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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Frank


    Curses! My plan to go to the Trinity Open Day in Dublin tomorrow have been ruined because of the weather It's been cancelled, but hopefully moved to another day. We (people at school) had the perfect plan too. I was looking forward to seeing the snow
  2. Frank


    Those pictures are amazing. The most we're getting is a little ice on the footpaths and frosty grass This is in spite of the fact the temperature is around -8 degrees...
  3. I thought the forehead would give it away :p
  4. Huzzah! You win absolutely nothing!
  5. What is "it"? Edit: Brilliant! Just found a picture of when I was like 7. Let's see who can find me first! :p
  6. I'm terrified my friends will find you :p
  7. Just joined FaceBook and found some pictures I didn't even know existed Nothing too bad luckily
  8. I sincerely loved that. I'm in the perfect mood to listen to something a little more sombre like that. The live instruments were great too. A mixture of string instruments and piano is my favorite combination Their voices were nice too, they sounded very Irish. I found myself just slowly drifting my head, very dream-like. Just found out that Duffy's and Adele's new albums' are on the way soon. Well, Duffy's is already out which is much better than the 1st from what I've heard. Adele has 2 songs out. They're just... Not exactly ground-breaking but amazing nonetheless.
  9. Actually get proper piano lessons and become, possibly, classically trained. I don't think I honestly have much plans but I see myself as a fairly creative person so I'd love to create some art, compose some music, have professional photography etc. that gets even a little noticed. I'm just hoping for some good, non-sheltered, "condomless" experiences in life. One can dream Edit: Also I think it's suitable to say that I really don't want to wait for things/opportunities to come to me. I just want to go for it and do it. A girl in my village died over the weekend who was just 16. I didn't know her all that well but it does make you think and actually do what you want to do before it's over.
  10. Hold up! It seems you've converted to Pajism. A world full of nothing but animated gifs especially Madonna... Welcome. You will never be able to stop.
  11. Wind it Up is one of my favorites The yodeling is just...ahhh....
  12. Haven't had any time to talk to you about it recently but glad to see you're doing better. How serious was it?
  13. Not bad. I loved how mellow it was but I didn't feel like it was spectacular. Nice to listen to though A recent, new-found obsession and blast from the past. I love her songs It's also scary how much she reminds me of Gaga in some parts of this video.
  14. Being totally honest I didn't recognize her name in the slightest when I saw the thread. Going through the songs though was like an "ah-ha!" moment I remember very clearly When You Look at Me, AM to PM and Whatever you Want from when I was just a kid. I remember being obsessed with the AM to PM song, love it. Quite surprised also because I didn't have a clue they were all by the same person.
  15. I knew it wouldn't get a great response. It is pretty shit...but maybe in a "it's so bad it's good" way. Probably not though :p The best part of yesterday was when I was on a trampoline in our back garden with 7 other people. It was absolutely freezing cold and slightly wet but so much fun. We were on it for well over 2 hours. It was EPIC!
  16. I lolled Silly, gently humour. Couldn't find a more suitable thread but it made me laugh so I'm still sorta keeping in with the theme.
  17. Very late seeing as the show has already aired but meh, I'm talking about last week. Glad Paige is gone, I found him horribly boring and I'm not a fan of how he sings. Usually I listen to the first 20s of Paige and skip him every week. Rebecca is becoming stale for me. Little variety wouldn't hurt. Matt, found him interesting for a change doing "come together". Wagner, I actually loved him before the live shows. Now he's just a puppet. An annoying one. I love Cher and Mary Thought Katie was pretty awful singing Help, I know it's a Beatles' song but Katie's version sounds like crap when I'm used to listening to Tina Turner's version. I'm glad she got a brake though.
  18. Yeah, I agree. I'd rather have them looking out for me rather than let me do whatever I want. On certain occasions though I'm just not in the mood for it :p
  19. Frank


    No snow in the west at all We have very small patches of ice on some footpaths...and some frost. Jealous.
  20. I wouldn't ever mention having 'friends' on this forum, not to my parents anyway. Though they're fairly modern they just don't get the whole Internet thing. Anytime I'm on amazon or talking to someone it's always "Gavin, you don't know who'd you'd be talking to! Stop, its not safe! Haven't you heard of all the scams?!" Bit sad, really. Actually, I did mention this forum once to my mam and sister. We were in some pizzeria the time I was in London and I remember reading a comment (wi-fi in the pizzeria...woo ) from Paj, I think. You said something about a meet-up as you were in London but I wouldn't have been able to anyway. I'm rambling now...basically told my mam casually, she told my dad and I got a speech about safety and not posting pictures and making sure I stayed away from 'weirdos'
  21. I like this thread a lot Particularly Jay's, Danny's and Chair's posts'. Something really pure about them. I've been here since...2008 or 2007, I'm not perfectly sure but I've only posted here regularly since June of this year. Really enjoyed my experience so far and it has become part of my daily routine. As soon as I come home from school I eat my dinner, put on some coffee and go on N-E before study I can only hope that I'll always find the time for N-E.
  22. ARRRRH. I can't even imagine how surreal that must have been! It sounds like a dream, I would have loved to have been in a library with with 300 others...but especially with that song playing. I love it I'm going to be singing "I wip ma hur back an' fowth" for the rest of the night :p @ReZ, no, he was actually the splitting image of you. A little creepy :p what's even stranger is that he isn't the first...
  23. Not the best thing to happen me today but I was amazed when on my way to school I saw a father who looked exactly like ReZ... He was holding a little girl's hand so I hope he was the father/uncle/family friend :p Still though, the resemblance was uncanny!
  24. Frank


    Thank you IIRC, I remember seeing a photo of you on this forum. You seemed quite tanned so I'm guessing you're Spanish/Portuguese/from some sunny country? Sounds pretty wired, just curious though Though I've always loved the Italian language I wish I could say the same for Russian but it's actually only recently that I've wanted to learn it. I'm nearly sure that it's because of how Angelina Jolie speaks Russian in Salt :p
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