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Everything posted by Frank

  1. So obvious that The Mad Monkey is trying to be a wannabe Diageo.
  2. To answer that puzzling question -- yes, that was my old name. I've slowly but surely shed that part of me and I am now a new person! sorta. Currently going through your website. Delightful read. Good tone
  3. Frank


    Sméagol. You had me at Nina. I love the line See-line woman, sleeps all day Balls all night.
  4. Frank


    :heart::heart::heart: Best thing ever!
  5. I find the whole 'Put up your hand' thing quite funny. Of course my class and I did it when we were like 7/8. Yet, currently it's just a matter of shouting it out. Particularly in our Math's class. I love how it sounds. The cacophony of variables. I also find that the "cliques" of certain groups holds true in most schools. There's no nastiness in it though. Everyone is generally nice to everyone. Take today as an example, walking down a street to meet up with a few friends and the equivalent of, say, the "plastics" all asked me if I was alone and wanted to sit with them. D'awww
  6. Yesh! Listen to dr4hkon! I prefer Miso Similar story to how Marilyn Monroe got her name. Apparently, what I've heard is that she had 2 'M's on her palms. The more you know!
  7. That poor snail Talk about being easy for predators to see. S/He'll never last I haven't read your blog thoroughly yet so I'll get back to you
  8. In reply to RePajman Yes! I remember that dream you mentioned in that bloody dream thread that has evaporated or somethin. Actually, what I loved the most about that dream was how you, Paj, had really odd hot pink hair. It was really frizzy and was sorta clown-esque...but straight. It amused me ~ ~ ~ Today was my favourite day, like, ever. I talked to a Hungarian Monk
  9. I can not find the "Dreams" thread Alas, I'll post my short dream here as, I suppose, it could be considered good. I had my first N-E dream last night It was extremely short and uneventful but I'll post it because...it now means I'm part of some cult, right? N-E has finally entered my subconscious mind D: Tout de même, I remember ReZ (of course! :p) and Paj walking with me towards my house, from somewhere around my village/somewhere. We got into my house and the funny thing was that Paj was the one who terrified my family, not ReZ! *gasp* 'Born This Way' came on the radio and Paj ran over to it and began to blare it while jumping/dancing? hysterically. ReZ, at this point, disappeared and then I woke up. Yes I know, boring, but thought you should know.
  10. Much prefer the idea of sunrise rather than night-time. I'm not overtly fussed but it seems to set the correct tone that you want -- which is hope. Fookin' music makes my fookin' ears cry for more!! It's one of the most pleasing sounds to have ever...yeah...
  11. I was told that my face looks androgynous today :/ Hrm. I don't like. Scratch that. I can be the new Grace Jones. Who readay fo' may!?
  12. Perhaps he's just showing his teeth? Show Me Yo' Teeth! Can't silently judge the hair, from that photo it looks like a slightly off-tinted black :p
  13. I came upon this thread randomly after noticing a ghost guest was viewing it. It made me think of Emily Dickinson. Just such an amazing woman and poet. I'm aware that she seems to be the "typical" or even "cliché" poet that teens/young adults full of angst radiate towards. I don't know. Reading her poetry she just sounds so beyond her time. So beyond any time. The imagery conjured in her poetry leaves my imagination suffer diarrhea. Recently I've escaped the constraints of my school poetry book and have just begun to read some much lesser known work. To me, it feels as if she's helped poetry in so many ways. One of my favorites that I've read, I DIED for beauty, but was scarce Adjusted in the tomb, When one who died for truth was lain In an adjoining room. He questioned softly why I failed? “For beauty,” I replied. “And I for truth,—the two are one; We brethren are,” he said. And so, as kinsmen met a night, We talked between the rooms, Until the moss had reached our lips, And covered up our names.
  14. Spent the entire day with 2 good friends yesterday. Originally planned to be a 'Study Day'. Comedy ensued. My new favorite word is "profound".
  15. I feel more pressure than usual, being the 2nd poster, to think of something profound and witty. (meh) Happy Birthday! :D :D
