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Everything posted by bob

  1. Ah. I have no idea how Tinder works. I thought guys being on it was normal.
  2. Or, y'know, he's gay. It's not always an accident.
  3. Yeah, they could have done something which made it look like you were speeding up as you went upwards, or made the distance from ground to space seem greater i suppose.
  4. Did you put the penis hairslide on her?
  5. Well if you are playing a game where travel to other galaxies is possible, you'd need to have discovered faster than light travel anyway, so taking a few seconds to exit an atmosphere isn't that unrealistic. If they made it too long, people would no doubt complain about it anyway.
  6. I believe he was being a Little Hitler. EDIT: Also, i'd like to issue a statement that BillyBobJimBob is in no way, any sort of relation to me.
  7. I'm not going to give them ratings, but i've had a proper few listens now, and i've got my favourites. I really like Defector, Reapers, The Handler, The Globalist, Dead Inside and Psycho. Not that keen on Mercy, Revolt, Aftermath or Drones. But still, that's a pretty good hit rate for an album.
  8. GRRM will never release Winds of Winter. He's too busy trying to work out how to kill off everyone you ever knew and loved. My friend reckons the end of the books will end with the Others coming and murdering everyone, and plunging the world into a permanent winter. No-one will survive.
  9. I haven't watched the video either, but does it say roughly how much each person would get as their basic income? Are we talking minimum wage? Or minimum benefits level? I quite like the idea, and would love to live in a country that had been built from the ground up with this in mind, but as will' said, it would be a bit of a ballache to try and impliment it to an already existing country.
  10. They just don't try anymore...
  11. I wonder what we're going to call this little period in N-E history, a few years down the line...?
  12. There's your problem. Yahoooooooooooooooo! (Seriously though, I have no idea.)
  13. I managed to get in an hour and a half on South Park: the stick of truth last night. Meant to try and finish off WW, but I couldn't face trying to learn the control scheme again, so I thought I'd try something new. Really enjoying it so far. It's been a while since I played a proper rpg (Borderlands doesn't count really). Probably have another go on it tonight as well if I have time.
  14. Oh yeah... Call it a load of bollocks then?
  15. I think he's only using exclusives?
  16. Also, £40000 is a lot of money for such a short game. I'd wager Serebii paid a bit less when buying it online.
  17. I really wish I could....but my fiancée would likely kill me. And then I would be dead, and no use to anyone.
  18. That is an amazing price, albeit with two games I had no intention of buying... Still, I've set myself a date for which I'm allowed to get a next gen console, and it ain't yet.
  19. Hey, when I left that resource room, there were loads of boxes. Don't blame us.
  20. How do you find that out?
  21. James Horner, the Hollywood composer who wrote the Oscar-winning score for Titanic, has died in a California plane crash aged 61. Such a shame. He was one of my favourite film composers. This was one of my favourites of his:
  22. What were you taking the blood test for in the first place?
  23. I remember playing through World at War on coop with a friend at uni and it was brilliant. I've since played one of the others (can't remember which) but only the single player. Never tried the multi, always preferred Halo in that respect...
  24. I hope this is more like the Raimi ones and less like the last two.
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