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N-E Supporter
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Everything posted by bob

  1. That is cool, but they should have said that the highest actual confirmed donation would get the costume, so every 'bid' goes towards the charity.
  2. Probably takes longer because you're having to download it from Kiribati.
  3. They need to do a similar thing with the entirety of the new Avengers game. Every character model in that one looking like a weird off-brand version of what you're expecting.
  4. They apparently are less effective than a standard face mask, but a lot of shop workers don't wear anything, so I guess they would be better than that...
  5. It used to be good when they recommended similar videos to the one you just watched, but now I get completely different ones suggested. Don't know what's up with that.
  6. Anyway, I saw this video on Reddit, which I very much enjoyed because it's a dancing otter, and the song got stuck in my head. https://i.imgur.com/QFoGCMF.mp4 So I looked up the song, and it's a banger. I prefer the dancing otter music video though.
  7. Depends on where you live i think. I can go for a walk around town, and never come closer than 2 metres to anyone else, so we don't bother to wear masks. If we go inside to any shops, we just pop the mask on.
  8. Pfff, you're not truly living that lifestyle until you have two compartments in your bin.
  9. Yeah, since I started putting all my food waste in my green wheelie bin, the only thing in my black bin is cellophane and other wrappers. Barely fill a bin bag every two weeks.
  10. Some fucker put empty beer cans in our (plastic and cardboard) recycling, and so it didn't get collected because it contained 'mixed' recycling. I already missed two weeks ago, so we're going to end up with 6 weeks worth of recycling built up. Arse.
  11. At least you don't actually have to plug the PS4 controllers directly into the console.
  12. Is it Wii Fit U?
  13. We just bought a big-ass fan a few years ago, which serves all our needs. It's enormous, but it cools down the room pretty quickly. Also, the white noise it creates basically bludgeons you into a really deep sleep.
  14. Fuck off, I hate squash. Badminton all the way.
  15. You make a compelling argument. I actually bought 1 year for £24 as you suggested, before you edited your comment. But I didn't realise it was a US code.
  16. Well it's free if you have PS Plus, but i don't. I think it's only £16 to buy, but you need PS Plus to play. Having said that, I could buy a month of PS plus instead of a year.Then it's only £6 to play it for a bit...
  17. I reckon anyone who buys a console these days might pick it up because you can get it for cheap, and it's fun to mess about in. Plus, it's multi-multi-platform, so the console base for it is absolutely massive.
  18. I really want to play this, but i'm not sure it's worth £40... I guess I could play on Steam, but i want to play it on Ps4.
  19. Have you managed to find a vegan cheese that doesn't taste like feet?
  20. Pole: Hamilton Fastest lap: Hamilton 1st: Hamilton 2nd: HULK 3rd: Thor 4th: Iron Man 5th: Captain America
  21. I'm not getting a CAPCHA, but i do get a few seconds of Cloudflare checking, which is presumably why my Tapatalk app is refusing to load on my phone.
  22. Never Enough is the song we play for our fat guinea pig because any food that we give him is exactly that.
  23. That guy is still polling above 40% across America too.
  24. Well considering the best selling game on the Switch is a full-priced port of a Wii-U game, it's easy to see why they are doing it.
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