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Everything posted by bob

  1. The thread title has a typo in it. That is all.
  2. What does this involve? Is it some sort of surgery? Or a cream?
  3. I finished Demon Slayer, well, up until the point released on Netflix. I thought there were more seasons than that - i'm left wanting more! There was something so compelling about it, i'm not sure what it was.
  4. Does that imply that all the Earth's hedgehogs are also aliens from another planet, or is it a case of convergent evolution?
  5. Still plugging away at Mass Effect 2. But annoyed because last night I managed to fail a mission. I didn't realise there were any missions you could fail (and not just restart), but the Samara loyalty mission ended up with her daughter buggering off. I love the way all your decisions follow you through the game and even through to the next game, but because this one was an actual failure rather than a conscious decision, it just didn't sit right, and I've been griping about it ever since...
  6. Sonic isn't actually a hedgehog either though, is he? I thought he was an alien that just happened to look like one.
  7. I have no idea who Shadow is. Is he related to Sonic? A clone? An evil version from an alternate dimension?
  8. Ah, I think you're right - that seems to be what Netflix calls them. I think it's an American term. Anyway, depends on your style of comedy, but Bill Bailey - Bewilderness was a favourite of mine growing up. Surrealist comedy with musical numbers. Ross Noble is another of my favourites. Any of his shows really. Nonsense ramblings and interactions with the crowd. I know he's a bit controversial these days, but Ricky Gervais early standup was pretty good. He knows how to tell a story and hold the audiences attention. I think "Animals" is the best.
  9. Lmao, he's such a bellend. I love how he held his hands up as if to say "hey, I've done nothing wrong" while actively stomping on the dude as he lies on the floor. His reaction to the red card too:[/url]
  10. Do you mean stand-up comedy? Or TV shows?
  11. It probably would look cool if the Tintin brown trousers colour didn't make it look like Lukaku was running around like Donald Duck.
  12. Browsing this thread is like trying to read a forum in another language.
  13. I had hoped to finish another game this year, continuing my streak of 1 per month. However, Mass Effect 2 has turned out to be way better than I was expecting, and skipping all the side quests is too difficult, so it's taking me longer than the first game. The writing and quest design is head and shoulders above the first game, which make them actually enjoyable to play rather than just box ticking. Hopefully I can finish this game off soon though, as it's messing with my GPM average.
  14. Happy birthday (of growth)!
  15. I watched X-Men. Bit disappointed that there's only 2 episodes, for some reason I thought they'd released a whole season at once. It's ok, but since I never really watched the original and so don't have the nostalgia for it, it didn't seem amazing. Hopefully once it gets going it'll improve.
  16. Pokémon going open world was the worst thing that happened in 2020.
  17. Can't stop listening to this atm. Really beautiful. https://open.spotify.com/track/61Ps2sXXwiYCcyAynt81JI?si=nEb7oXZgSlWtCZRrxVI7ZQ
  18. I suppose they would have given themselves 10-15 years for the new water tribe Avatar to grow up a bit, and given that they'd already started killing off all the water tribe benders already, they were probably planning on killing off all the water benders too?
  19. Is that a terrible logo, or does that say Resident Evil X?
  20. Watching Death and other Details on Disney+ It's a whodunnit set on a cruise ship. It's set in present day, but the whole boat is done up in 40s aesthetics, so it seems like a period show. It's a bit Poirot, in that they have a world famous detective on board, but it also reminds me a lot of that Spanish drama that was on Netflix a couple of years ago - High Seas. Anyway, it's just the right amount of trashy twists and turns and mystery. My wife and I are loving it!
  21. I had heard some of these names, but I think this is the first time I've ever seen pictures of them. Couldn't have picked those grass starters out of a lineup. The fire starter starts off well, but quickly evolves into looking like the fox Maid Marian from Robin Hood. Greninja I had heard of, and seen due to the reasons already posted.
  22. Isn't that one of the risks of Kickstarter though, that you might not get anything for your investment? I don't know what the terms are like when you back something though.
  23. Dwayne is making bank though, so whatever he's doing is clearly working for him (including all the weird not-allowed-to-lose-a-fight clauses). Dude's obviously not looking to win an Oscar or anything, so if you can star in films, be the hero and make money doing it, why would you deviate from that formula? Bautista is a weird one, because he's obviously a great actor, and wants to branch out into more serious roles, but I feel like the fact that he's built like a fucking rhinoceros is holding him back in getting those roles. He just isn't believable playing an accountant or a HR manager or anything.
  24. Hopefully if they film seasons 2 and 3 back to back, they release them a bit closer together too! I can't wait until 2025 for more!
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