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Everything posted by Frank

  1. Good man, Chair. I've got well over 30 of his films. Even a Hitchcock hiccup is just greater than most films. Realise now why my signature is devoted to him. He was well-reared. ---------------------------------------------- The best way to spend the next 17 minutes of your life -- watch it. I'm serious. Absolutely amazing film. The lack of any speech. Oh yes. Madame Tutli-Putli is me, with breasts and vagina. The ending is a lit "What the Fuck?" but it's just...left me speechless. The eyes...my favorite characteristic of anyone is beautiful eyes. Nothing draws me in deeper. Great film...well, I probably feel that way because of the cast. Mesmerized by Marilyn. I really don't like when she is pounded with make-up. This movie just makes her look beautiful. When she comes down that pole in nothing but a woolly sweater and panties! Honestly the definition of sex. She makes me want to be a woman. I would honestly just love to be her. The twinkle in her eye So sexy. A woman I'd do in a heartbeat. Hilarious. Surprisingly modern. Cute. Marilyn is once again a lovable babe.
  2. You sure you wanna do this, Honeybee? 'cause I sure am. Hold on. It's gonna be a bumpy ride.
  3. I'm not entirely sure. I think I want something new. Adventure. Just to fly away somewhere and forget everything. The main hindrance is I'm tired of my own company. I think too much. I'm not lonely just...tired of my thoughts. It's funny how contemplative thinking is both man's greatest treasure and enemy. Nothing is good nor bad, but thinking that makes it so. Is it possible to feel so free yet trapped simultaneously? How often do these crazy spouts occur?
  4. Recently I've become monotonous with my days. It's not terribly bad but I feel like I need to do more new things. I sincerely do try to find something new each day but - of course - it's easier said then done. I should just be content but I'm worried that I'll soon find myself in an endless cycle of doing the same thing, over and over. There are a few "big" things ahead. Such as my hiking trip, my holiday with some friends to Stockholm (or Croatia), my grad, and possibly a trip to France with the family. Yet, sometimes I find myself doing the same thing for a solid week. It's frustrating. What's worse is that I'm aware of the whole "If you keep doing the same thing you'll keep getting the same result...so change it." I dunno. (Probably being melodramatic :p) So, fellow N-Ers...tell me -- what is your daily life like? Do you repeat each day monotonously or are you super adventurous and do something new each day?
  5. I've got a good aura about you, Yvonne. Welcome
  6. I love dreams! Sometimes reality is too harsh. Sigmund Freud is my Idol. I can't ever recall having a lucid dream though. Boo. It's interesting. Every now and then I become scared of sleeping. I relate the feeling of unconsciousness to death. I get so affrighted
  7. This is something I'm perpetually thinking about recently. I'm trying to figure out which is stronger, 'better', more fulfilling. Until just a few months ago I've never made much of an effort in strengthening friendships. Now, I'm making a really conscious effort and the fruits of my work are paying off. They are my Hermione and Ron I feel that, as a culture, we have always been so focused on love (in the non-platonic way, of course) and having some sort of sexual relationship. Anything else isn't as good. I don't know why this is. All you have to do is turn on the radio, open a magazine or switch on the telly. Hundreds of songs dedicated to new/lost love...articles devoted to "finding the perfect (wo)man" and all that silly stuff. It's all grey area, I suppose. Maybe it just depends on the person. It's not in any way clear cut but if I were to use one metaphor I'd compare the story of Harry Potter to the story of Twilight :p Perhaps I'm just being naive? In fairness, my love life has been pretty much non-existent. Maybe I'm forcing myself to compensate or something. I'm not articulate or smart enough to write a huge essay and I'd much rather hear what all of you think about this. (I'm such a Rapheal). From your experience which have you benefited more from? Which is greater? Are friendships too under-appreciated? TELL MEE!!
  8. I've got the same calender as you, Pancake. Good to see you're on July, shows you use it correctly :p Coolness...why so sad?
  9. No matter how many times I try to change it any sort of medical papers I receive love to tell me that I'm female Why?! I smell an investigation! Off I go!
  10. I'm not a huge fan of Spain. Nothing against the country itself but it's just so obvious. I hate saying that, I sound like a hipstar. But, it's true. I can imagine myself if I were Spanish throwing my eyes to heaven at the sight of all these pale ghosts trying to get a tan, sit around a pool and expect everyone to speak English to them. Anyway. I'd really consider going to Oslo in particular if money is an issue, Nightwolf. The flights that I'll be booking are absolute dirt cheap. A return ticket for myself is only €22! Of course that is in Ireland but I can't imagine England being that different
  11. Ew. Firstly, I'm disgusted with that video of that young boy singing S & M. Disturbing. - - - I liked Cher Llyod before. Currently I'm pretty indifferent but that song...it's terribly catchy It has taken refuge in my brain for over 48 hours. CRAI. It makes me want to strut down a street and scream at everyone "You can' stohp lookin a meh! Get up outta mah FACE!"
