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Everything posted by Frank

  1. And grammatically incorrect French at that! Ce n'est pas "Je suis du camping", c'est Je fais du camping. Quel bête! :p
  2. I love how resourceful you can be.

  3. Why yes, of course, you likey?

  4. Urm, I very much prefer Coolness Bears :laughing:


    That is also exactly what I thought! OH MAI!!


    But who knows, I think I could have been 10 when I first came up with that nick-name :p

    I began to detest any recognition of that name when someone said it to me teasingly in school :(


    Luckily, I have now officially shed all my old skin. The name shall forever be lost in the black abyss of the inter-webz

  5. I just adore how unusual this sounds. I think this is possibly one of my favs on the i-pod. There isn't much positivity about this song from Youtube et cetera but oh well! CHUUUUNAGE!!! (That Maxence Cyrin piano piece is lush )
  6. Maaaan, so much better. I lurve this too much, the bridge is the best. I feel the groove. I am drunk -- on LIFE! Or somethin' else, friend. : Put your hands on me...John F. Kennedy
  7. Damn, my disguise has been revealed!


    But yes, I have been re-birthed. By that grazing cow that you love, I think.

    How'd you like me new name? It doesn't seem to have garnered much popularity in the name changes thread :(


    I will stand by it though!

  8. It's Patrick's Day, Patrick's Day! Gonna chill with MA freh-ends cuz it's Patrick's Day. FUN. FUN. FUN. FUNN!!
  9. Oh pish-posh D4! Faaawk saaik :p Where you'll find your typical snobs [being stereotypical] Seriously though, I stayed in a hotel before called Bewleys, I think. It may have one or two other words wacked on. Great and VERY cheap hotel. You have to pay for breakfast but I can't think of any actual faults Very much recommended!!
  10. Thank you It feels odd but I'll accustom myself. Like a bird ready to fly for the first time, I'm reborn like Sarah Vaughan.
  11. Yes please You can add an 'o' to the end to make it more edgy :p Frrranco
  12. I feel like I'm basing this too much on your opinions. Not annoyed in any way, I -myself- asked for your opinions so thanks It feels too right though. Last time, if it's OK Ashley/mystery (wo)men in charge. I'd like my name changed to "Frank" please.
  13. *sigh* I don't know anymore. Frankly (lol), I do prefer "Frank". Perhaps your just accustomed to Nintendo-master. Any reason why you prefer that name Mastur is pretty cool though :p
  14. ...aw guuuuuys, come on! Stop it Don't be a drag. (You know you love the name Any chance of it actually happening?) P.S. Quite like the fact that Ross could pass for an older version of me
  15. In fairness I've wanted to do this since last summer :p I can't help thinking of new ones. Recently I wanted to change it to "Safronia". I feel more enticed by "Frank" though. It's perfect Could you seriously change it to "Frank"? I need to shed. (Totally serious btw, come on Ashley! ) Please and thank you
  16. It just feels so layered, so unpredictable. I...somehow am in love with this song. The beginning mmm mm mm mmm mm mmm mm How she changes the chorus to a more powerful "happiness" by the end is lovely 8.0/10
  17. When I look at those pictures, Paj, I think of...
  18. Jesus Christ, I just heard about the volcano warning as well... Also did I hear right that Japan are refusing any aid? As for the American 'issue', in spite of the fact that I'm not the biggest fan of the U.S.A. it's quite silly to generalise a population of over 300,000,000 based on a few idiots.
  19. I'd say you could even increase that number on some of your videos. Remember that apparently my old Irish teacher loves showing your videos to classes of about 30 or so Perhaps not the ones that seem like porn though :p Congrats all the same
  20. Surprised by the complete lack of sympathy by some in this thread. I saw a few amateur videos of people affected. For some reason I feel a lot sadder about this disaster than others
  21. Oh how long I've waited to hear you say the word "stunning" to me :p Like a father saying "Good Job, Son" I'm in an odd mood today. Wait...I thought you didn't like milk, Diageo? :p
  22. @mcj Metroid Some practical+very useful techniques. Get yourself some real good earphones and listen to the music you need. Different music calms people down so whatever you're down with I always find I can get immersed in a good book very easily also.
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