  16. Very interesting ideas, thank you! I came up with 2 ideas but was quickly shut down. My sister said it reminded her a lot of the Village people, which I agreed with. I'm intrigued by your idea, Jay, of highlighting the similarities rather than the differences. I will test the idea of 3 super-imposed images making a globe shape. It could work. Ash, it's only the one poster so I wouldn't be able to do what you're advising. Thanks though I'm surprised that I hadn't thought of the whole gender issue of Shakespearian times myself. It would definitely be unique, which is want I need.
  17. ...shite. No, I didn't :p How on earth did I manage that? My grandest apologies.
  18. Curses! The forum has failed me Thanks for the, somewhat, suggestion though Paj. If it helps I have some focus on what to include. As mentioned there is the typical fat, viking woman, traditional Indian theatre, traditional Japanese theatre, Romeo & Juliet-style and ballet. Hmm, I thought there was more. Maybe I'm forgetting something. I'm still, however, going through an artistic block at the minute. Since watching Billy Elliot/Black Swan/I hear ballet music when I'm studying, I feel like I could do something really interesting with that theme. As you mentioned theatre is waiting for jokes. Perhaps a ballet dancer yet not your typical dancer. Something more international? I'm on the verge of something...
  19. Why of course! (another example of the perfect woman.)
  20. Oh lord, Paj is gonna have a spasm from his brain all through his spinal chord when he sees this thread. ~~~ Quite glad about this. I've recently seen Casablanca. Lovely propaganda film. My favourite scene is where the entire club chants the French National Anthem. So moving :') Ingrid Birdman is also the definition of a perfect woman Her smile...I melt in three. Shortly after I watched Music And Lyrics staring DREW BARRIMORE AND HUGH GRANT. Enjoyable movie. A romantic comedy where your brain doesn't have to think much I now want to be Drew Barrimore. She is ME! Edit: of course Paj manages to post in seconds flat before me :/
  21. Disappointment. 45/250. I expected at least 70 Oh well, I'm just that avant-guard, obviously. Thank fuck for Hitchcock though. I'm sure most of my choices were his movies
  22. Happy Birthday! I'm not intelligent enough to think of a something punny.
  23. Apologies if I'm turning this into a 'art help' sub-forum. But I NEEDZ help! I'm trying to think of suitable ideas for my very important art project. Usually we have a week but our year has gotten an extra four weeks due to Easter placement et cetera. The theme is "International Theatre Festival". Sounds easy but 2 other guys are doing the same theme. Thus I can't have my project based around the skull of Yorick. *Don't know what the 2nd is doing" I brain-stormed today. I'm thinking of portrait style. The lettering (compulsory) will be going in a downwards direction on the left of the page. On the right will be my composition. As it is a poster it obviously has to be easy to understand and for the message to be clear. Thus, I'm thinking of the balcony scene in Romeo&Juliet (cliché? yes but it's a poster). For Juliet I'll be drawing an image of the typical Viking/Fat woman. For Romeo I'm thinking of drawing an Indian man dressed in traditional clothing for Indian Theatre. A spotlight will be drawn so all you can see is the 2 characters and a little bit of the balcony but I definitely won't clutter the poster with intricate drawings of the entire balcony. Also pondering if I should include the 'comedy/tragedy' masks. Such as replacing them with letters in "International Theatre Festival" Any ideas? I'm still uncertain and stumped on whether it's a good idea
  24. I know It confuses me. I don't understand why she didn't have this one... It's a lot better At least the special edition is, like Ashley said, a close-up of her face. Speaking of her lyrics, I do quite like them. I appreciate that she at least writes her own lyrics. I mean...I really do love the lyrics to "Judas" "I'll wash his feet with my hair if he needs Forgive him when his tongue lies through his brain" "In the most Biblical sense, I am beyond repentance Fame hooker, prostitute wench, vomits her mind But in the cultural sense I just speak in future tense Judas kiss me if offenced, Or wear an ear condom next time" Give me that instead of "PUT YO HANS UUP!!" For the 1000th time...
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