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Everything posted by bob

  1. That's some odd casting...is Galactus going to be CGI and he'll do the voice? In a Yorkshire accent?!
  2. The issue is hosting the content. If Nintendo or Sony developed somewhere people could upload pics or clips to, then you could easily link or embed them to whatever social media you wanted. It would help advertise and spread the word, like you say. The issue is that Nintendo is too poor to find the money to pay for a web hosting service.
  3. Whilst Elon can certainly get bent, it shouldn't be up to a third party to provide the ability to upload and share screenshots. I can't believe that's been the solution this whole time.
  4. Does anyone watch the Snooker World Championships other than purists?
  5. After playing a game with possibly some of the best writing ever (and some naff gameplay), I decided to go with the complete opposite. A game with possibly some of the worst writing ever (and some pretty addictive gameplay) - Pokemon Arceus I got reasonably far with this the first time i played it, then trailed off a bit as I couldn't stomach any more of the crap dialogue and cut scenes. I thought i'd come back and try and finish it off (the story at least). I got as far as defeating the 3rd angry pokemon, and had 6 stars, so i'm maybe around halfway through? Not sure how far i'll bother trying to fill out my Pokedex. Probably just keep playing until I get bored.
  6. Anyone but Real Madrid. Their plot armour in the Champions League is just infuriating. Re-match of the 12/13 final, and then Bayern losing out to the Harry Kane curse would be perfect I reckon.
  7. Watched the latest (8th) episode of X-Men 97.
  8. Mightn't they try and release MP4 on Switch 1 given that they have 140 million player base to sell it to? I presume that's always the rationale for cross-gen releases. It depends on whether they think it'll make more money by selling more units, or make more money by selling more consoles.
  9. To be honest, I had no idea about any of that, I just thought Bidoof was a silly Pokémon. Do you have to do anything to access a moody ability, or does it just happen during a fight?
  10. I don't understand why you got rid of the most powerful Pokémon in the game..
  11. Really enjoyed The Boys, but I felt that for the end of Season 3 they were too scared to kill any main characters off. It's rubbish when a series gets like that because it feels like the stakes are too low and there's no tension.
  12. Ooooh, my 3 yr old is reeeeeally into Spidey, and i'm really tempted to try him on Spider-man 1, but he's only really watched the kiddy animated stuff, so i think a 2 hour live action film might be beyond him unfortunately...
  13. Definitely not starting ME3. Need a break from the format. I might go with Uncharted 4, or I've got Far Cry 4 sitting unopened, or maybe even Tears of the Kingdom? Haven't decided yet.
  14. Managed to finish Mass Effect 2 a couple of nights ago. It was pretty good. I've already said how superior it was to ME1 - the writing and plotlines are some of the best i've ever seen in a game. Some of the decisions it has you make are just so cleverly constructed, and go so far beyond most games' "Do choose to kill the bad guy, or let someone else kill the bad guy?". There were some missions where I knew what I was going to have to choose between by the end, but the difficulty of the choice was so bad, that i was dreading making it. The one where you have to decide between destroying all the Geth with the virus, or cure the virus and let them return (but end up sharing their corrupted memories with the other half of the Geth) was such a good one. Or destroying the genophage research, or keeping it. I can't wait to find out how those decisions affect the story in ME3! I don't think it was a perfect game however - I thought the gunplay was a bit crap, and I came to actually dread having to fight anybody. The guns felt ineffectual and imprecise, and all of the biotic powers seemed to be mostly the same. I think i'd give it a 8/10 overall. Games completed in 2024 Mass Effect 1 Uncharted 3 Mass Effect 2 I'll overtake Drahkon at this pace.
  15. Buckle up for some true 'bad stuff' then: Tapatalk had started putting unskippable video adverts in the app, continuing the slow enshittification of the app. Probably going to have to finally use the browser version of the website now, which is very inconvenient for me.
  16. I am only just finding this out, and I've played this game for multiple hours at a friend's house. I thought it was just a boost meter! No wonder I kept exploding so easily!
  17. I believe @Glen-i was including @Darren in his five, so one of those has to go.
  18. LMAO, who buys physical media these days? What a square.
  19. I'm already sat in the cinema waiting for it to start. The staff are trying to throw me out, but I'm here to stay.
  20. To be honest, I feel the same about many other laws of the game. Players getting a hand-ball called against them because the ball just happened to touch their arm even though they're facing the other way - surely that's not in the spirit of the game - the player clearly isn't trying to gain advantage in that scenario. It's the same with tackles in the box - most of the time the attacker just has to move near the defender and roll over their leg for it to be a foul. It's ridiculous. I don't know how you would change it all though, because a line has to be drawn somewhere - in your example, it is drawn a exactly at the outstretched point of his toe. For the handball example - it either touches his arm or it doesn't. It's easier to call, even if the result ends up being ridiculous.
  21. Oh Damn! I would prefer to wait until it is dubbed, but I may not be able to contain myself!
  22. I suppose Pokémon is an RPG with more than 100 playable characters (150 even!), and that still works, so just choose the characters that look cool. You can always change your mind later and release them back into the wild.
  23. bob


    It's on my list of things to watch. It is supposed to be quite good though. It will be interesting to see what they kept or cut from the book, because that shit was strange.
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