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Everything posted by Frank

  1. well, I kinda got the hint that you weren't too afraid of people finding you as you have your number + address on Facebook :laughing:


    Brave fellow :P

  2. Yup, 1st N-E friend. I'm not sure who else is on FaceBook though :S I've just joined fairly recently as well.


    Well, here's the story, your name is in your contact info on N-E. Whacked that into FaceBook and *BAM* there you were :)


    Such detective skills :D (be careful!)

  3. ...*sigh* I feel like crying when I see this :') Made. My. Day. WAaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhh!!! :love::love::love::love:
  4. One of my favorite interviews of hers!!
  5. haha, I had hoped you'd see N-E before FaceBook.


    Btw, very cool name :D It sounds almost poetic.

    I only ever knew "Danny" before.

  6. Hey there Danny! Hope you don't mind if I added you on the ol' FaceBook :D

  7. I drink so much coffee it's effect has waned on me. I was in a study room when I was drinking the Red Bull though so I had to contain myself :p I got some fierce study done though!
  8. Because I'm just so cool 1st ever time drinking red bull. EEEEEEEEEEEHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!!!!! HOW MUCH CAFFEINE IS IN THIS!!!!?
  9. I hope so The last time I checked the ink, luckily, wasn't running. So, it'll most likely be...readable anyway. It helped that 5 minutes later I got a really nice haircut. So, I'm not too pissed :p Your concern is muchos appreciated.
  10. I did the old 'fall up the stairs in front of people you don't know' trick today...I was carrying 2 big folders which went everywhere...then I banged my head (from that fall) into some railing. 5 minutes later I dropped the same folder in the rain where all my noted were RUUINED!! fail.
  11. Poor Slaggis :p I'm sure it was quite an...experience. (@Coolness, consider yourself my new favorite person! )
  12. Well I've never been much of a fan of those rock conversions. My music is usually as smooth as silk. However, that Poker Face cover reminded me of a "metal/rock" performance that Gaga did herself. Lovely stuff!
  13. Recently, I have found myself really attracted to Kanye West...so I liked it - - - Anyway, I've been a little bit of a recluse the past 2/3 days. And I have a headache. Boo!
  14. Oh, btw, is that actually you Slaggis? It's probably a joke...but I honestly can't tell :p
  15. Please don't ever change that look, coolness!!
  16. I've no idea which thread is which. It seems they've both curdled into each other. This is supposed to be good. Just caught a glimpse of it on the "Trending" page on Youtube. Short...simple...so immature...it's great! BUUUUUUUUUUUUUURN!
  17. "Friendly acquaintances" then :p I was curious as I imagine it would be a lot worse if you used to talk to them before. If it was me it'd be much worse if it was unexpected. If I always knew them as a bunch of stupid gowls then it wouldn't be as bad.
  18. Well honestly if people you know go around saying that it says more about them than it does you. Personally, I find it hard to do but I try to respect comments/opinions of those who I respect and let the rest float away. Easier said than done though :/ It has a way of gluing itself to my brain. Did they used to be your friends in Secondary?
  19. Again, I love how jazz-y it is...in a way. The drum beats and the overall sensual feel are beautiful to listen to. I like the comparison between this and the other stuff I've heard from Madonna which is like...4/5 songs Basically just her "BIG" hits. Good song I couldn't find the actual song on Youtube anywhere Only a crappy remix of it with Lyndsie Lohan... Anyway, I think this is my favorite song from the album. It's just...lovely http://littleglitterlittleglam.blogspot.com/2011/01/adele-rumour-has-it.html Alls you gots to do is press the play button.
  20. I love how in depth both of ye get Like some crazy double team. Interesting too. [maan, I sound like such a lick-arse :/]
  21. As I was eating my dinner today I caught a glimpse of the news. Apparently Iran, Yemen and one other country have all began protests. This is amazing.
  22. I love how she wiped her hair on stage and then had Willow Smith sitting on her lap, presumably during an interval I agree about the sound too. I prefer how Scheibe sounds.
  23. Well, I think I've already voiced my opinions about her quite frequently on these forums :p She's great though. Grammy performance made her song 100x better in my ears As for Madonna, she kinda avoided the question on Jay Leno but did say that Madonna and co. sent her an e-mail giving her the ok. Also mentioned elsewhere about collaborating with Indian artists'. Hmm
  24. Yeah, she probably would in a social sense I don't think I'd mind much though. I'd probably just spend the night secretly catching glances with her. Her presence is enough. She's just that cool Plus you can just tell she'd make a mean cup of Joe.
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