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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. What I think is absolutely ridiculous is how you can consciously choose to not have a job, sign on and pretend to look for a couple of jobs each week and legally live paid for by other people. Even if nothing is wrong with you. In the old days, if you didn't want to work you'd just die.
  2. I cannot agree more with this person. There's a huge amount of people claiming benefits falsely; a lot of them you would probably call chavs, to be honest. I've met quite a few families who have claimed benefits for no reason, and it's really quite infuriating.
  3. If you say that, you seem like one of those people who knows nothing about politics but goes with a general public ignorance hate feeling.
  4. But having a long memory about a party 30 years ago isn't exactly going to reflect what they're going to be like now. Also, Labour gave us top-up fees. The bastards. Conservatives won here in Trafford as usual, by a long shot.
  5. That episode was absolutely amazing. Probably back to the standard of series 1/2. : peace:
  6. Sheikah

    GTA IV

    You can get helicopters easily at the Heliport. It's at the bottom of the middle island, on the right shore.
  7. Sheikah

    GTA IV

    Once the hint to tell you to call a cab occurs it worked for me. It probably does just get naturally unlocked as you progressed, then it's L1 when near a cab.
  8. You saw the mother practically on the stage with him. It's terrible how these mindless, near retarded parents push their children onto these shows when they have absolutely no talent.
  9. I've hated this since the producers worked out the winning formula for incredibly annoying TV: A child An incredibly average talent Buckets of patronising And suddenly all the judges and audience have simulataneous, multiple orgasms over an act that, had it been performed by an adult, would instantly have received three red crosses as well as the front row shouting "you're shit".
  10. Don't bother with theories, it only feeds those sad people's egos...
  11. It's not their level. If they do something so attrocious they deserve to pay the ultimate penalty. It's like a reward rather than sinking to their level. Cause and effect.
  12. I loved that opening too. I like most of the OP openings, all great.
  13. Amen. Naruto seriously lost my attention after it screwed everyone around with more than a year of filler. Since they still haven't
  14. I think MGO is really good, it's really well put together and there's such potential for it.
  15. And why's that? Yeh, O_W I watched the movies. One of them was just recapping everything in the episodes though, wasn't it? I generally just watch anime's as they are, and like them based on the enjoyment I get from them. I didn't really find the story that interesting in all honesty. I guess it was groundbreaking for its time though.
  16. I concur. Most people are straight, so it's not wrong for people to say that. Plus if he had said "girlfriend of boyfriend" to a straight guy, they would most likely take offense. Safe option he took really.
  17. Ouch...Runescape. Runescape! What a really, really bad game. I played this a little when I went through an MMORPG phase (played a lot of them). It was diabolical!
  18. What I don't get about this show is that they are praised for apparently all being narrowed down from thousands - why is this so?? Clearly they must be narrowed down in the sense that they are fools who make good television.
  19. Just reading through this maths talk makes me think..."Why...WHY?!!" To me it's always been one of those subjects that seems to have no practical use, just jargon (besides basic sums). If a man came up to me and said "I have 2 apples, ? melons, totalling 5 fruits. How many melons??" - I'd probably kick him in the nuts and run for it!
  20. My gamestation are selling them preowned for about 17 quid.
  21. Watched all of it, never found any awesomeness. I really disliked it to be honest.
  22. I really hate when that only gay in the village Little Britain lookalike comes on the screen. I mean, the resemblance is uncanny. That and he is quite annoying too. Ha ha, the one was fired said "I'm still in shock that Sir Alan couldn't see how special I am." Don't worry love, everyone could see how special you were.
  23. Saw that straight off, what is it with the government and logos? :P
  24. I really like the SNES tracks, as they test your pure drifting skill the most. What I don't like is levels like Luigi circuit, where any noob with a good string of items can win.
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