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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. This is what these threads are about. Comic value.
  2. It is indeed a very interesting feature, but I can easily understand that some people may not wish for their property to be shown to everyone on the internet. If this was to be implemented, people should be noted and asked to opt out if they don't wish to be a party of it (think black box in place of a house). That's what I think, anyway.
  3. Mewtwo and Pikachu, both rockers.
  4. I think this is a way of saying... [/topic]
  5. You know what I wish? Big Brother would have a Porygon-eye scene from the Pokemon cartoon, instantly sending some of the people who watch it into a seizure. Let's face it, the gene pool needs a bit of chlorine.
  6. I definitely don't view it as great as Melee, because Smash was fresher back then and the improvement between the first two games was far more noticeable. It's still a good game.
  7. I've been away for nearly a week, and have work tomorrow...so I might not be able to jump into this for a bit. When platformer/adventurer (e.g. Banjo Kazooie/Mario) day comes in, I'll be there, though.
  8. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA If only this were true...if only.
  9. It looks terrible. Let's hope it doesn't come to Europe. But really, we don't have to hope for that to happen.
  10. You sicken me.
  11. Banjo Kazooie, definitely.
  12. My friend was on Orange and for several months it didn't work whatsoever, then suddenly came back on. Shocking service really.
  13. You have got to be kidding...if they did that, it wouldn't even be Starfox anymore. It's like you're asking for a Zelda game with no Link and none of that dungeon exploring stuff. If you want GTA, get GTA.
  14. Over Symphonia? Shocking.... I tried to like Tales of The Abyss, but it fell horribly short of Symphonia for me. Then again, most new Tales games feel like rehashed material now anyway, so it's not really surprising.
  15. Well, I work at Tesco on Sunday which is time and a half, so I get paid roughly £9 an hour. For an 8AM-5PM shift, that sees me through money-wise. I don't pay money to live here since I'm with my parents, and university is already out the way for me. Once I graduate properly I'll be hopefully getting a job.
  16. Yeh, MM is the best. The sidequests and the whole time system made it very interesting (knowing person X would be at a certain place at a set time - quite original). People who said the time system was hard....they weren't doing it right! Limit yourself to only starting a dungeon once you have obtained the melody to get there and have reset to the first day and slowed time. It's really, really hard not to complete a dungeon in that time. Such a cracking game.
  17. Not sure if anyone else has, but got my uni results today. A 2:1 ! So chuffed. Was doing Cell Biology at the University of Manchester...feels so good to have my result now!
  18. Happy birthday you nocturnal BEAST, you.
  19. Happy Birthday Stef; our encounter was brief (Warhawk), but you seem like a nice guy.
  20. Just pledged, I'll give it a download in 20 mins then. Hopefully my add ons will have new versions that work with this.
  21. It's not a problem anymore (since about a week ago or so), but on eBay the case used to be that you could buy something from someone, and only until you gave them positive feedback would they give you feedback. Why is this? If I purchased something from them with no hiccups (practically paid for the item as soon as it was won), they already know that I am a 100% good buyer on my end. They obviously just waited so that if you gave them negative feedback for whatever reason, they'd neg you too. So in a sense, there was less motivation to give negative feedback, due to fear. Glad they've changed that now.
  22. Homebrew does allow you to install hacked VC/WW games for free actually. And anyone asking is clearly on a one-way ticket to ban.
  23. That's one of my pet hates too. Unless someone is physically injured, I just cannot stand it. It just feels so fake to me, and feels more like they are doing it to protect themselves from what they deserve (being yelled at some more, for instance).
  24. Hmm...despite getting this a day before release I still don't feel a great motivation to play through it. I'm somewhere in Act 2, and was quite enjoying it at first. I find MGO considerably harder than in the beta, where I could come first quite often. People seem to be getting headshots really easy with the M4, while using the zoom in on it for me makes it hard to aim and shoot people, while zoomed out the large shooting square ('crosshairs') seems to vague to headshot anyone.
  25. It's good...some of them I didn't get, and the winner seems worse than some of the others.
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