh shiiiiiiiiiit, it suddenly came back to me! I can't remember it looking like that, but I remember my friend showing me this crazy handheld which used GPS to create a GTA-type world around you. It really did look amazing, and miles ahead of the psp and ds. If only they actually went through with it, it could have been so good
  3. @flameboy ahahaha, I used to think the same thing! I had the light blue one and was always secretly jealous of my friend with the clear purple but now, mine has aged far better.
  4. A lot of the comments I've seen on this have been ridiculous. It's like, how dare Nintendo make money on something they created. They're not taking it down so what's the problem? If anything, this is the best solution they could have come up with.
  5. I think the Color really blew the original away, I mean, just look at that photo. Though the screens are obviously not quite realistic, if anything though, it shows us a glimpse as to how awesome the Gameboy Color would have been with a lit screen! If only.
  6. I can't wait for GAME & WARIO, but I feel as though we've seen enough of that already. Hopefully a release date for 101, perhaps in the Summer! That would be really awesome. Oh yeah and Pikmin 3, but I've given up hope on that, fucking hell.
  7. I only started watching it last year but I'm now in love with Jack Bauer. Saying that, I only managed to get to series 3, so I have many hours to get through before I can consider watching this. My dad will be very pleased though. He was constantly hogging Netflix and watched all the series in about 2 months, couldn't believe it myself.
  8. That sucks But yes, see it as a golden opportunity to play games! Hope you get better soon!
  9. I had to sit through some bullshit presentation at work yesterday, going on about how we're going to improve, that they provide great opportunities to all staff to grow and go up in the business, that they offer great job security. Basically a presentation about how great they, and everything else, is. Then today, they text me half an hour before my shift starts, "hey can you come in at 3.30 today? You've lost your hours again". After years of working my ass off for them, doing any hours they want, working every weekend, always on late, they can't even give me decent hours. Not even that, they don't have the decency to give me a days notice before dropping me. Fuck, not even an hours notice. Alas, at least if they keep treating me like shit it will keep spurring me on to keep looking for other jobs. EDIT: But after reading Flameboy's post I feel bad now :p I haven't had to endure a work day quite like that!
  10. Holy shit. Loved every second of it, can't wait for Monday I'm kind of torn on Contact though, I love it up until the last minute, then I almost feel as though I'm losing my mind.
  11. Awesome albums, especially Discovery. I listened to it none stop back in 2007 and recently got back into them (after hearing Get Lucky actually), I don't know why I left it so long! The only album I didn't really like is Homework, but again, it's been years so I might give it another go. With that in mind though, I bought THIS a few days ago... Loved every second!
  12. I heard there was also something like 30-50% off 3DS games in store (someone posted it on Twitter) but I'm not even sure if my local store is open now!
  13. I really want a Vita! I just know as soon as I get one it will get a price reduction, so I'm trying to wait it out! Mainly for THIS: From the creators of SEGA Bass Fishing
  14. 1. Stop worrying about money - I don't worry too much about money - As all these unplayed games prove! 2. Stop worrying about what other people think - Tried my best, but this is one of my biggest flaws :P Anxiety riddled fiend that I am. 3. Take two holidays a year - No holidays planned for this year! SHIT. 4. Enjoy little comforts in life - BANJO <3 5. Experience different cultures - I experience plenty in the media, can't afford to go and experience in real life yet, though! 6. Work to live rather than live to work - YES! 7. Pay off all debts - None yet 8. Be true to yourself - Most of the time, not at work though. 9. Concentrate on what you have instead of what you don’t have - Okay! 10. Use money on experiences rather than saving for a rainy day - I love rainy days, that smell! 11. Make time for family and friends - Done 12. Try all types of food - I've tried plenty, and would love to try MORE! Love food. 13. Find true love- I'm too messed up for this :p 14. Travel to at least 25 different foreign countries - Fuck man, I'm at like... 3? 15. Go outside more - But... MY SKIN! 16. Learn a new language - So hard, man. 17. Be well thought of by family and friends - Maybe? 