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Everything posted by Sheikah

  1. I would take swords, but definitely not magic!
  2. What does London have? Table tennis, and rape. Alton Towers has slides! wee wa waheyyy.
  3. London? Fuck that! Alton Towers would have rocked...
  4. Can anyone tell me if there are any changes to this since the first post and if this is still on. I like swords not magic! And who will be going so far?
  5. There's nothing wrong with a bit of random. If games were just a match of one guy against another guy, things would get stale and predictable. It's like how people play poker; obviously skill helps but randomness adds an element of surprise to make the game more interesting. I've seen people just play no items constantly against each other on melee, they are so boring to watch. God bless thar items.
  6. Items are random...anyone can get them, so you can't really say they're that unfair (as long as you don't have too powerful ones on). They're just an extension of abilities, like a gun/bow attack could be like throwing an item or using a projectile item. I think it takes more skill to use your character's moves as well as these extensions.
  7. Wow, that is awesome...
  8. I think we should all praise Pit for a moment. Never has such a silly sounding noise been made during a move. His across special (B) causes him to yell "deh deh deh deh deh!!" in a hilarious fashion, gotta be heard to be believed. :p
  9. Stamina thing? I've not played him much so I'm not sure what you're talking about. Can you explain what I need to do so I can test it and explain more about it? Edit: nvm looked it up, well I don't think I've played it enough to tell (or even judge how easily the Pokemon are knocked about). Been playing too much Link/Marth/Ike/Pikachu to see. :p
  10. I can tell you, I've played Diddy and he's balls. Well, from my experience at least. Also Ike's Smash right/left is amazingly slow. He's still really good though.
  11. Most Pokemon over #151 look shit, and I mean real shit. The original 151 was during the time when the craze hit the UK, so most people know and love them. A lot of the newer Pokemon just look stupid, hybrids of animals or just not really that good looking. There's no way they can make more Pokemon as cool as Pikachu, Jigglypuff, Charizard, Squirtle etc. There's just no way. Instead they keep churning out bad efforts and monged up looking beasts. But anyway, I've been playing smash brawl the last 2 and a half hours and wow! What a cool game. The AI is quite hard; level 9 computers aren't so easy to kill anymore and do require some real skill. Having a lot of fun right now.
  12. Would they just reincarnate Charlie already, please.
  13. Yeh, I'd have to say he has the best final smash of them all. Ridiculously strong. I'll be playing this game very shortly, let's just say that a certain dump has sprung up. I'll still be buying the game when it comes of course. Cannot wait.
  14. I agree, that's why I'll only buy/download manga that goes off differently completely, like FMA or Berserk (barely covered in the anime). I got the first few One Piece manga books after having watched most of the anime series, and it was like just watching the episodes but in pictures, and without Luffy's funny acting. If I have the option of watching near enough the same thing as the manga, I'll definitely watch it rather than read.
  15. Am I right in thinking it's 9:41AM in Japan and it's been released there?
  16. Yup it's Zell.
  17. OK then, here's one: "From Balamb".
  18. Ten10 ....?
  19. The copies are often Asian, but either way it's rare for the seller to even have european/mention it's a european copy. What with them being region free and all.
  20. The only ones that really link are OoT and MM. Could be wrong.
  21. I'd release a virtual reality headset, create a MMORPG and live in it! I'd be the swanky corrupt magistrate.
  22. Ok guys from now on people can answer an existing question correctly, and if they do they can make a new one. I don't want to make just 1 question at a time from 1 person because they might go offline, meaning ages until we find out if it's right.
  23. Not really a good excuse though... they could just make the marketplace policy like the Amazon policy; a fixed postage price, but the same postage if merging items (or possibly just a fraction more if marketplace items).
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