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Everything posted by bob

  1. Yeah i've read it. It is pretty good. It does time travel in an interesting way as you say. I can't really remember much beyond the plot outline though.
  2. Isn't PSGs kit designed by Michael Jordan's company? Maybe that's why!
  3. Tell us what you really thought of it @Sméagol
  4. Yeah, it just doesn't sit right with me when larger companies use it. Doesn't feel right.
  5. Finally got around to watching Luca on Disney+. It's pretty good. Thankfully it doesn't suffer from the Pixar Misery Bug, as it's quite lighthearted all the way through. The one thing that irritated me about it was the way they would throw in all these italian words into the dialogue with a ridiculously over the top faux italian accent. "Santa Mozzerella!" I don't know why, but I found it really grating. Of the recent Pixar offerings, I would say that Onward is better, but this one is definitely better than Soul.
  6. Why is an officially licensed game on Kickstarter? Isn't that a bit odd?
  7. Hmmm, Civ VI is available on CD Keys for £12. That's quite tempting, but I worry that if I buy it, that will be all I play. Perhaps forever...
  8. bob


    Been watching a few things on Netflix: The Dragon Prince Was told that this was similar to Avatar, and so I thought I would give it a go. It starts off with a few very generic fantasy tropes, but seems to be getting better. The guy voicing Callum did Sokka from Avatar, and the character appears to be very similar too. The voice actress for the elf does an excruciatingly bad Scottish accent, which is very off-putting. I thought that maybe she was actually Scottish and just trying to speak clearly for the US audience, but apparently she is Canadian. Not sure why they felt the character needed a Scottish accent, or why they went with this actress when she clearly can't do one, but there you go. Dark This show is so, so good. I think someone recommended it here, and so added it to my list to watch, and only just got around to starting it recently. Now we can't get enough of it. Possibly one of the best things about it, and it keeps surprising me again and again, is the casting. The fact they got these actors that look SO much like their younger and older counterparts is astonishing. The casting is so good, that when a new character shows up on screen, you can instantly recognise who it is supposed to be the younger (or older) version of before they even tell you. It's incredible! I'm convinced they used some sort of facial recognition AI to sift through casting headshots or something, because they are just so dead-on. Anyway, we're nearing the end of S2, and I can't wait to see how it turns out. I'm a bit wary of it going a bit Lost with the plotline, so i hope they know what they're doing with it.
  9. Yeah sure Than. Thanks for showing up.
  10. You really think that it is inarguably the most impressive performance of all time, or are you just being hyperbolic? I mean, if you really think that nobody is going to argue with that statement, it must be your first day on the internet.
  11. I used to be scared of spiders, but then one set up shop in the corner of our bathroom, and I let him be, because he was catching the odd fly or mosquito. Then one day a wasp got into the bathroom, and I found Colin cowering in fear behind a plant pot because the wasp had destroyed his web. Now he's my best bro spider-bro, and I would do anything for him.
  12. I tried a Guan Yu run just to get it to the surface for the achievement, and ended up beating the final boss with 26 health to spare! I basically got all Artemis boons and maxed out as much health as I could. Had around 150 health and 2 death defys at the final boss. The Artemis boons meant I was regular dealing out 1000+ damage with my special. I did a previous run with the Railgun, where I maxed out the ammo to be 30, and tried to do as much damage with my attack as I could. Ended up getting a Duo boon in the final Satyr dungeon that did something to my cast (I think it was Demeter + Poseidon) which utterly wrecked the final Boss. Ended up not even using my attack, and instead just repeated the cast over and over again. No idea how it was doing it, but I want complaining!
  13. How much did you pay for your German, custom-made, bit of rectangular felt?
  14. That's what titty tape is for.
  15. Roam about the streets with vaccine rifle. It's the only way.
  16. I'm addicted to Poms! The keepsake that P gives you that gifts you a random Pom level after each 4 encounters is my new jam. The other day I got that duo boon that gives you a +1 pom level each time you pick one up, as well as the +1 pom level with every nectar pick up. By the end, all of my boons were double figure levelled! Love it! Trying to go through and get as many of the legendary/duo boons as I can now, as well as doing as many things in the Fated lists as i can.
  17. Just leaving this absolute banger here.
  18. Managed to move our second doses forward to July 31st. Woop woop!
  19. I'm always a bit skeptical of Valve's hardware offerings, because they are making so much money from Steam I don't really see why they keep releasing things. There's no way their hardware department makes any money, and yet they keep coming out with these oddities. Leads me to conclude that it must be a tax dodge or something; funnelling all profits through their hardware department because the rate is lower for physical products than software....or something. And they have to produce something every few years to justify it. Anyway, looks like a beefy Switch.
  20. Finally got the complete ending last night after 89 escape attempts. Pretty good. Enjoyed the credits music.
  21. Some of us had to make do with BBC1, BBC2, ITV and S4C.
  22. Going to go: Loki Wandavision Captain Falcon CF&WS had some good moments, but the baddies and plot were so lame and predictable. I loved the feeling of mystery in Wandavision, and not knowing where it was going out what the fuck was happening. Loki was great. Loved the settings, music, Owen Wilson, weird versions of Loki, and many of the ideas. The ending did fall a bit short, but seeing how they were using it to set up the next slew of films, I can forgive it a bit. The whole episode kind of felt like a really long after credits scene.
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