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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. I love this game! Much more than Banana Blitz and the music is fantastic! I love the way it builds up as you get through the levels and then finally the vocalist starts singing as the credits come up. The best music in a Monkey Ball game to date. I've had fun using the balance board and it felt incredibly... new, which is a feeling I haven't had for a while on the Wii. though I must admit, now I've got to the harder levels I have started using the Wii Remote :P
  2. http://news.bbc.co.uk/1/hi/technology/8556882.stm Sony show off it's new motion controls. What kind of effect do you think it will have on the Wii?
  3. I thought, apart from the wolf, that Sonic Unleashed was pretty good. That's a game featuring the blue hedgehog. Then again, after that I thought Sonic and the black knight would be good and... I was proven wrong.
  4. It's ironic that just today I got Luigi's Mansion pre owned! I've been dying to play it ever since I got rid of it and it's just as full of charm as I remember. I love the way that Luigi hums the theme tune and that all the ghosts have back stories. I was also surprised at how well the graphics stood up too, considering its... 9 years old? maybe 8. As much as I wish for a Luigi's Mansion 2 though, I doubt it will happen. If you remember, it didn't have a terrible reception, but it wasn't a great reception either. It's blatantly Mario Party 9.
  5. I'm really shocked, Sega did a lot to promote this and it's a decent Sonic game which I thought would appeal to a lot of people!
  6. Its most likely going to be Mario Party 9, i'm surprised it's taken this long already! There were so many Mario Party games on Gamecube, the Wii comes along which would be perfect for the series, with motion controls and such, and nothing. Maybe it will use motion plus? And DazzyBee, where did you get DJ Hero for £40?! I've been wanting it for a while but wasn't willing to pay loads of money for yet another piece of hardware!
  7. My hair is like... a lazy mow-hawk. Also known as ''onion hair'' :P
  8. Excite Truck, there are so many great levels, I love the huge scale of them. I wish I could remember what country it was in, but one of them has a HUGE hill with one of the most impressive jumps ever, it blows my mind every time.
  9. That's happened to me with Gamestation before! I swear they don't check if their games work when they get them. I was especially livid when I brought a second hand game and it didnt even have an instruction manual!
  10. Im so hyped for this game! The original is my favourite Wii game and looking at all the new screens and especially the new trailer I just can't wait. Oh and I know most people hate Pinata's but its nice to see them in atleast one level Galaxy 2 really seems to be bursting with Mario goodness from the entire series. From thwomps to the actual music, it's just all looking (and sounding) immense.
  11. I was blown away by the Mario Galaxy trailer! I haven't looked at anything else thats gone on though, apart from the live blogs. Im gonna go on IGN and such later to check out more Galaxy and Metroid screens! I did think the Monster Hunter Demo disc sounded interesting! Hopefully we will get that in the UK too!
  12. Been bit of a drought recently, atleast as far as im concerned, so this week I've been playing Donkey Konga again! I got what I would call a perfect on the Pokemon Theme, No misses and No bads! Tell me what you think ;D And the drought is over as I shall be getting Sega All Stars Racing tomorrow
  13. I agree! Gusty Garden Galaxy is amazing! The music and all! I'm tempted to go back and play on that level even though I have all the stars.
  14. I want some classic franchises! What's happened to Donkey Kong, Starfox and Kirby!?
  15. I loved the lighting on that level and never knew it was a Gamecube pad! It all went downhill once inside the hotel though, it seemed as though it was insanely rushed, the camera went everywhere and it just seemed like a shoddy level. Apart from the downstairs casino which I loved.
  16. Wasn't the Gamecube at £79.99 this time in it's life cycle? Then again, there is an immense difference between what the Gamecube was selling and what the Wii is selling.
  17. DS Lite, the Red and Black one, that's the best looking console/handheld!
  18. This game looks awesome! Im 1 cup from completing excite bots, so this shall be a good game to fill the racing void that I shall have in my life.
  19. It may sounds generic but... Smash Brothers: Nintendo Vs Sega Pretty self explanatory, The likes of Mario, Zelda, Metroid and Donkey Kong against Sonic, NiGHTS, AiAi and Billy Hatcher!
  20. You would rate the original DS over the original PSP in terms of looks?! Insanity!
  21. My Wii always looks amazing on the few occasions the blue light is on. I wish the blue light was constantly on whilst playing!
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