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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Not being able to find things. That is really, really annoying. The feeling that you think you know where something is, but every time you take a look it just isn't there. My latest lost thing is Banjo Tooie.
  2. They are indeed things people loved it for, but there is no doubt that the defining thing was the gameplay. By defining thing, I'm talking about the one thing that Zelda needed to make a huge impact on the gaming community at the time. As the first 3D Zelda, it introduced an epic and somewhat innovative quest with an amazing puzzle dungeon system that has since been rather copied. Like Hellfire said, there were plenty of animations in TP, but the fact is that people just remember OOT's NPCs and slight quirks fondly, particularly as we were younger back then or it was one of our earlier 3D action/RPG genre games. Any money that in 10-15 years, there will be people our age saying similar things about later games in the series.
  3. There really is a lot wrong with this list. The fact COD4 is at the top shows that a lot of the voters just pick what they like at the moment...hence GTA IV at the top, while GTA3 isn't. While there is evidence of people voting for great classics too (FFVII, OOT), there is no doubt that lots of people are still living under the hype of recent games. The problem is that opening the poll to everyone includes people with little taste or those easily persuaded by mainstream hyped titles. Really, some sort of panel of elites would probably do a better job coming up with the best quality games.
  4. Exactly the same for me...when playing as a child, the lack of familiarity with games, combined with the fact I could only get one every so often, made me appreciate them that much more. I never feel about games like I do then, now. I used to go bonkers over Banjo Kazooie, Zelda OOT + MM and Final Fantasies. Now they're just games. :/
  5. Here's one for £350: link. Seems good....5000:1 contrast ratio, 2 HDMI ports (360 and PS3 at once), freeview, component (best connection for Wii) and 32". Pretty great for that price actually.
  6. Maybe you did, but the majority of gamers probably loved the game for its gameplay...something that isn't fresh anymore, particularly with all the games we've played and that are out now. Little extra things like characters were nice, but I think OOT is held in such high regard because of the actual gameplay and settings. The dungeons were such great fun, and Hyrule field was huge for its time. Really TP is a great game, but we've played lots of Zelda games now and the game clearly was never going to have the same impact as OOT. I don't think any Zelda game ever will (except Majora's Mask, for me).
  7. I think the junction system was great because it removed doing what I had done 10 times over already - levelling up. In just minutes you could buy 10 tents, life magic refine to 100 curagas and have several thousand HP. It let you concentrate on the game I think. Esthar was probably one of the best cities of all time...and I think the whole playing in the past was brilliant. Only thing that wasn't very clever was the whole
  8. I'm sure I was... Seriously though, Thunderbirds was like watching paint dry. For me at least. It was all too slow moving with the rigid puppets, but then I guess it was made for people before my time. If there was nothing else to watch, maybe it would have been good back then.
  9. LOL I was utterly gobsmacked. How the hell does that come tops? I think some people confused "most hyped game of the moment" with "best game of all time". FFVIII never fails. Only people who say FFVIII fails, fail.
  10. I don't think details like arrangements of the belt etc had anything to do with OOT being liked more in the end. It boils down to four major things...hype, freshness, our age and the public trend. The series had been hyped to the next level since OOT, so really it's a no brainer that people would be disappointed or at least be playing a game that was worse than it would be. By freshness, I mean that OOT was using a relatively new format, and was the first Zelda game to do this in 3D. By the time TP came along, plenty of Zelda games, as well as 3D ones, had been out, meaning that the same tasks you were doing in TP weren't so great anymore. Age, I think, is important. Most of us here are old enough to have played Zelda games before, and thus TP probably isn't our first one. Even if it is, just being old itself makes games less great. When I was younger, games seemed so much better, while now I tend to do loads of other things besides games. I remember playing Mario 64 like it the best thing ever....now when M64DS came along, it was just another good game for me to play and finish. Same with other Mario games. Finally public trend...back in the day Zelda OOT was pretty much in its element. Now while you have TP coming out you also have other great games, particularly ones that surpass the game graphically and perhaps even in terms of fun. Put simply, if this game was released instead of OOT back in the day, but with N64 graphics, chances are everyone would treat it just the same as OOT.
  11. Not really bad at all. I guess cartoon violence to me is nothing...neither really is movie violence. I just don't buy into films/TV so easily and am critical about it all (realising it's props etc).
  12. Says you...
  13. Yeh I agree, they're sell outs. It's like when I see Parkinson advertising life insurance as well as Sky+...I think to myself "Parkie, you're better than this." Plus thunderbirds blew big time anyway, thus the ad kind of gets poor quickly.
  14. Rubbish advert really, like the Cadbury's airport luggage one. But the Cadbury's gorilla was good.
  15. They were all useless- truly none of them deserved to win.
  16. Yep, mine came with the post today. Good old shopto.
  17. I like Haagen-Dazs, particularly vanilla and strawberry cheesecake. But they are all ridiculously overpriced. On a side note, they now sell krispy kream doughnuts at our Tesco...how over priced are they?! They work out to be about £1.60 a doughnut.
  18. "Hell the game was so dark you couldn't see shit." The guy reviewing sounds inbred. The list is really messed up to be honest.
  19. Eww, that install screen is horrible. I know Snake smokes, but that's trying to make it look cool (which it really isn't). Guess I'll be seeing it soon enough though.
  20. Why should people care if he is (by the sounds of things) spoiled? He certainly hasn't posted anything in this topic worthy of being called a shitbag, tbh some of the people on this forum are just nasty little bullies. By hypocritical, I meant that someone in this topic moaned about him posting this just to 'show off', when all the time on this forum people are posting about their lives, things that happen to them, things that they want to share etc. Edit: also you'll notice he's not really being lazy here, he is just a person who likes advice or opinions on things from other people, ie. people's take on things. I know a lot of people who act indecisive like this in real life.
  21. Why does everyone on this forum act like such a dick towards A_F? It's as if even if he did post a topic you deemed half-decent you'd all take the mick out of him anyway. I re-read his original post...it's certainly nothing to get angry about, and had this been on any other forum I can't see the same sort of hate being directed back at him. Considering this forum is so full of people giving their opinions or life stories, getting angry here seems very hypocritical. It's a shame it wasn't laid down on you by the sounds of things.
  22. Shopto posted mine yesterday. Considering they pretty much pride themselves on shipping one day and it coming the next, I'm pretty much certain it's coming today. Has done with all their other stuff at least. I might not even play it today though, that's the mental thing.
  23. You're kidding? Probably about as fun as watching a carer or guide dog look after a blind person...ie. not very.
  24. Haha yes, I love watching people absolutely destroyed on Deal or no deal. Awful show - only worth it to see these really annoying superstitious greedy people leave with nothing.
  25. We've all gotten older, and games don't seem as great or new anymore. That's why I have amazing memories of N64 and PS1, less great memories of GCN, and even less great of the Wii. If you never played games before and were young, and played Zelda Twilight princess, you would possibly think that was great (like we did about OoT). For instance, Smash Brawl doesn't seem anywhere near as great as smash/smash melee did, and I honestly think I'm growing out of certain types of games.
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