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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. Wow. That is bad value for money. Are you sure she didn't hire a monkey to massage your head for 20 minutes then come back, and take your money?
  2. Truly astounding... You obviously have no value for other people's opinions, unless they are the same as your own. You will keep arguing on and on until you feel like you have 'won'. I will say that it is quite disgusting for you to claim I am immature and culturally ignorant solely from saying I don't find Monster a masterpiece.
  3. Actually, he is. How much someone enjoys a show is down to someone's opinion. If I thought it was good enough to say it's quite watchable I shouldn't be subjected to someone telling me I am wrong because he knows more than me. That is incredibly demeaning. Side with those people, and they will bring you down with them. :p Let's not fuel the trolls.
  4. I think those places are guessing... I have brawl preordered on Amazon and every so often once it reaches their predicted release date (which was obviously false to begin with) they just bump it up a bit to another date.
  5. I think he means getting the US translated games straight off. It makes sense; I don't get why we wait for translations that we don't even need when for things like DS games, you simply need to ship them out and write "PAL" on them, job done. Saying that, like all these petitions this will do nothing.
  6. You might want to put a short description where you encounter him in the game. It's really not obvious if you're not told:
  7. I have seen people quote HMV dates so many times and get excited. XD Why do people do it? HMV know less than us!
  8. You forgot to add...."Sir I will just need your sort code and sekoority details" :p
  9. LOL. That is sheer quality, not being able to go near children... :p
  10. The winning type.
  11. He can't. If you say you you think something isn't that wonderful, he will keep telling you it is until you share his opinion. Apparently I'm not allowed to say it's watchable even if I don't think it's a masterpiece. Don't you love being told your opinion is wrong.
  12. Nothing can be said to be the best anime of manga, it is down to personal preference. On anime scoring sites it's never right at the top, if that is what you go by. And there is no doubt in my mind that some of the characters were a bit boring to watch (there were some amazing ones though, such as Grimmer), and had some side events that seemed somewhat pointless. I did like it a lot, but I definitely would not say it is a masterpiece. If you like it a lot, good. But don't go telling me what I should believe.
  13. A masterpiece? You need to watch some real works of television and film. :p It's good but definitely not the best. I like the overall theme and the way it is presented, but undoubtedly some of the characters are not that interesting, and the story can be a bit on and off. At times it is quite slow paced and dull, even if there are some very good parts.
  14. What's wrong with saying the anime is quite watchable? It is. Please don't try start arguments.
  15. On another unrelated note, your birthday is the same as mine Jordan. Any birthday topic of mine would be overshadowed. :p
  16. You need some comedy...watch this and you will be guaranteed to be cheered up somewhat for a while at least.
  17. One orange, one blue. Got one for my brother too.
  18. I looked at his name once, got it wrong, carried on thereafter. Spelling mistakes are human, you made one too.
  19. But you have to admit, misspelling in a post lecturing spelling is not smart.
  20. It's hormones, not hormonoes. A spelling for a spelling. ; - ) Sorry, but most of your posts here have seemingly been against me even when others have been arguing.
  21. Just be quiet. I won't be leaving, not by your watch anyway. Ignore me and I will ignore you. If you choose to keep arguing with me, I'll just argue back. A lot. I'm quite proficient at it, if you haven't noticed. If you want that agro, continue. It's entirely your choice.
  22. Yes I would notice that, I have the game. XD I wonder how many more times I can say that without having my head smashed in. Unfortunately Pika's FS isn't that great, but I love the cry he makes. It's like in episode 1 of Pokemon when Pikachu jumps up and does some ultra thunder/bolt and yells PIKACHUUUUUU!!! One of the best episodes of anime ever, even if the rest of the anime was shit. :p Pikachu's get back up B move must be one of the best ever, edgehangers never seem to be able to get rid of me! Shame Pika is weak as fook though.
  23. I've seen loads of your replies Rokhead, I've been on this forum for ages. I only just started posting less than a year ago in considerable amounts, and I've had to recreate accounts (I think they were deleted as new forums came into place, I was definitely on here when it was cube-europe and revo-europe). You really do appear to me like someone with something lodged up your backside. You seem to love making snide comments, and while you enjoy telling me that I don't accept your opinion, you show no promise of doing the same. You can't see from my point of view regarding gender, cigarettes, drugs, you name it - so we'll never meet eye to eye. How about you just stop talking to me completely? It works out, seeing as you clearly don't like me, and I don't like you. I honestly don't want anything to do with you. So how about you never even acknowledge my existence, talk about me or have anything to say about my posts, and I'll do the same. It'll mean great success for the both of us. : peace:
  24. Rokhead has more chance of winning the lottery three times over than EVER accepting anyone elses opinion, or showing any form of warmth to anyone on this forum. Jayseven is the one who went nuts over a grammar mistake, not me. So yeh, tell him. This convo has gone on for ages because neither of us accept each other's views, don't try pinning me as the bad guy, chum.
  25. You can, because it wasn't necessarily wrong to say what I said. Just because it wasn't phrased in perfect English that doesn't mean that someone couldn't have worked out what I was saying. Knowing science would imply I knew science - science being the effects of too much alcohol. =D Yes I am saying people are tools if they binge drink regularly, resulting in cirrhosis and god knows what. You see women like this a lot around university on nights out, it is definitely not clever. The amount is definitely a problem, how do you think George Best got shafted? :p Like I said, he never made it clear, so common sense was used to guess he was talking about smoking. Turns out he wasn't, so he should have stated that to begin with. I should be rubbish at writing? You should try read scientific journals, immaculately written and highly complex. I also studied English at A-level, and on forums I'd say I'm usually one of few people who spells most things correctly, uses correct punctuation, etc. I find it funny that you think I have poor grammar just because of a small mistake. If you really want I can go through your post history and highlight a few for you, but trust me when I say that no one wants that. Bollocks they do, do you think they have time to list all the diseases, risk groups and statistics in a string of text on cigarette packets? You come out with some silly things sometimes.
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