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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Cusre all the ones nagging about commen illnesses. Let me tell you, scarlet fever goes from simply rotten to something worse
  2. Something about the original, I never 'got' it. It was good but never interested me much. I loved the movie though :p
  3. Your children would definitely have some advantages in life I agree, make a baby!
  4. Don't really play it nowadays but when I did it regulary I became fairly toned I'd recommend it, once when I was in a changing room someone even thought I had a six pack thingy. I don't care much about that but I did feel healthier
  5. Instant brownie points for being inspired by Yeats!! I really do love him Romantic Ireland's dead and gone. It's with O'Leary in the grave. ...ah...
  6. I haven't had much luck with pets either. At 7 years old my first dog got an eye infection so his eye looked illuminous blue almost. He always seemed fairly happy and pretty unaffected by it. But one day, which I remember perfectly, he was acting extremely odd. He'd been to the vet a few times recently but today it felt as though he died, just not mentally. He was technically alive but he just sat in our utility for the entire day, staring. We tried to cheer him up but he didn't react at all. The next day we found that he'd gone missing and ran away. Later my uncle found him lying dead in a field. It was pretty heartbreaking. I just remember quite vividly my Mam tellin my sister and myself when we came home from school. My Sister wailed for hours, even my Mam (not a big animal lover) shed a few tears. I was more in shock at this point but I cried a lot when everyone left the house. Losing a pet is always sad. I hope you're Ashley, don't feel guilty
  7. I watched the Adam's Family today!! Simply one of my favourite programmes I then lay on my bed listening to different music for over an hour. Seems pretty boring but I enjoyed myself. It's the only day I get off so I like to do nothing :p
  8. Like Jay said, do it without them noticing with your big toe on the other foot. Or you could avoid the awkwardness by doing it in a really big, dramatic way and pulling it off with a shwiiiiiiiiiiish!
  9. A few really nice moments today I was walking along a busy high-street today when I saw a young woman place a teddy bear and a voucher in a near-by tree (a fairly small one). Literally 2 seconds later a little 5 year old or around that age comes up and grabs it with delight. I then saw the girl looking back with a smile, it was so nice :p Later that day I was in a music shop as I didn't want to be waiting around the train station. I was sorta minding my own business and playing a really fancy digital piano behind another girl. I started playing Scott Joplin's "The Entertainer" when half-way through the song the girl in front continued the same song without saying a word. It was so movie-esque and just...left me smiling It's the simple things in life... :p
  10. Aw, so cute I initially ignored this thread because it didn't look very interesting from the name :p but I'm glad I didn't miss it. Though you've probably heard this so many times but here's another one, Congratulations!
  11. In fairness to the woman, she was almost 70 years old when she sang that :p I understand and respect your viewpoint though
  12. Haha, brilliant! I love world music so I enjoyed that. In a way it's so bad it's good. Although it's not something I'd listen to all the time it would be great to dance to drunk :p
  13. Went to go see Harry Potter today! I don't know why it got such bad reviews, such a good movie. Obviously not the best movie ever but it was such a step-up from other Harry Potter movies (which isn't actually saying much) 3 brothers scene =
  14. Well, your not the only one! :p I do it with the people whose posts I find interesting/amusing. Basically my friends list like you, Paj, sometimes Ashley and Chair and Danny. I don't know why you found it so funny? :p
  15. Oh well You said the same when we went to McDonalds and possibly other things...maybe it was my musical taste. I'm used to you losing respect for me @Chairdriver:
  16. Nostalgia! I only remember her from the Teen Titans cartoon...was she is something else? Please don't burn me :p However I'm a little disappointed this thread isn't about my favorite Disney programme/only one I actually liked....That's so Raven
  17. Don't worry, I was just kidding :p My humour is very dry tonight.
  18. Coincidentally I was about to try ask for some money off of a stranger today in Limerick because I was genuinely short .40 cent for my train. Luckily I bumped into friends so no begging Surprised that people are so judgemental against people who need some change!
  19. Coincidentally, tomorrow my class and I are being recording in French class. We have to stand in front of the class and talk about smoking and our teacher is going to record it and play it back. Ugh, quel dommage! Je n'ai pas hâte de demain :p
  20. R.E.S.P.C.T....How original ¬_¬ No offense but that's been done enough.
  21. Don't forget to wave your index finger back and forth (not your hair) when you say it :p
  22. I sometimes watch ANTM so I know all the ways to work it!
  23. Frank


    After seeing that I'm happy again Who's the cutest lil' puppy in the whooole wide wowld? Yes! You are! Goochie goochie goo! I can't help myself :p
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