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Everything posted by Frank

  1. This oddly made me cry. Strange given I rarely cry.
  2. O the mind, mind has mountains; cliffs of fall Frightful, sheer, no-man-fathomed. Hold them cheap May who ne’er hung there.
  3. In celebration of my long, long Leaving Cert exams finishing I treated myself to a movie I would recommend anyone to watch "The Trouble With Harry" by Alfred Hitchcock if they haven't already! Pleasantly surprised, fantastic black humor and morbid themes. The 4 main characters made me crave. They're just the kind of people you want to hand around with...maybe in my dreams...
  4. Interesting take for a video, especially given it's Lady Gaga! Change is nice, s'pose. I'm liking the Tina Turner vibe I get from it She's an Acid Queen! (I'm positive there's another video somewhere though. It was basically confirmed the video would be "fish-y" i.e. have mermaids etc. All the more conspicuous given she recently preformed as a Mermaid. Odd.) Maybe it's relating to Clerence's stroke. She really doesn't have it good with the BIG stars. McQueen takes his life, Clerence has a stroke...
  5. I'm sorry Mike. I do it only so you can be the best you can be. (Coolness, that avatar is FIERCE! *tyra finger shake*)
  6. What?! Cropping is the foundation of interesting art. Cropping makes it cryptic and enigmatic. I love yours Eddage Especially the sig. Mike Well, to be perfectly honest you're not doing yourself much favors posting next to Eddage :p Nevertheless, a nice combination. Don't think it's anything mind-blowing but quite nice + distinct. 5.7/10
  7. Exams and Studying = Finished ! ...I'm Bored... Bittersweet reaction. Good to finally be done. First good night sleep in 8 months! :D :D :D :D Party and party and YEAH! FUN, FUN, FUN!
  8. I've been told that I look uncannily similar to André Breton. I first came across him in one my Art Books. French poet and, essentially, in charge of the Surrealism movement (I love the woman behind him.) (If Robert Pattinson & Wolverine had fallen in love...implanted a womb in one of them...add some estrogen... progesterone....hard-core sex...9 months...Paj.)
  9. Don't listen to him. You were born that way. Your gifs are my everything.
  10. I'm not who I portray myself to be.
  11. Poetry...my favorite. (Subtle reminder to make a poetry thread on N-E...)
  12. After my exams Ego rubbing? It was more so...a wonderful message. You're disgusted but feel pleasure. Guilt. Ok, I'm tired. Your welcome. You deserve it all though.
  13. Jayseven, don't degrade yourself to such a character. You'd be...Shakespeare himself. Yes. I like your character choices. It's nice to add mythology to prosaic aspects of la vie quotidien. Now, my mission is clear. In typical Shakspear fashion - "O! I have been Slaine!" will roar from my lungs when I am, eventually, stabbed. I love when they scream
  14. Sacre rouge! Partout, il y a du sage partout! J'en sais pas. My nose is crying rivering tears of crimson blood. I love nose-bleeds. Distracting for exam studying though...yes, Gavin -- now's a good time...my exams are finished in 2 days. Fuck me!
  15. I always imagine you as the perfect Hamlet, Danny. Being Danish and all - perfect. You should write in pure soliloquy Words. Words. Words.
  16. I've never been happier being single. Actual Good Friends just seem so much more fulfilling + satisfying. No stupid shit bothering me. All good. No ties. No worries. Exactly what I need. Hallelujah. Christ has entered the room.
  17. (she ain't got anything on Gaga.) But...wow...I. Lurve. Rebbe-Kaka Black She is incapable of bad.
  18. Oi...2/10 exams finished from my Leaving Cert. All good so far. I'll be done this time next week. Sweet Devine lord...thank jebus. I love how before each exam our examiner does the 'Hail Mary' with us.
  19. I've yet to come across a song that I really like of hers. I'm not a fan of her voice. Does seem genuinely nice though.
  20. Ah! This is one of my favorite(?) or probably a thought I love to ponder. Sometimes I'd love to die right now. Not in the morbid or suicidal way but more because I'd love to see the reaction! Who would show up? Would there be a horribly depressing ambiance at school? Who would take it the worst? What would the speeches be? Would N-E be informed of my passing? I'd love to read your reaction (I'm prepared for silly jokes after this.) Yes, I sometimes feel I can be a horrible person. Bloody narcissism.
  21. Studying in the Sun! I think I have a true farmers tan... Sexy...
  22. Unsure. I think you look better before. A little too skinny now. (Too insulting? )
  23. This has been on my mind quite a lot. Funny, I've been reminded, by myself, of my early failings during my painfully shy days. First year of school -- great friends with one girl. She puts on ocean between us by moving to America. 2nd -- Great friends with one guy. He becomes clinically depressed and drops out of school. 3rd -- Another great friend. He moves school. Oh dear. Plus, I've come to realize that part of my college coarse includes an entire year in France/possibly Germany. Great but away from friends again Said this to one of my friends. Said "Don' worry, Gav. We're not goin' anywhere.". It was really...just so nice.
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