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Everything posted by Pookiablo

  1. T'is a good point and I definitely think that would be the case here. Depends on the degree too. Saying that, university students do tend to be quick learner and it's not to say that they won't have some admin experience through part-time jobs on the way towards their degree. Needless to say, I can comfortably say I'd shit all over my straight-to-work equivalent. Arrogant? Yes. Suggesting Uni is better than going straight to work? Most certainly not. I think it comes down to the person and as you rightly point out, experience.
  2. Seconded. 10char. Disappointing for an ardent fan.
  3. Ganepark, I'm impressed with your curry there, well done for making it from scratch! However, I'll take your curry and raise you... Introducing, the 'Mauer' Curry (Mauer is German for Wall, as used with the Berlin Wall) - you are witnessing two homemade curries, Jalfrezi and Korma, separated by a wall of authoritarian rice and epicness. But wait... The Tri-Mauer, aka, the Curry of Peace or if it's a spicy one, The Bosnian (divded along 'hotly' debated ethnic lines) - my most epic joint curry creation to date. A few other Pooki-inspired dishes for you: Super Mega Chilli Cheese Bacon Burgers Homemade burgers, containing chilis, mustard and ketchup in the burger itself, topped with rashers of west country bacon and a double serving of plasticated cheese. Serve with sauce of choice. Watts and Wade's (Copyright pending) 16 piece 'MEGA Fry Up' Comprises of: 2 Fried Eggs, 3 Bacon, 3 Sausages, 3 Hash Browns, 2 Black Pudding, Double Beans and 1 Fried Bread By the way, the plates on which the food is served in the majority of pictures, are about a foot wide in circumference! God bless charity shops! More is better! EDIT: before I get shot by my friend for betraying him in any way, all these dishes are joint creations from both of us (Hence the Watts and Wade
  4. I missed this last night and all I can say is that I'm appalled. Asahi has an incredibly distinct taste!
  5. Meh, I wouldn't worry, nobody really understands those things, even someone as big headed as I - you just blag it and hope it all goes alright! Also, if you're childish and you're constantly staving off my childish advances (which, yes, I know you love), what does that make me? In regards to myself, I'm as childish as they come, but heck, I would say I'm responsible. There's nothing wrong with being a big kid, just as long as you know when you need to be sensible and get on with things. How I act at work for example, is for the most part, very different from how I am in my own personal space. At the same time, this doesn't mean that I don't plan to get on with life and secure a nice job and home rather just do so and to try and enjoy myself and be myself on the way there. Hell, I still laugh when someone fart.
  6. I can't stand Metroid. Only one I've ever gotten fully through is Hunters on DS and even that was a trek for me. It just seems like such a boring and lifeless franchise with an inadequate backstory. I'm hoping Team Ninja can make it decent, the trailer for Other M did impress me.
  7. I'm still planning on coming - only thing that may stop me is work however Saying that, I should be able to make it to at least one of those days!
  8. Was your Dad's car parked somewhere in Bath? I reported a car getting smashed into and having its radio stolen around 10pm. Spooky. Sorry to hear the bad news though.
  9. I can only hope that these stupid ignorant people are shot or something. What a complete bunch of utter twats.
  10. Wait wait, about this whole Britney concert thing you went to Haggis, you mean to tell me that she didn't actually sing the majority of the songs performed live? That's fucking ridiculous!
  11. Many thanks for the kind words people I'm so exhausted, I should probably hit the hay - Boston Legal has kept me glued to the television for the past two hours - such a great TV show!
  12. Have faith child! Good news my end - I got a 2.1 degree!!! Hurrah! I literally only just got it too, I've struggled for the last 4 bloody years with it and thankfully my hard work in the last year paid off! So I'm obviously rather happy
  13. Sorry goaf, didn't realise you'd done that much damage to it! I'm not down with the kids on here anymore you see. Lol, but still good idea on the preplanned recovery stage!
  14. Clearly that was aimed at me and clearly you know nothing about my life so I will kindly request that you too shut the fuck up. Yes, I do have parents to rely on but they're not there waiting on my every need - they don't have that much money unfortunately and most things in my life I've had to earn. No I don't need a violin, nor am I jealous of Shorty, just a little taken back by the fact that he thinks a 9-5 is gonna be that bad. Trust me, I was homeless in Paris for a week, whilst working a 9-5 and trying to find somewhere/anywhere to live in the evenings after work before I found somewhere and it wasn't cheap either at £550 a month - sure I may still have permanent lodgings back home with 'Mummy and Daddy' but I think I've got far more of an informed insight into the "real world" than quite a lot of the folk on these boards, even if it is a little unusual in comparison. My 9-5 was a crappy placement which gave me roughly £400 a month, the rest was funded by money I'd saved and the government's idiotic idea of reducing my student loan to a ridiculously low sum because apparently they think it's justifiable. When you throw travel fees, food and bills, this just didn't cut it. On a lighter note, well done for looking into jobs, I was thinking that I should do that too.
  15. It's not about being cynical or anything. I just don't get how it's such a big change. For most of your life you've been in some daily routine of going to school, albeit not for as many hours during the day, but certainly a routine where you've usually had to do something everyday of the week. I can only see there being a "struggle" of sorts for the first couple of days because obviously it's probably a big change to your body clock and you're likely to get more tired but you should adapt quickly. The only time in which I can say I've had trouble adapting to a 9-5/8-6 position was when I moved to France, but only because everyone spoke French and therefore I had to concentrate 110% everyday in order to make sure I constantly understood what they were saying. Either way, nothing to fear my friend, once you're rolling in dough and you've made the most of your weekends (because you won't have time in the week), I think you'll grow more than accustomed to it!
  16. Shorty, I say this without trying to be too offensive but you clearly don't live in the real world. It's hardly a big transition. You work slightly longer. I've done this throughout Uni and during holidays and spent a year abroad working from 8 til 6 everyday. It's like anything, you just get used to it.
  17. Dude, get a PowerBall! They're amazing for helping bad wrists and they work your whole arm! They're low impact too so it won't hurt your wrist, in fact, it's supposed to help them!
  18. Happy Birthday Danny, hope you have a cracking day!
  19. Like many folk here, I personally would have liked to have heard some more solid info about the next Zelda - it really has been far too long! Plus I'm currently going through my Zelda Marathon (trying to complete as many Zelda games in a month as possible!) Galaxy 2 and Mario Bros. Wii are welcome but they're not really exciting enough - I wish Nintendo would start pumping out their other franchises. My Wii could really do with a bit of F-Zero or Starfox. Metroid doesn't really appeal to me - Other M does however look pretty epic and therefore it may tempt me once I learn more about it. I don't really rate any of the Prime games, I don't know why either, just can't quite get into them. The casual games also work for me as I like a bit of fun but more in depth titles wouldn't go a miss! True but it's just a bit average - impressive for a DS title yes, but there's better games to take online in my opinion.
  20. Nintendo does need to stop whoring its franchises out to the wrong people - Starfox has gone through some fucking awful incarnations ever since Rare fucked the whole series over with Adventures. Starfox is one of those games where I'd happily see Nintendo remake the same game every generation (e.g., no massive change to the story etc.) with an updated look and control etc. or if they are going to do something new, make it something that isn't a pile of shit. Completely agree with McMad regarding F-Zero, as much as I'd love to see it, we're not gonna be seeing 30 player races anytime soon and therefore I'll happily live without F-Zero for now!
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