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Everything posted by Frank

  1. No, unfortunately The Leaving Cert is coming soon...need all the classes I can get. Plus, I ain't got nobody (double negative! grammar fail) to go with me. I'm sure we'd be best buds if I could go. Sad Face. Kinda funny mentioning about the class thing as I'm leaving school early to buy 'Born This Way' WHICH IS ALSO OUT ON MY BIRTHDAY!!!
  2. Could I send you a request also? If it's not too much trouble, of course. (It'd be great to have an Alfred Hitchcock-ian+Psycho themed sig Basically what I have now...but something that actually looks visually appealing)
  3. ...I don't like to talk about it...
  4. Spoke with an old woman I've never met before. Lovely woman. We chatted for 20 minutes or so. Quite odd, actually. I seem to attract weirdos. That was good but she told me I spoke with quite a British/American twang. Ugh. No offence intended...but I want to sound properly Irish! It's all I have.
  5. Ah bollocks. I forgot that HBO special was on Sky1 tonight My dad entered the room and reminded me but I only got Bad Romance + Born This Way. Beautiful, nonetheless
  6. Disappointed. I was hoping that he'd stay until Wednesday. I had planned to head up to Dublin/wherever to get a glimpse of him I'd love to see him. Some consolation that he is coming to Ireland on my birthday!!. Happy about that. Nothing excited usually happens on my birthday. I like Obama's smile.
  7. How's this the first time I've heard of 'The Rapture'?
  8. That video! So retro, I love it. I perpetually enjoy how intense these threads with contemporary female pop stars become.
  9. And me and my Bestie playing in the mud together. Quiet you. Or we'll give ya whiplash!
  10. Yay! The photos of my super adventure have finally arrived. Prepare to be bestowed some of my favorites. Accomplishing the wish of the majority of those visiting the Heaven on Earth: Flying. Creating a super-hero force in my spare-time.
  11. To live in the depth of eroticism with Gustav Klimt. Throw in some Dali to make things weird.
  12. I love playing a really heavy "beat-y" song and then watching people walk in unison to the music. I like to pretend they're making the music with their feet.
  13. Like her in general. I love her dancing in the video Not much of an opinion on the song. Seems OK.
  14. Ok, faith somewhat restored. I feel like I can trust you here rather than the clowns who post on GagaDaily. I'm still going to wait until next Tuesday!
  15. Welcome. Dont be strangers!
  16. Sigh. Talk about disappointed. This was one of the more interesting sounding titles of the album, I felt. Nothing screams out at me in that song Quite boring. Worried.
  17. Don't worry, Paj! I'll save you [/ReZ magic] Jay! Post more. I miss your incite into life. Somewhat odd confession.
  18. I'm still gonna post this. I'm in love! I adore when she does jazz covers. It's like my 2 loves converging. Tight Pants and Bad Attitudes! Hair coming soon
  19. Yes. I'm sure it was very hard.
  20. Just realised I forgot ReZ!? I'm on the 8th page. I'll be first eventually...give me one year.
  21. Please remember that I still have your message in my inbox.


    I have not forgotten you! :( I will reply :grin:

  22. Such a measley score of 10/50 Such obvious ones I missed which is crazy. Actually, I'm going to say I got 12 because I'm sure I was spelling Eenuh's name correctly. Just checked now, didn't realise the double "E". Plus I kept putting an underscore for mcj_metroid. Oh well. I usually identify with people's avatar/picture rather than name. Much better memory with pictures. [/my way of justifying my failure]
  23. Yes! Yes! Yes! That really annoyed the shit out of me. It's just so...ughr. You'd think they'd sing in German, at least, considering it's the most widely spoken "mother tongued" language in Europe. (Wanted Jedward to win. I don't understand the hype for Sweden. Pretty dire, I thought.)
  24. In a restaurant being served by a waiter who was, literally, the spitting image of Rami Malek... I melted in my spuds...then came.
  25. My art exam is finished! I'm very happy with the turn-out, particularly a life-drawing that I did. This also happens to be the same project that I was asking about in the General Gallery. For those curious I ended up with a western-looking, ginger headed woman in an extremely masculine African mask. Her posture is very awkward and her hands/feet close along the border, mime-esque. I also did a giant Kingfisher in a separate picture, made using just thousands of dots with Oil Pastel. If I remember, I'll inform you of the results when I get them back in August :p
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