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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Perhaps you knew me under the alias of 'Nintendo-Master'?

    Such a 12 year old name.


    Ring any (church) bells?

  2. Then don't wait until next year! Be a weirdo and become the greatest bestie that they'll ever known. DO EET! NOW!!
  3. Funny that this thread comes up. Very recently I've been having horrible quivers of that...gut feeling. I'm close to leaving for my first year in college. I feel, figuratively, sick thinking about leaving 5-6 friends behind. I'm close to them all but feel like I still have so much left to do eith them. I'm afraid that once college begins, I'll rarely, or never, see them again. We've all said we'd meet up, but words don't carry much meaning in these circumstances. I hate the comforter "Sure, you'll make new friends in college." No.
  4. Quite a busy time for Birthdays! Happy Birthday, nonetheless!
  5. Happy Birthday Caris! If it makes you feel any better, I love how your comment of illness corresponds perfecty with your avatar :p
  6. I always get away with buying a child's ticket for the train every week. €3.50 win! Good sides and bad sides for looking young. In fairness though, I always find that Asian woman look really young. As in, the 15-25 age group is quite blurry. They usually give an impression of innocence and the like. (I can safetely say this after seeing a few pictures of you.)
  7. I've always disliked her male dancers...well, usually. It feels like they don't dance but rather stand there and look like they're being possessed. I love+am fascinated by one of her blond, female dancers
  8. I loved it. Genuinely surprised by the end. I heard it was microphone difficulties/Clerence has had health problems recently. Who knows.
  9. Oh! How'd it go? ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Edit: I love my new sig.
  10. Great minds think alike. I absolutely adore the 3rd one. Without a shadow of a doubt. Eddage -- you make me happy Thank you!
  11. Thank you so much, Eddage. You're a superstar. I know I'm being a whiny cunt but is there any possibility of changing the yellow colour of my name? I'd prefer a vibrant/subdued grey. Not sure if it looks nice. Or, even, use the font from "Vertigo" which would amaze me. Unaware of time you have to dedicate. If it's too much -- bitch slap me and say no. The rest is perfect Actually, could you make the silhouette of Hitchcock come over the writing slightly. Currently the figure is being interrupted but it feels like it should be the other way around. I'm hard to please and asking for a hit.
  12. Hello Eddage (of Glory)! :grin:


    I left a similar post in the creative gallery about the sig you made. For whatever reason, I can't view any of them. It just informs me that you've moved/deleted them :(


    I'm not sure if it's just me.

    So looking forward to it! Sad face.

  13. I cant see any of your images, Eddage. It's only a message from Photobucket informing me that you've moved/deleted the pictures. Just me?
  14. Yep, that is what she said. It's her way of making a lame joke She's my only sister though. She mentions the "favorite" thing in about every card she does.
  15. Happy Birthday, hoar. :grin:

  16. *sigh* I know. My greatest insecurity. Although, I really should be in my 70s or something. It's only my looks that are eternally youthful :p I thought you'd realize with the pictures I put up. Please don't disown me!
  17. Decided to slack off school/study to listen to the album. I lurves it so much Stand-outs are definitely Americano, Scheibe and Government Hooker. I found the first half to be much stronger. Then again, I was finding it difficult to keep concentration after thousands of hard beats. Will need re-listening to get a better feeling of some songs. Love the Gregorian chanting/bells/organs.
  18. Thank you, all of you! :blush: I've never received, on the whole, so many birthday wishes. Some of them have been very sentimental+personal so I'm happy. So glad that you gave me a thread, despite my relative 'newness'. Apart from the obvious Birthday wishes it was a pretty normal day. I don't mind though. I plan on having a joint birthday after my exams are over with MAH BESTIE! the muddy one. I think my favorite part was the card my sister gave me. HANNAH MONTANAH FTW!! :D I promise to thank all of your posts when I can over the next few days!
  19. His speech was surprisingly emotional. I listened to it on the way home, live. I, strangely, felt like I could cry.
  20. Frank

    Hey there, Paj! By any chance would you have that Halle Berry gif of her accepting her oscar?


    Me need it. =D Thank you if you share. (If you don't -- screw you, hoar.)

  21. ah! That infamous story I once posted accidentally after you had. It's a great story. Please, spare 2 minutes to read it (referring to fellow N-Ers)
  22. Videos galore! She's too great.
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