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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. I think most accurately sums up all our emotions at this moment.
  2. At this point though, any news is big news.
  3. I'm still trying to recall where attacking scarecrow-like creatures come into the original HG Wells novel.
  4. Baaah I hope there's more info in a few hours at the press event. The music composer list is fantastic, but I'd like some more characters or something please!
  5. Nintendo media summit starts at 5pm GMT, so probably new info then.
  6. May as well. We'll most likely have some info in the morning at any rate.
  7. After drinking the blood of any nearby virgins, yes.
  8. Nah, he'll be filing the last of his papers and heading back to his crypt before daybreak.
  9. Plus he's a bit of a pillock.
  10. Nope. Check back at 4am. We'll have something over the next 24 hours.
  11. I like the way some people seem to have the idea that games aren't the result of many months of teams of dedicate professionals working closely together in 14+ hour shifts, but instead that somewhere there is a giant robot crapping them out, 100% complete at twenty a minute, and the only reason we don't have them now is because Nintendo doesn't like us.
  12. "Hi. I'm in charge of producing one of the most anticipate games for years. In fact, I've just finished a six hour production meeting, but never mind all that. Look at my dog! LOOK AT HIM!!"
  13. He'll be revealing who?
  14. Stab in the dark: Smash Bros. I would expect to make it out for Xmas, but I think we'll be looking at a spring 2008 release.
  15. May as well get a good nights sleep and catch up on everything in the morning. Can't complain.
  16. I suppose that wasn't entirely unexpected. I think I'll just tranquillise myself for 24 hours and catch up on everything when it's up. Night all *clubs self*.
  17. See, now it's at this point that huge interest crashes the entire site for several hours.
  18. I know, but getting excited is fun!
  19. Six years? Bloody hell, me and my mates still play it constantly.
  20. I should most certainly hope that they don't feel pressured to use the Wiimote unless they genuinely feel that it will bring something to the game. Since it's a game that will appeal primarily to an existing fan base regardless of it's control scheme, I'm sure they will only go for what only works perfect and not even bother trying to shoehorn what doesn't.
  21. I don't know really. The last time things were getting genuinely bad was during my school days, and then I just retreated into a sort of mental shell.
  22. Isn't Nintendo holding some kind of press shindig over the next 2-3 days?
  23. I wonder if they'll reveal any other 3rd party characters? I always pick fast, hard hitting characters, so if Sonic makes it in he could well end up being "my guy".
  24. It'll be sometime tomorrow afternoon, probably around 4-ish GMT would be my guess, so don't wait up.
  25. I've yet to savour any of Mario's papery goodness, so I will pray for his coming to VC. I really should play some, I know.
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