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Everything posted by bob

  1. Between Uncharted games, I thought i'd play a game I got for Christmas - Assassin's Creed Unity I've had my eye on this one for while now, as the setting seemed perfect for a AC game; running around revolution era Paris? Amazing. However, at the time, it was getting terrible reviews, and I was a bit fatigued with AC games after playing Black Flag and Syndicate very close together. I'd heard that they'd managed to fix most of the bugs in this, and seeing as it was very cheap now, I thought i'd go for it, as I'd had a hankering to play another AC game, and the more modern ones don't interest me. First impressions aren't great, it has to be said. There are still a lot of glitches and bugs in it. Nothing game breaking so far, but i don't think i've played a mission yet where something wasn't where it was supposed to be, or a button didn't register when it was suppose to. You can tell they cut a lot of corners on the side quests as well. There aren't any cut scenes when meeting with Madame Tussaude or Vidocq, and sometimes their mouths don't even move when speaking, which is a bit disappointing. The other downside to this game (which possible is the root cause of the rest of the game being a bit unfinished) is the sheer volume of extraneous shit they've put in it. Main missions, side missions, coop missions, heist missions, collectables (many different ones), chests (four different types), skill points, assassin points, money, helix points(?), multiple different weapon types, to name a few. There's just so much clutter, and it's all so confusing trying to remember how to access all the different menus, and where to go. It doesn't help that a lot of the stuff refers to features that aren't available any more, like all the online stuff. HOWEVER, once you open up the main city of Paris, and start exploring, i was reminded about why I love these games. Just running around real-life historical places, and seeing famous landmarks, and occasionally killing people. It's fantastic. And clutter aside, there are some seriously impressive elements to this game, like the crowd scenes, which are way better that the previous ones. The first time I stumbled into one of the packed squares, and there are hundreds, if not thousands of people there, all jostling and shouting, it really adds to the feeling of a revolution. Sure, some of them spazz out if you watch them for too long, and the textures sometimes take a while to load in on a few of the people, but having that many people on screen at once, all doing their own thing, is incredibly impressive, and I don't think i've seen anything in any game since. I'm only a few hours into the game, so i've only just gotten my Assassin status and had a bit of a roam around, but i've discovered they have a 'property management' mini-game of sorts, where you can find and buy 'Cafe's' which give you an income. Also, all the weapon and armour upgrades are purchasable with money alone...I think you can see where this is going. I've found and bought 6 of the 7 cafe's, and upgraded the Cafe storyline a fair amount to the point where i'm getting 5000 lires every 20 minutes or so. Soon I will have amassed enough money to buy the best kit in the game, which should help cheese the rest of the game. Love it.
  2. Been listening to this song on repeat these last couple of days The opening is such a head-bopper.
  3. I've been ploughing through Uncharted 2: Amongus Among Thieves and finally reached the end yesterday. The game just keeps getting better and better as it goes on, with bigger and more elaborate set pieces, and more stunning levels and scenery. It's amazing to think it was released two generations ago. Anyway, everything about the game is an improvement on the first. The graphics, the music, the characters, the plot; if the first game is a 7/10, the second one is ten times better. I'm not sure if i'll continue on with the third game straight away. I might have a break and play something else in the middle, because I'm a bit Uncharted out. I'll give Uncharted 2 a score of 7
  4. Actual footage of Kav at the skatepark shortly after:
  5. Finally picked up COVID-19 this week after hearing so much about it. I put it off for a long time because I'd heard bad things about it, but I read that if you have the latest three patches installed, it's not as bad as at launch. Well, despite being fully patched, the experience was a total nightmare. I'm not one for hyperbole, but it made me ill. It was that bad. I've not completed it yet; I've still got a few lingering elements here and there, but on what I've seen, I really wouldn't recommend it to anyone. Probably best to skip it and wait for COVID-22.
  6. Yeah those Americans need taking down a peg or two. Scrape into the World Cup with a 2-0 loss to Costa Rica and they think they own the place.
  7. Sorry to hear that Cube, that must have been hard to hear. At least it sounds like there is a treatment though!
  8. It's a different meaning. Shuttered means to close with a shutter, like a storefront at the end of the day. Invokes a different image than simply 'shut', which is more vague.
  9. I've only played a tiny bit of Bastion, but the movement in Hades is enormously better. The controls are tight and responsive, and you really feel in control at all times.
  10. It's understandable because you are German and your English isn't so good, but we just say 'price'. The word 'point' is unnecessary and superfluous.
  11. Oh it was definitely worth it. Off to spend my winnings now!
  12. There are easier ways to get Dark Rai. Most supermarkets sell them.
  13. God, it must suck to be a game developer, spending years of your life working hard on a big game, only for some higher up to make the decision to plonk microtransactions in it and basically fuck it up.
  14. Well this dampens my enthusiasm for the remaining games...
  15. Just bought Bastion for £1.62. I had better not have been ripped off.
  16. So I've continued on with my Uncharted journey, starting Uncharted 2: Among Thieves The beginning is fairly reminiscent of 1. The train crash scene is a good opening, but the few levels after that don't really offer much more than the first game did. That is, until the Nepal level. The graphical upgrade in that level is incredible compared with the first game. Climbing up the hotel building and being attached by the helicopter was great. All of the set pieces so far have been fantastic. The train level was brilliant (a bit Goldeneye-esque) It's quite a bit longer that the first game too. It seems like I've been playing for around the same amount of time, and I'm only just halfway through. Just got attacked by a yeti, which was a surprise.
  17. We paid £1000 for a mortgage advisor (but then got £500 off the price of the mortgage, so I guess it was half that), but we get them for life. So every time the mortgage comes up for renewal, we can get them to look around for deals and sort out the switch for us. Seems like a bargain as far as I'm concerned.
  18. That's why I bought a factory sealing machine a while back. It's paid dividends back from selling pre-owned games to foolish eBay buyers.
  19. Well first off, i'm not taking difficulty advice from you. I'd need assurances from someone on my level, who plays on easy and then still needs to cheese the odd boss. The other reason I know i'd hate it and stop playing it is that I can't play creepy, dark or spooky games. The whole aesthetic of this, and all the other Souls games, just puts me off. I'm still really jealous though, because it sounds like the open world design is fantastic, and would absolutely be something i'd enjoy. I'll just live vicariously through others.
  20. I keep coming in here and reading about how much fun everyone is having with this game, and how it might be the best open world game ever, and I LOVE open world games. But I know I will hate this game and will waste my money if I buy it. So I have to just read the posts in here and try not to be too jealous.
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