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Everything posted by Josh64

  1. THE MUSIC IN THE TRAILER IS EPIC! I'm so pumped for this game right now!!
  2. Get it! It's one of my favourite games this generation!
  3. BULBA! I have lovingly sported part of my bulbasaur outfit to all of you, on the day (2 days away is when I go to my party) I will be wearing all green, a green back pack and a plant to stick inside the backpack, I'm gonna look so cool, I would have done it all today but in fear of spoiling the plant before the day I will keep it safe and sound on my desk.
  4. I agree with Rez, DKC2 is where it's at! The latest video has got me pumped for this game even though I don't think it 'flows' too well, I loved being able to cartwheel through rows of enemies one after another or jump off one to the next and take them all out without touching the floor but - despite the obvious gameplay changes this still looks good.
  5. It really is xD The dances are a lot more full on than the last game, I just went on 'Just Sweat' mode where you do 3 songs in a row and it tells you how many calories you've lost but man, I'm so worn out after that
  6. It was fancy dress and so me and my friend went as... vampires, yknow, to be original. All night people were calling me Edward Cullen, despite the fact I didn't even have the hair, rest assured I was most displeased. I also have a predicament, do I wear the SAME for Haloween or should I shell out for a new costume?
  7. Has anyone got this yet? It's like the first but better in every way, most notably the controls! It feels so much more responsive that it's a really enjoyable experience, the graphics have been cleaned up and the menu is much better than the old one - not to mention the obvious roster of 45 new songs and DLC already available! I'm having a few people over tomorrow so I'm sure to have some fun with this Also, box art is amaze.
  8. One of my best friends rang me yesterday to inform me she will be back (from uni) in a few days for a whole week of BURGERS, POKéMON, DANCING STAGE AND CIDER! My heart stopped for a second, then I stared at my clock wishing time would go faster.
  9. I haven't put much thought into it yet and likewise haven't decided what I'm getting other people! This is about the time of year I start buying presents though, I hate leaving it till December because I start freaking out, worrying that I won't buy people's presents in time! Only problem this year is that... I have to wait because I'm broke and pay day is still 3 weeks away :p But yeah, weirdly I love buying presents and go a bit overkill on the whole thing. For me? I'd like... DONKEY KONG COUNTRY RETURNS! And my all time desire, a DK Tie, though as far as I'm aware they still don't exist.
  10. Josh64


    Im a serial hugger but not to complete strangers. Maybe I should stop
  11. It's weird that this thread should pop up, for the last few months I'd kept randomly catching this on E4 and started to really enjoy it so just last week I got the first series on DVD and I love it so far! I'm about half way through the first series though, so I've got some catching up to do before I can properly contribute to this thread :P ... and Barney is my hero.
  12. I have a love for Justin Bieber in the same way that I have a love for Ashley Tisdale. To start with, I watched a few of his video's to see how bad they were, for the irony and all that jazz but as time went by... his songs stuck, he grew on me and I didn't understand where all the hate came from. He's quite funny in a ditzy and "I know everybody hates me" kind of way so I can't see why he's hated more than say... Miley Cyrus, who is completely up herself and lets admit, has even more annoying songs than Bieber. Sadly for him, everyone takes the piss out of him for having 'that hair' and assumes he is gay. Oh man, I'm sticking up for Justin Bieber on a Nintendo forum, anyone would have thought i'm a 12 year old girl - Being a 19 year old lad just makes me feel like a paedophile. Admittedly though, his acting is shocking
  13. I remember when the concept art for this was first revealed, I was so excited to get this game! ...Then, they revealed some gameplay footage and I lost nearly all interest in this game. Rewind back a few months though and it looks very promising at e3 and now, after watching the official trailer I am truly blown away, as the final game has lived up to the beautiful and striking concept art from all that time ago!
  14. I'm so happy! I loved Rhythm Tengoku/Paradise and even prefer it over WarioWare! Anyone else want a remix of "hey baby, hows it goin'?"
  15. From the wonder that is forbidden planet!
  16. I'm not fuming that I brought the motion plus add on, if anything I prefer the remote that way, its better for my large, monkey hands to grasp. Do I regret getting Motion Plus in the first place though? Erm, yes. I got it with Wii Sports Resort and was blown away, not only by the game but the new possibilities and assumed that loads of new Motion Plus games would be announced pretty soon. It's a year later and nothing note worthy (in my opinion) has used it, other than Red Steel which isn't my kind of game anyway. Hopefully after the release of Zelda more developers will be inclined to use the tech
  17. Being a huge fan of the original Country games and being (what I can imagine to be one of the only) Rare fanboys I'm wary that this will stray too far from the originals. I'm already cynical about the new Rambi look, not to mention the lack of Kremlins. If music from the original games is featured though, then colour me excited. Just listening to some of the remixes/orchestral songs on here is getting me all nostalgic!
  18. I've seen this video before but it's still hilarious watching it a second time 'round! Though that one guy does look crazily like Seth Green... is this some kind of sketch or something? After all, some of these people do seem a bit too weird to be true.
  19. I would elect the first person to meet and greet said aliens to be Justin Bieber, he just seems to get along with most people, ones not wielding bottles of water that is. Really though, I've never heard of such a pointless job! As most of you have said, if aliens did come to earth, what would the likeliness be of this person going to greet them and why would the aliens care/understand anyway?
  20. That alien prank was so nasty :P I don't know what I would have done if that happened to me, I certainly wouldn't have had the balls to offer it a cup of tea despite how fake it looked :p As she said, i'd be too 'in the moment' to realise how stupidly fake it looked! I agree with all of you though, space is a truly fascinating place, I took a look at the website 'Hubble' and some of those pictures are just incredible!
  21. This is just celebrating the first 5/6 years of Super Mario, not the last 25 years.
  22. That video was amazing! But also goes to show that if this Mario collection is going to do the series justice, it must include Mario 64 and Mario World too! (and possibly Sunshine, though I'm not sure it would be possible with disc space)
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