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Everything posted by gaggle64

  1. Well then, I guess were all back to this "depends what you like" paradox, with the 360 and Wii offering such different play experiences. I think it's worth reminding ourselves howver that we've so far seen only a fraction of what the Wii can, it being still so young and yet is still able to compete viruently against the 360, a console now well into it's prime.
  2. Well they would pretty much have to redesign the entire games mechanics from the ground up, as well as rebuilding levels (the Krauser knife fights in particular) to incorperate it without being a hinderence to the player. And then of course most players would just be running around slashing wildly at enemies anyway, so what would be the point? It's not like they can just shoehorn it in with some glue at the end, it would have to something that was part of the design process from the very point of conception.
  3. That's largely because they're both GC ports.
  4. By the sounds of things the only thing you can do is hope for the apropriate patch or driver update, but don't hold your breath. Welcome to the wacky world of cross-generational OS and hardware upgrades. Besides I'm guessing you didn't plump for 4GB of ram and an 8800 just to play Tribes.
  5. Happy Birthday Dante, assuming the English language translates efficently enough into 0s and 1s.
  6. Gamespot are broadcasting a 4-hour SPM marathon in about 5 mins if anyone's interested (and has a lot of time to waste).
  7. My only minor concern at this time (and I'm sure Capcom will reach the same conclusion) is that when I shoot a zombie I don't just want that traditional poofs of blood. I want to able to blow gaping torso holes and limbs off. Surely a must if there is any point in the whole lightgun theme.
  8. Happy B-day Jordan!
  9. So, what happens if it has a controller novelties and also happens to be a good game? Will you simply split yourself in half like bacterium and let each part of you go it's seperate way?
  10. I think you made the best possible choice. Well done sir.
  11. So theoretically I could use my external hard drive currently tethered to my PC for storage, ja?
  12. I aim to please. :wink: Anyway, yes I also demand Lylat Wars, or even better Starwing. Just as long as it hits before I have to go back to college, ain't got a connection for my Wii down there.
  13. If I was feeling a cruel I'd probably suggest that they make a special Welsh addition where they simply turn the rain on every level instead of bothering linking it to the weather channel.
  14. One thing I like to say is that nobody, NOBODY, should be sitting at home right now with their Wii thinking to themselves "Man, there's nothing to play on this!" There are plenty of great games, on shelves, right now, which should keep even the most jaded gamer entertained until the next big Mario or Zelda game. Or the rapture. It annoys me no end that there still seem to be people out their sitting with their solitary copies of Zelda and Wii Sports gathering dust, complaining that "there's nothing good to play", which is rather like trying to convince your doctor you're unwell because you aren't actually shitting diamonds.
  15. Pain! And pissed off at lazy NHS dentists. Grargh.
  16. I've been playing this on the PC, and it's really quite good. Unlike COD where you're a lone super soldier wading through the entire male population of central Europe, this requires a little bit of tactial common sense to work your way through what is essentialy a series of startegic puzzles. Puzzles involving grenades, rifles and machine guns. By "all 31 levels" I assume they mean everything from the last two games?
  17. Bit of an odd entity this. Looks like this could be a nice n' bloody light-gun style blast, but RE spinoffs have never exactly had the best track record. Looks nice enough at any rate. As for the puzzle thing, can't say I've ever been overly enamoured with your average Resi puzzle. Going off course briefly for a big punch up with some huge gribly (a la Resi 4) to get the key is fair enough. What I could never stand repeatedly running from one end of the mansion to the other trying to find some arsing whistle to kill a dog who has a key to a chest containing a memo telling me where the statue I need is to get to a chamber with a slippy squares puzzle in it that gives me the last jewel I need to unlock the clock with the music sheets inside so I can play the piano to unlock the door. Or something like that. I always pitied Umbrella Corp employees, must have taken them at least a couple of hours just to figure out how to get to the bog.
  18. How challenging and explody is this? Can I turn down the difficulty and take my time blowing shit up? I could really do with some of that right now.
  19. The problem is of course, would an actual, realistic sword fight system be any fun?
  20. Personally I'd cling on to the Wii for now and save up for those newfangled "Elite" 360s that'll be out later.
  21. Yep, definitly Heatseeker. I like planes and I like explosions, for sure a match made in heaven.
  22. There are only 2 things that would convince me to buy it again: Co-op and Mii-zombies. I'll take either or both.
  23. Unless my copy of Resi4 for GC suddenly decides it's had enough and immolates itself or something, can't say I see myself picking this up.
  24. Of course, the next big system seller (Brain Training) isn't likely to appeal to the "hardcore fans" in the slightest. Like the DS version it will almost certainly shift squillions of games and consoles, but into the hands of your gaming grandma and all her friends. Lets face it, we're a minor revenue stream now.
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