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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Graham Norton in 30 minutes Huzah/ (Singing Born This Way in a tub of purple goo...)
  2. Haha, I found this genuinely funny. Her surrealist mole is Great!
  3. Quite like that song Particularly the opening gospel tune and the sax. I was half-expecting Tina Turner to pop up somewhere. Sounds quite like her which is always a good thing.
  4. Returned from my night out. Uhr. It was a lovely night but, literally, the moment I took one step into my garden. VOOOOOOOOOOOMIT! Of course it would have to be outside my house! Teasing has ensued from the Family.
  5. Well, I'm afraid there was no drunk posting. I was too busy playing beautiful music I've also made a personal pact - I'll never drink again - I'd say why but the "Good Stuff" thread isn't exactly suitable :p
  6. Oh my. I have been left in tears of laughter and joy after throwing a wine gum at my sister. It landed in her scarf and seemed to have been trapped in a black vortex as we couldn't find it for at least 10 minutes I did it twice more, just for emphasis :p Very good day overall. I shall be going out/possibly somewhat drunk tonight. No drunk post like last time though
  7. Great video! I was almost sure that this was a cut version as she mentioned there would be a speaking part at the end. Regardless, I'm glad Gaga kept this video nice and short-ish. Plus, Jesus = Totally feeding into my Middle-Eastern lusting at the moment :p
  8. This is certainly a very interesting/active day for N-E. I think that while Diego didn't mean any/much harm in his post I can see why Chair would get offended. I'm sure it was unintentional and passively said. I think we shouldn't berate Chair for his opinion either. Everyone knows how passionate he is about LGTBQ rights etc. In fact, he makes me feel a little guilty for not being as passionate as him! :p I should learn.
  9. I think my favorite thing about it is that it sounds like it could be an epic Phoenix Wright tune
  10. Hrm. The plot thickens...perhaps I should forget it. I've went through most people on my phone-book anyway. Thanks all the same :)

  11. Go raibh maith agat. *bothers me that I don't know*

  12. Track listing for 'Born This Way' just released and coincides with a still of 'Judas' I like the sound of 'Hair'
  13. Well, I didn't mean "modest" as a terrible thing. Probably just my bad writing. I did intend to get across that it's a breath of fresh air to have someone talk about their work and say "It's a fucking pop masterpiece". If anything -- it amuses me I've also wanted to mention how she clearly has such a love for music and, it seems this way to me, really does want to make great music. She always has said that she writes a lot of own lyrics, helps produce the music etc. Plus she has mentioned that in one of her songs on "Born This Way" there will be a 3 minute jam session of just a mariachi band. I'm pleased.
  14. There is something that doesn't sit right with me. Singers does not equate being a fashion model, film star, spokesperson etc. They sing and should be judged, primarily, by their voice. I'm glad Gaga isn't considered "sexy" by the majority of the public. It relieves some of the pressure that has been aggravated over the past 15 years or so to always look sexy. If anything I admire her for that alone. She's not here to give us wet-dreams. She's here to sing some silly, catchy songs for our entertainment. Plus I think it's good that she tries. While she doesn't always get it right she would never admit that and I like that. She's honest and is not afraid to be full of herself -- a nice break from all these "modest" stars. I like that she throws a few 4 syllable words and the like around too. She knows what she is about. Plus she's only 25 and already one of the biggest stars on the planet (achieved publicly in just 3/4 years). Let her make a few mistakes.
  15. By any chance, did you call me on my mobile 3 times last night at around 7?

  16. But...she so pretty. (I do understand the complaints though. I loved her most when Bad Romance first came out )
  17. Slaggis!! Arr, where'd you get DAT SHIRT?!?! I WANTZ IT (Funny that you remind me of my "bestie" :p)
  18. :bowdown: Welcome to the pure genius that is Hitchcock. How about the final scene, eh? Actually, if you enjoyed that I'd really recommend "The Birds", "Marnie", "Strangers on a Train" and "Rear Window" Any of them really :p
  19. Actually a really good remix. It's the best of both worlds. Now kiss and make up. Sexual tension = so obvious. I don' symah-tize cos' ye is a simple bitch.
  20. I always feel like I should listen to much more foreign music than I do. Usually a day doesn't pass where I don't listen to some Edith Piaf though Forgot to mention the great Jacques Briel! I feel I've neglected him for too long
  21. I've tried but it's just ridiculous now. I do enjoy the humor though but it's arguing for arguing's sake. I forfeit.
  22. *inhales deeply inward* I didn't know any Egyptians were on N-E! It's where Rami Malek is from :love: Although, in fairness, I've had an obsession of Egypt since I was about 7. I think it was due to those Mummy movies. *pointless tangent*
  23. 100% Irish. And not those silly city folk, I'm from the true farmer heritage. Grassy, green fields and smelly cows :p The land of the Tayto!
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