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Everything posted by gaggle64

  2. Personal Top 5 Predictions/Factless Guesswork: 1. 6 new characters for Brawl revealed with more (a.ka. Sonic) to be unveiled at TGS 2. Brand new Pikmin sequel. 3. Playable Olympics demo. 4. Reggie details upcoming online games. 5. Oodles of Brain Training cash ins.
  3. Weren't Squeenix having a bit of a tif with Ninty over friend codes a while back? This has to have some kind of online shinanigans surely.
  4. Thing is though, if that is true, that would probably mean that Iwata is currently repeateadly slamming Sakurais head in a car door somewhere, yelling and screaming as Regginald Fils-Aime calmly smokes a cigarette, keeping a sharp eye out, diswading intervention as blood trickles past his shoes. *SLAM SLAM* "Put online into the game!" "NEVEEEEER!" *SLAM SLAM SLAM*
  5. I just hope there's a big chunky online multiplayer mode. If they basically re-released the first CC with online multiplayer, I'd buy it tommorow. I want a nice big co-op experience to savour. A big 1st player action adventure is all well and good, but I want my comrades by my side. The video did put me in mind of PSO somehow. I will pray hard every day that that is the direction this game takes.
  6. I know about Play. I also know about that Royksopp CD they never sent me. May as well get it from town anyway, probably won't get it until Wednesday otherwise.
  7. So, what say you fellows, is this worth £40 of my precious munnies?
  8. Rambo First Blood: Part II Because apparently there wasn't enough blood-letting in part I. Luckily, very few Americans currently reside in post-war Vietnam, so Sly Stallone is let loose back in his jungle to let off some steam, presumably as part of the recovery process from the crippiling mental stress caused by the actual Vietnam war. I look forward to the Iraq equivalent in about six to eight years time. 5/10
  9. Essentially, yes. Basically they only wanted professional journos so that they don't get hundreds of second rate forum-based idiots bad mouthing their projects because they can't grasp the concept that games actually take time, money and effort to produce.
  10. Might be up around midnight GMT if we're lucky.
  11. Well, you now have the Reggienators word of honour (According to Kotaku, at any rate,) that SMG will very certainly be out and about by the end of this year. So hopefully that means what? An early-ish Spring release for Europe y'think?
  12. Kotaku says Prime and Smash info will be at E3, so it doesn't look like they were present at this event.
  13. Doesn't look like there's any solid new info on Smash until E3 folks. Because waiting is harr-dest paaaaarrrt....
  14. I can only think of a couple of conflicts that have been waged over largely religious principles. Most wars over the last few hundred years have all seem to be either imperial conquest, the result of rival power blocks or fought across the battle lines of strictly political ideologies.
  15. Oh, Echoes definitely rewarded you but it needed a little perseverance. The way I see it playing Prime was like having straight sex. Echoes was Prime dressed up in leather bondage gear, handcuffing you to the bed and whipping your bare buttocks enthusiastically. Bad boy! BAD BOY!
  16. I really liked Dark Aether. With a change of environment it changed the game plan, creating a monstrous and brutally hostile world, a step up from a simple change in scenery as seen in most other games that use the light/dark theme. It thus turned much of the game into a series of fiendish map and logic puzzles, as well as throwing increasingly hostile gribbilies that seem utterly alien even compared to what was already on Aether itself.
  17. Captain Scarlet. Mysteron agent for life, bitches.
  18. I must say I also fail utterly to see how anyone could so much difference between Prime and Echoes. I'd certainly say Prime is slightly better then Echoes, but in the same sort of fashion in which I prefer milk chocolate to dark. It's all good.
  19. Man I better get back and finish Echoes actually. I can't even remember why I stopped? It was really starting to ratchet things up too.
  20. Why invite the internet press to then? Choo choo!
  21. I'm sure the NDA will only be for a couple of days. Why hold a press conference more then a full month before the press are allowed to report anything?
  22. "Hey everyone, check out all this awesome game crap we got going on here! But don't tell anyone. Not a soul. Shhhhhhhhh."
  23. So tomorrow then, ya? For a minute there I though you meant next week.
  24. The game was looking mighty tasty in motion back at E3, so I don't think you could legitimately complain on that front.
  25. Indeed. Just listened to it and it is quite something. Is that fully orchestrated?
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