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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Well, I can understand "The Queen" dislike regarding the beginning but the end...oh wow. That is actually one of my favorite parts from the album. You know? It begins with, Staaaaaaaarry niiiiiight come inside me like never before, don't forget me when I come crying to heaaaven's dooor. Mon coeur ne batte que pour vous.
  2. I've been once. A few years ago so I didn't take it all in, only for a weekend. Actually one of my favorite places to be The accent makes me fall. I plan to return one day. Whenever I see that movie poster I think of Tori Amos... ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ I love Pixar, I really enjoyed Cars. Particularly because it sends my Dad into fits whenever the "wanna go tracker-jumpin'" scene is on. I'm not over enthusiastic on seeing the sequel. Better than a sequel to Ratatouille or Up. I hated those films
  3. It's cool now. We're going surfing, beaching for a week. Alone. I'll get over it all. That friend is gone to Florida until the 1st of July though I cannot live...I cannot eat... I grieve. I miss but it's all good. What am I saying? I like that song by the way
  4. Great photo. I'm unsure of that wheel though. It seems too blurry.
  5. Actually, it's quite interesting. I've noticed this whole idea of changing personas in myself recently. Most notably with one particular friend. He'd talk in a fairly culchie accent so whenever I'm around him I find myself speaking more like him. As in, more "Irish". I think my taste in music has also been broadened. As you'd expect, he's into very Irish trad. Of course, I now find the music tolerable...even enjoyable. In fact, I just listened to this song 3 minutes ago. It's very interesting. I think it's because I see him as "cool" so by talking like him etc. I'll be "cool" too. I've no idea where I'm going with this message. Have I mixed up this thread with another? I originally wrote out a much better message but it was on my iPod...pressed the wrong button by accident...gone Whatever. I think I'm the same on these forums. Or maybe I'm the person in my head. No boundaries and all that.
  6. Nooooooo! Born This Way is the soundtrack! Have you not heard "The Queen", "Bad Kids" and "Bloody Mary"? I love her artistic knowledge. She makes many references to Dali, surrealism etc. It's not much but it makes me happy whenever I hear her referencing them. We are not just life-forms Michelangelo can carve away the aggro of my furied heart. She sweeps me away. Of course I do love The Fame Monster but certain tracks like Monster & So Happy I Could Die are much too laborious to listen through, personally. There doesn't seem to be any 'fillers' per-sé on her new album. (It's great how she's already writing new material! )
  7. (2nd Copy. I bought it for my bestie.)
  8. Had my BBQ yesterday (roaring success). I've never had this feeling before. It's a stinging feeling of jealousy & rottenness. Perhaps a little strong. Whatever. There was 6 lads there and 1 girl. She's basically a 'lad' though. So it's cool. Whenever one of my friends (very conspicuously) flirts with her I don't mind in the slightest i.e. lies in her lap (Ophelia anyone?!) I find it so strange, then, that I get a little jealous whenever my other friend (who I'm very, very close to) flirts with her. It's not as obvious but still...like...really? He has admitted to me that he fancies the skirt off of her. She admitted to me that she has diametric feelings. It makes me feel a little excluded I don't know what I'm feeling. It's so strange, for me at least... Even had a dream last night. Oddly, she kissed him. He tried to stop her but couldn't so I pulled her off him. I'll consult Freud.
  9. I'm in Pixar deprivation. I must see that movie. The ad alone looks gargantuan & drool-worthy. I'm actually reading "The Girl Who Kicked The Hornet's Nest". I don't think I'll ever watch the films. It'll ruin the books for me. Salander is my life! I've been told I look like her too :p I think I'm correct in saying an American version of the films (think Daniel Craig as Blomkvist) will be released soon. Oh dear. I can't imagine them translating too well though. Very, very thought-driven as already mentioned.
  10. I feel I have found myself. And I'm a youngster. Happy as a delirious bomb abroad. Oh wait. Bad thread, right. I've organised a BBQ today. Beautiful weather...no-one's coming until like 6 though Stupid exams. (looks outside. Coincidence. they are here)
  11. With regards to that Vue Cinema...yeah, none of those where I'm living. I've never even heard of them :p The closest one is in Dublin so whatever. Destiny will call if it's a must. Salt is so good! I don't understand the massive hate.
  12. Frank

    Hello all

    Welcome to the family.
  13. Boo, you lazy hoar.
  14. Meh. It's 3 a.m. Je me fous du passé. Yes. It is. The name of my 16th Africain lover. I'm drunk on air.
  15. And you're that tanned guy. Fernando, was it? Old?...pfff...Youthful as a daisy.
  16. Boo. I can't find 'Life in a Day' anywhere near me not sure if it was even released here. Upside? Re-watched 'La Vie en Rose' for the 2nd time. I was on the vurge of tears throughout. Horribly sad movie. Beautiful, BEAUTIFUL woman. My little sparrow
  17. I see your Shakespearian side is oozing once again, Jay. Je t'adore - Ne changeras...jamais. I like the idea of 'what people think of me is none of my business' but I'm much too self-involved to actually apply that thought. I'd say some think of me as quite a talented guy. Can I be big-headed for a change? Unafraid to be great? I'm known as the guy who loves art(in practise&the history). I'm apparently known for my art skills. Known for playing the piano. Known for intelligence. Many seem to think I'm quite intelligent and cultured. I've also had a few mesmerised (probably too strong a word) by my physical appearance. Of course, I don't see most of this - particularly looks-wise. Average at best I assume. Oh! Also the guy who's a little odd due to my preference in the arts. Love most 'old' music+film. I'm talkin Edith Piaf and Hitchcock. The HARDCORE stuff. Thanks what I think, anyway. Probably viewed as Dickinson nouveau. (reading over my comment. Ugh, what a dick. I hate myself)
  18. I echo Diageo's sentiment. Tell us MOAR CHAY-ER!! Funny enough this thread be made - I've noticed the same.
  19. I've been dying to see that movie for ages!! Is it out in the cinema?!
  20. Myself and the 2 siblings each got some horribly cheesy cards for my Dad. I never like buying those cards but it's a "tradition". Then, because we're absolutely + horribly lazy children, my Mam bought him the gift. We'll be paying her back though :p It's all very fancy "Tour de France"/cycling gear. He lurves it. I think we'll be going out for dinner later too
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