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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Well, they're all better than "nintendo-master" :p The sun is setting. I think I'll go for Milord... Nian was actually a typo while spelling "Nina" I thought it was too cool to ignore. I see your point about Nina too. Thought of it because my favourite singer is Nina Simone... Aaaaaashleeeey, you mind "Milord" ? Re: thought, Quite like the name Jameson...you know, inject some Irish culture into me name
  2. Right, so I remember a thread being made ages ago about name suggestions. So far the ones that suit me or just the ones I really like are Milord, Nina/Nian, or Joplin Any feedback = would be fantastic.
  3. God, I'm wrecked, Such a good day though Spent it with 3 friends (who I love!) in DCU, Dublin doing a linguistics competition. Was quite glad to see I got to the final/top 100 in Ireland (not saying much but whatevs) Bought a pretty cool poster in the college which was dirt cheap. Then had a hilarious train ride with said friends. I love it when I can be completely comfortable around people. I haven't laughed properly in so long. I feel released.
  4. I've never thought much or cared particularly for food. Cornflakes for breakfast every day. Usually spuds and chicken for dinner. And coffee. Lots of coffee! :p
  5. Gotts to be Shane Dawson, CharlieIsSoCoolLike, A guy called PJ the kick is really awsome +creative. And Davey Wavey No videos/examples because I'm too lazy. Plus, they don't need them. Their names are cool enough
  6. I've tasted a few beers before. All I remember is that I really liked one as it was quite sweet Beer = Good Yet, I must admit I prefer a beer never brewed- Not one can Yield such an Alcohol! Inebriate of Air - Am I - that is all
  7. Meh. Paj-Meen-Ah is so much cooler I remember it being referenced in "Friends" before, didnt know it meant a type of wool Change back!! (thread reminds me of how I really need to change my DIRE name)
  8. This came up randomly on my i-pod the other day. So genuinely impressed It was my 1st time hearing it and being in a little bit of absent-mindedness I expected a "typical" Beatles song. *I was wrong* The fact that I was alone, walking along a dark street gave it so much more impact.
  9. Love walking I live right next to a 4KM stretch of just country road with green fields...and trees...and birds...and bees. 9/10 times I never see anyone so it feels great
  10. The Pokémon movies are epic! Granted I've only seen the first 3...but my god, watch them I remember being so gutted when I found out that had stopped releasing them commercially in Ireland after the 3rd one Not sure what the case is now though... I really should watch all the others
  11. I've always loved Poliwag Something about hypnotic toads... Or Kangaskan, so amazing
  12. I think I kinda know what you mean Paj. Oddly, something similar is happening to me too. I don't think I'd call it "love" though :p Just a guy in my school who fascinates me. I wouldn't class him as 'odd' per se. Yet, he has a bit of a loner attitude where you just know he really enjoys his own company. He walks around brooding too, which I love Lately he's been actually going out of his way to talk to me so it's going good. I don't fancy him so I do find it odd. Even odder that you just described how I felt, just better And more intricately :p I feel sad that I won't see him as summer comes and we all go to different colleges. He's joining the army. So typical of him! This is profound
  13. The first 2 minutes or so... I am a happy bunny That Michael Jackson&Madonna "dress-up" at the end was quite cool The visuals are very striking too. Reminds me of...Salvador Dali, maybe?
  14. I'm just after booting up Grindr. Turns out someone is after banning me! Apparently it was due to "inappropriate behavior, language and/or conduct" What?! Absolutely ridiculous. I'm tellin' you, these old men are sly little fuckers!
  15. Yup, pretty much. About 95% is just silly jargon. I can't help being fascinated by it though. I find the people who comment to be a bitch though. Many/most are all "We need Jesus to come back!! Our world is doomed!!" Melodramatic...In a way I find oddly interesting
  16. whoops! :p Well, not all of them who've been interested are old men. There's been others, I swear! Who knows, some people like old men. I won't judge you. I guess I should have realised that before I commented though
  17. For some reason this kinda saddens me and at the same time slightly creeps me out Reminds me of Nina in the Black Swan
  18. http://vigilantcitizen.com/?p=6223 Worth a read. It's all about pretty conspiracy stuff/illuminati etc. but actually quite interesting I love me some good conspiracy theories.
  19. Don't I already know :p As for you though I'd recommend that you try it There are some generally awesome people too. People who you'd probably never meet under 'normal' circumstances. I imagine that it's much easier to start chatting as it's less awkward plus you feel a little more open too and not afraid to talk about things you wouldn't normally talk about. That's just my experience/2 cents.
  20. Only one I've ever tried is Grindr on my I-pod. Maybe it's just because of where I live -- but it sucks. I think I've had one actually nice/good looking guy who was...very into me. He was twice my age though, so...no. I got bored quickly. Just today I've been approached by about 7/8 people who are all I'n their fourties/late thirties. aRGH!!!! I don't actually plan on doing anything with anyone I meet on those sites. At the moment I'm not I'n the frame of mind for any relationship. It's just a bit like "meh...I'm too lazy to care about anyone now." If anything, grindr just proves how shallow I can be :p
  21. Without a doubt. It will match your red hair perfectly! :D


    Fair enough. Who knows, I could be your secret villain ready to destroy you! Feel free to add me whenever :)


    Also, sorry, but I'm absolutely knackered. I'm going to turn off the computer for a while and drink myself a beautiful cup of coffee. MMMMM...


    So, I'll tell you more about meself soon. (To Be Continued)


    Feel free to talk about yourself too. Make sure to move around though, wouldn't want you to get a cramp sitting on that cow of yours.

  22. Any other person: I wouldn't advise them

    You: Well, from the little that I know of you, you can definitely pull them off :D


    Plus, if you take care of them they don't die :blush:


    RRRRighteoo, I just added you on FB. Odd picture. I hope it actually is you...though I'm not sure many people are called Merry Mole :laughing:

  23. O.O


    Rise...AND RISE i SHALL!


    Seriously, can you get any cooler? :laughing: Everyone should have their own Coolness Bears.


    OMG! You can be the new tamogotchi!!!


    (Btw, are you on Facebook? I've got a sudden urge to add some fellow N-Ers. :)

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