18. Help a member of your family out when they really need it - Done 19. Lose a stone in weight - I used to be a HUGE bastard. Always try my best to stay a normal size now, though I could eat cake forever if I wanted! 20. Treat each day like it’s your last - Is this possible, really? 21. Visit all of Britain’s historical landmarks - One day, perhaps! 22. Book an impulsive last minute holiday - Nah 23. Volunteer for a good cause - haha, not yet. 24. Take up a challenge - Rayman Challenges app. 25. Go on safari - As in... a safari park? 26. Blow a load of money in one shopping trip, just because you can - Whenever I can, I do :p 27. Learn a new instrument - I tried keyboard when I was younger, I was actually ok but not interested in music at the time. Wish I'd have carried on 28. Be married for longer than 20 years - Pahahaha 29. Have enough money left for the grandchildren to enjoy - Probably won't have grandchildren, or children for that matter. 30. Start a family - Gah! 31. Earn more than your age - I earn more than £21 a month, YES! 32. Have a pet - BANJO!! 33. Drive a really fast car - I can barely drive a normal car! 34. Travel alone - My friends are what get me out the house - I can barely go shopping by myself without getting terrible anxiety, perhaps travelling alone would help... or just kill me. ahahaha. 35. Be able to keep the kids on the straight and narrow - If I ever have them, ofc. 36. Meet strangers - Meeting new people is amazing and terrifying! 37. Move away from home to an unfamiliar place - Good grief! 38. Have a one night stand - I think my big nose puts them off! 39. Pass your driving test - Fuckin', soon I hope! 40. Get a degree - Nah D: 41. Rescue someone so that you’re a hero for a little while - Not yet! 42. Date someone exciting but completely wrong for you - Hahaha, yes! It was amazing and terrible at the same time. 43. Get a promotion - Not in this bloody job. 44. Reach the desired career peak by age 40 - Perhaps, it's too far away to think about! 45. Have an all-night drinking session - Done, perhaps too many times! 46. Perform something on stage in front of others - Sang Scatman on karaoke, WITHOUT THE WORDS. Everyone, including myself, was shocked, cringing, wishing it would end soon. 47. Snog a stranger - Done, poor fellow. It was late in the club and he said his last name was Cooper. I excitedly said 'Like King Koopa?!', he said 'erm yes?'. For some crazy reason, the first and last time I did it, I randomly kissed him. Went surprisingly well, probably helped that it was at a gay club, mind. 48. Plan a surprise party - Nah, though it would be awesome. 49. Embark on adrenaline packed activities such as sky diving or bungee jumping - Nope! 50. Spend time with children even if they aren’t yours - Yes! Man, this feels like MySpace.
  15. Hahaha, what amazing box art. I used to hate Wario (back in the early 2000's) but since the WarioWare series he's become one of my favourite Nintendo characters. Also, reminds me a lot of Cartman from South Park.
  16. I don't really care for any of those games but maaaan, this is terrible for Wii U. Some of those games are huge.
  17. What did you guys think of the Dreamcast controller? I love the look of it but man, it's not that comfortable to hold :p The N64 controller though, MAN, that's the most comfortable thing ever.
  18. My parents got an N64 for me and my brother with two controllers, one grey and one yellow. I was quick to say the yellow was mine, and being his macho 13 year old self he was more than happy to have grey, so I think I won that (but seriously, I'm very jealous of your iced purple one, I ALWAYS wanted one of those!) And @Sméagol whilst that PS3 doesn't look too bad there, the plastic in real life is horrific. So cheap. I don't know how they could go from that wonderful Piano PS3 to that.
  19. Wow, I've never seen the Famicom Micro, it looks amazing. Saying that though, anything with the Famicom colour scheme looks amazing! And I agree with Dcubed about the Wii, it looks wonderful. Still don't like the EU SNES though, I think I just don't like smooth consoles. Must be why I hate the look of Wii U so much compared to the sharp edges of Wii :p
  20. After my week off I was welcomed with 'You've lost most of your hours, sorry!'. You see, I'm contracted 16, but have been working 39 for like 4 months now. The same has happened before though, so I know what to expect I suppose. But wait, I don't need to go to the Bad Stuff thread because things picked up anyway. We finished at 7.30 (because bank holiday) and so my co-worker suggested we go back to hers for a CHER NIGHT. Alas, beer and Cher films made for a great return to work. Well, the film wasn't great but the inclusion of Bob Hoskins made up for it! Also, pizza.
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