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Everything posted by bob

  1. I just tried to open my island up, but apparently both visitor and visitee need an online subscription, and i don't have one, so apologies but my cheap turnips are for me only...
  2. I got 95. Thought it sounded a bit shit, but looking on here maybe its not that bad?
  3. Sadly there was no beaver waiting for me. I guess you have to be a certain way into the game or something.
  4. I had no idea there was even a fishing tournament going on! Who do you need to talk to?
  5. Remembered that you can craft fish bait in this, so i made some, and the very first fish i caught with it was a blue marlin! The whole process is a bit of a faff though. I can't wait until i have larger pockets and a sturdier fishing rod. Talking of flimsy tools, is it possible for the pole to break while you're on the other side? I presume not, or that would be a bit annoying.
  6. Yeah i watched the first three seasons as dubs and the fourth as subs, and think that in this case the dubs are better. It felt weird hearing All Might have a weird weedy little voice. (Its the opposite for me with One Punch Man, the Japanese voice actor sounds like a total dork, which fits the character, while the dub gives him a heroic american accent which just sounds off) I might wait to watch season 5 dubbed, but it means a much longer wait!
  7. I'm not. The lack of my daily cycle commute and constant work-from-home snacking is putting a real toll on my waistline.
  8. Finished season 4 of My Hero Academia. Pretty good on the whole, but what is going on with their season pacing? Basically have a season finale 5 or 6 episodes from the end, and then have have a dozen filler episodes to run down the clock of them putting on a concert and thwarting a B-level paedo criminal. Just bizarre.
  9. Looks ridic, but at least they're trying something new. I'm guessing they backtrack and release the Dualshock 5 instead - exactly the same as the 4.
  10. bob

    Indie Games

    Been waiting ages for a good French scrapbooking game.
  11. At least crop your pee glass out of the picture.
  12. Nice little tool. I notice it also has a dark mode, so@drahkon should be happy.
  13. To travel to someone's island, do you both need an online subscription, or is it only the traveller who needs it?
  14. Thanks, but i meant at what point from the start of the game. Do you need to have built the shop? Do you just buy them from Timmy?
  15. bob


    Does it matter what order you watch the Star Wars animated series in?
  16. Pretty sure that's Numberwang isn't it?
  17. My feelings throughout this period can be summed up by this image: Basically my job allows me to work from home, and its been working very well. Thing is, all i read about on here and elsewhere online are all the people who are stuck at home with loads of time to play video games, while i still have basically the same amount of free time i always had... I realise i shouldn't complain, because i am extremely lucky to still have a job, but it's kind of frustrating - i want to buy Animal Crossing damnit!
  18. bob


    Finished Tiger King last night.... what a wild ride. I think this image sums it up for me: I think that perhaps Joe was set up, but that he also did a lot of the other crimes like animal abuse and fraud. Still, perhaps 22 years was a bit much. I'm in two minds as to whether CB murdered her husband. I think it's plausible, but similarly, he was defo a druglord who probably flew to Costa Rica and lived out the rest of his days there.
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