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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Probably Pokémon (any I'm not sure), Animal Crossing or Brawl/Melee. I'd put my bets on Animal Crossing though. I shiver at the HOURS I spent creating and caring for those damn flowers!
  2. Some of these comments are so long! I'll try keep mine short. I didn't even remember some movies until I saw them in this thread. Scott Pilgrim, Avatar, Salt, Harry Potter + Toy Story = Avatar gets way too much hate for being "over-rated". That's why I love it even more Scott Pilgrim & Salt were probably my favorites. I also enjoyed How to Train Your Dragon :p Alice in Wonderland was watchable because of Helena Boham Carter I still enjoyed it though. Shrek...yuck!! AAARRGHGHGTJRTSIK Going to watch Inception tomorrow on MA NEEU HD 1080 LCD 27.5" TV!!
  3. Happy New Year all! I loved 2010 so I'm hoping for a similar 2011. *I have nothing witty/interesting to say*
  4. They look like they're made of biscuit material...cuz' we are livin' in a material world... I'm hungry now. I've a slight fascination for eyes so thanks for the links. It really is fascinating!
  5. I thanked you for just the sheer oddness of your post... The squeh roo' of 69 is 8 somethin'...right?
  6. I wish more old people like my Nana and Granda would talk about their past more. I find those kind of stories fascinating whenever I do hear them. I want to hear them especially from my maternal Grandparents. My Nana was a nurse (only found that out this year...last year?...2010) and worked in England which is quite interesting. Then, my Granda was a really well-known/loved man in a small village in the North. We(My family) visited there this year and it was so strange seeing the reaction of people when they found out we were related to my Granda. They still remembered him well Oh my, I'm rambling :p I can't wait to get old and ramble. Even now most people say I'm like an 82 year old man stuck in a teenage body
  7. I was just about to mention why you didn't say Rihanna given your picture/avatar. I'm also SHOCKED that you haven't even mentioned Willow Smith :shocked: Have you...stopped whippin yo hur?!
  8. Yeah, I knew about the lack of proper HD but for whatever reason that was what I called it Anyway, I ordered it a few days ago off of Amazon so I'm hoping it'll be here soon Although, I don't think it will get much use until I buy another Wii game and it seems that won't be until the new Zelda will be out :p Oh! Thanks for the advice fellers, by duh way
  9. bow down, bitches (I've been mostly listening to old EP's this year. I got into Edith Piaf, Yves Montand, Jacques Briel and then after all the praise in this forum I decided to listen to Joanna Newsom and Fiona Apple. I'm now in love with Fiona :p Nothing new though. Next year will hopefully be great with Adele's, Amy Winehouse's, Fiona Apple's and Lady Gaga's new album )
  10. I "get" the hipster comics but I must admit, I find these arguments/debates on N-E much more funny and almost ridiculous.
  11. Same thing I do every year... Try to take over the world! Go to my Aunt/Uncle's house. As boring as it sounds on paper it's always great fun. The entire family come together and there are plenty of cousins etc. who are my age (plus siblings) who I get on very well with so it's always fun. I'm looking forward to it Plus there's always a lot of old people drunk...the best!
  12. Christmas morning I wake to find a monster of a T.V. downstairs waiting for me. It's a 27.5" HD 1080p (I think) Hanspree (name of the company) TV. As I'm replacing a 15" SD T.V., which looks tiny in comparison, I was very excited to discover what the Wii looked like. Although it looked quite impressive on a huge T.V., I couldn't help but be slightly annoyed at how blurry it looked. Essentially, I was thinking of buying that HD cable for the Wii which makes the picture sharper. Here's the TV --> http://www3.shopping.com/Hannspree-ST289MUB/info Here's the cable --> http://www.amazon.co.uk/Nintendo-Official-Component-Video-Cable/dp/B000JJRV90/ref=sr_1_6?ie=UTF8&qid=1293502264&sr=8-6 Anyone have it? And is it worth buying? Thank you
  13. - 27.5" T.V. - The "girl with the dragon tattoo" book series - 4 Beatles CD's - La Vie En Rose - The new Professor Layton and Hotel Dusk sequel Then a bunch of smaller, quirky stuff too. Happy out! I enjoy family "get-togethers" OH! And a Gaga 2011 calender (My parents know me so well :p)
  14. That Justin Bieber look-a-like is too emotionless for me :S She just...stands there and shifts her eyes. It creeped me out :/
  15. I liked that I used to always watch Charmed when I was younger so the video helped :p Not the best piece of music I've heard but better than a lot.
  16. You're leaving it quite late buying a Christmas Tree, Danny :p How come?
  17. I have that same hat! (pointless comment...I know...but it is a nice hat)
  18. Nothing so far but my God-Mother gave me €150. Nice
  19. I feel bad that it took my half the video to realize you weren't speaking English :p Please tell us when you open it what it is though!!
  20. Christmas Eve!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I love it!!! The mood is just so different and I love the music
  21. I never liked PDA. I've always felt it should be done in private rather than in front of everyone, but that's just my opinion :/ I'm not crazy about the whole "honey" thing either. I don't think I'd mind something more creative. I love the idea of calling each other "shit head" though
  22. I agree. There is a difference with being alone and being lonely. My Christmas is very family-orientated and I've always spent it with them. We do the same traditions every year so I can't imagine myself ever spending a Christmas alone as my family would hunt me down :p
  23. Why didn't she get back up? Because she had no legs. ------------- I used be to quite indecisive...now I'm not so sure.
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