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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Isn't this almost identical to "rate the song above thread"? (I feel strange that I'm liking Nicki Minaj more and more whenever I hear her D: damn you Paj for introducing her to me!!)
  2. Happy happy birthday ReZ!! Have some drinkz on me
  3. Urm...top of my head... Dee Men: Alfred Hitchcock Barack Obama Clint Eastwood Justin Bieber Eamon de Valera ReZ :p Dee Women: Marlyn Monroe Amy Winehouse Lisbeth Salander Edith Piaf Nina Simone Countess Markievicz
  4. Finished my mocks today. Wahh-hoo! I only had 1 exam -- English, which went fairly well Wrote about 15 or so pages about Hamlet as a hero/villain, a comparitive question, and why I like Robert Frost. Happy out. Now, I'm going to sleep for the a few days... Btw...Danny! ...I'm impressed
  5. Although you seem like you do it anyway but does creating something using your creative side not help with the stress? I've never worked on something (painting/sketching/working with clay) purposely to take my mind off of things but whenever I do these things my mind is completely focused on that and usually not much else. hope it helps
  6. Not really sure if this is a good or bad thing. But my hand was aching for hours after doing my History test and Art History test today. For history alone I ended up writing 24 A4 pages in 2hours and 50 minutes. Ow
  7. Agree with most about not liking them. I love the one Beyoncé did with Armani diamonds though...and the adds that Ella Fitzgerald did with KFC + this tape company. (she scats in the KFC one!!) Can't help but think SELL-OUT when I see them though :/
  8. Oh! I thought you just meant you won't see each other until the date. But a wall too? Seems pretty silly (Possibility someone's going to bash me about being shallow.)
  9. How about just staying in complete silence? Just stare at him intensely and don't utter a word.
  10. Fairly similar to most people. Disliked her a lot before but I can't help but love her new album. On the way to go see the Black Swan my cousin was playing Loud in the car. I actually loved it. Red hair makes her 1000000000+ times better too Her interviews are a bitch though. Painful to watch :\
  11. You're too funny! (screw you bitch!) :p
  12. My "HD" or just better resolution thing finally came yesterday! Brawl has never looked so good, my eyes came when I saw it
  13. I'm off to see this later today with my cousin and sister I can't wait as I've heard such good stuff about it. I asked a few friends if they wanted to go see it. Not even one :/ Funnily enough this made me lol, 2 friends and myself were walking to this place to study in Limerick. I asked them if they wanted to see Black Swan and they just pointed out this -- http://maps.google.ie/maps?f=q&source=s_q&hl=en&q=train+station&sll=52.659371,-8.624815&sspn=0.001803,0.005493&ie=UTF8&t=h&rq=1&ev=p&split=1&radius=0.14&hq=train+station&hnear=&ll=52.659296,-8.626038&spn=0,0.005493&z=18&layer=c&cbll=52.659294,-8.626045&panoid=IbMdrH2YjQ5L_eu5CABb4Q&cbp=12,325.91,,1,3.73
  14. Watched a few videos about the riots before I came on this thread. It's fascinating watching so many riots around the world, particularly in England/Ireland as I can relate to them the greatest. It feels like the entire world is just in absolute chaos (possibly is) ~ ~ ~ ~ I wanted to post something a little more philosophical but my knowledge is limited about this subject and I've been awake for 22 hours. Sorry
  15. Wow, N-E has a serious amount of LGBT
  16. I had to google the place. Darn those typical Americans. As for a boycott...maybe something a little more local, perhaps? :p
  17. I was just going to say good-luckn I realised you wrote that 2 days ago. Slight lol So how'd it go?
  18. Well a mixture of my I-pod and the fact I'm a little tired after studying for 7 hours, I'm slightly forgetful so I wasn't sure if is said the same thing twice the same thing twice. Maybe you're right about the grandma, who knows!! Your guess is as good as man. Also what the hell's with that shop?! Any idea where that is?
  19. Frank


    Er...uh...yessir... ...never mind
  20. Frank


    New sig = win She reminds me of a philosophical-looking girl I saw today when I was eating soup in a café. She was just staring out the window, smiling. I could tell. She had a purpose.
  21. Darn tootin. Well, I'm sure he has a video about it if you search. I guess some are just awful at knowing whether someone is gay. I feel like I'm stereotyping when I say that as some come across as completely "straight"/don't have the terribly obvious traits. I'm blabbering, sorry. Anyway, IIRC, he had to come out several times to his Granda also. His Granda kept forgetting. Being senile an what not. I don't think it's that shocking though. Maybe his Nana knew straight guys can be just as camp/more. *slightly irrelevant anecdote* I lolled after a girl in my school recently shouted in utter surprise "Elton John is GAY?!?!?!" some people can't even tell the pretty obvious or stereotypical gays. Also no offense taken. I apologise if this comment is really messy and repetitive. In using an I-pod :p
  22. Frank


    Times like this I'm feckin' proud to be Iur-ish. Any thread I see about accents the Irish accent is usually quite popular in sexiness. Ooh yeah. Then again you should listen to the women in Limerick. LOL :P it's brilliant As for mee, I'm from "de wesht". So a culchie accent I have.
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