  12. Planned a holiday just 2 days ago. Alright! I'm going to either Oslo, Norway or Stockholm. I hope it works out I'll be going for a week with 2 others -- all I need. Gonna get my Salander on. Generally, people go somewhere after the leaving cert exams. I'm so jealous whenever I see all my friends going to Spain etc. And bragging about it on FaceBook.
  13. I really like this!
  14. Amazing. Found this in HMV. ] Bought 2 other French DVDs, a book on photography, pants in 'Pennies' and chicken nuggets in Burger King. Being a materialistic cunt.
  15. Spent last night with 3 of my friends in a pub until 3 a.m. Listening (and playing) to nothing but Irish trad and watching people in their eighties get absolutely pissed. Yes. [One woman drunkenly asks the man playing the flute, So...how many flutes do you have?, heh]
  16. Ah! Happy Birthday Missus I hope you enjoyed yourself plenty! You're just like Gustav. (I meant in the cat-loving way :p)
  17. It's more an interest than something I believe in. A hobby, maybe. In fairness though, it isn't all crap. The articles that he writes are very well-written & thought-out. It's more than just silly nuances here and there. That's why I'm so fascinated. Almost every (wo)man who has considerable power in the music industry [which is what I'm focusing on] shows off these weird symbols. The fact that they're so specific clears the clouded idea that it's 'coincidence'. The occult, dark magick...all of this. It may be far-fetched but it's not crap. Everything he points out is, technically, there.
  18. I agree. I found this extremely impressive. I loved the slight theatrics to it too!
  19. I really should go to bed soon so I'll be brief. I know I won't feel like creating this tomorrow though. The Illuminati. This New World Order. Free Masonry. All that jargon. If you're interesting in this already then I presume you've heard of http://vigilantcitizen.com/. I recall this being mentioned once on N-E before. By Paj! I think. It was only a brief reference. Everyone moved on. So, I'd like to try create a full-on discussion. For those unaware, this 'new world order''s mission is to allegedly create one government to take control of Earth and have one world religion. It all ties into Satanism and Lucifer and all that. The Illuminati were a secret organisation some time in the 1700's, if my memory serves right. Apparently they still have considerable power in the modern world and are trying to gain further power through the use of modern media, primarily. I don't know -- I'd say the website mentioned above describes it much clearer than I am. I'm only focusing on one aspect of it. There is more to it. I know it's not fact but I'm going to use a factual tone from now on. Celebrities. They use celebrities as their puppets to spread the message of their organisation. It's fairly complicated and I'm sure I only understand a fraction. Lady Gaga, Britney Spears and Rihanna are, probably, the most quoted on the website. Once you read the articles it does seem a little...strange. Images such as these appear everywhere. The one eye. The dummy / mind-control. The Devil. There are a few videos about it too. Recently it hasn't even entered my mind (except jokes with my Sister.) but I can't help but look at that website every now and then. Separately it all seems like shite but there is something chilling whenever I see it all together. It's not just one artist or person that likes to cover their eye with a hand, or make the 'OK' sign. It's everybody. I just can't fathom it. Everyone with some sort of popularity in today's modern culture is doing it. The most exoteric symbols are the one eye, the horns of Baphomat, the 'OK' sign with a hand, butterflies, checker-board tiles, trans-humanism -- the fusion of man and machine. Ugh, it chills my bones a little to think of it all. I admit that most of it is nonsense. I'm not indoctrinated completely by the website. There's just too much of it to wipe it off as 'coincidence'. (Edit: Just got a brain-wave, we should bring the Mad Monkey back to make this really interesting :p) Thoughts?
  20. I saw the new X-Men film yesterday. I forget the actual name of it :p It was actually very, very good. I was a bit iffy at the start. The acting wasn't great and I had no idea where the story was heading. Much better as the film unfolded. Couldn't help but enjoy the history aspect of the film -- how it's all surrounding the events of the Cuban Missile Crisis. Liked the different languages. Especially French! Magneto + Mystique were my favorites. I'm so adjusted to having Mystique be like Ima gonna hurt you now, and you're gonna like it. with her cold, hard stare. It was refreshing to have her so subversive and innocent. I'm a Marvel noob though. Charles Xavier was annoying. I imagine he was supposed to be that way though (?). Also, was that supposed to be a depiction of Stalin in the film? I'm unsure. Great movie overall Shared a cookie and coffee with my bestie afterwards. Yesh !
  21. Guy can't help liking a good piano piece. - - - - - Realisation today. My hair is Black. But Jesus is the new black. So, my Hair is Jesus. Yet, I am my Hair. So...I am Jesus?
  22. Frank


    I love the idea behind this. It really just makes sense. It's just so obvious. It would be easier though if FaceBook would copy them though. I really doubt most (if any) of my friends would switch. Plus, I'm really nosey and I like to know what other people are doing and saying, even if I don't know them that well
  23. Happy Birthday S.C.G. Enjoy whatever age you are it wasn't specified
  24. Right. I have the money (well, I can scrape it together -- must accept future sacrifice). I have a lift to Dublin and a way home. And I have at least a dozen amazing people going to Oxygen because I'm that popular. I'm thinking of buying a one day ticket -- the Sunday. When Beyoncé performs. I dunno though €100 is a lot...
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