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Everything posted by bob

  1. You look like a garden gnome in that first pic. I think it is just the camera angle though, so don't worry. I'm sure you're not that gnomic in real life.
  2. Did DuD actually send in any PMs?
  3. I have never preordered a game. I don't even remember I bought a game on day one...
  4. I'm sorry guys, but I don't think I can play tonight. My 3.5 journey home took 7, so I'm a bit behind this evening...
  5. And i wish you would have done, because I am completely in the dark about who it could be. Just a hint would have been nice.
  6. Black flag was really fucking piratey. Would recommend.
  7. Same here. Torrential rain and lightning flashes, but no thunder. Pretty creepy.
  8. I'm going for Just Cause, Battlefront and AC, and then maybe Halo 5 or No Man's Sky depending in which console I end up buying.
  9. The thought of steak is always a lot better than the actual steak. I'm continually disappointed by it.
  10. There's something incredibly disturbing about that cake...but I'm not sure what.
  11. Cyanide and Happiness has been really consistently good recently.
  12. Happy birthday!
  13. I voted, but I was tempted by Rowena. What a fox!
  14. ^That was jayseven last Friday night
  15. I was just saying i might buy a fan, but i didn't want to become a fanboy. They're not held with much regard around here...
  16. I reckon October the 21st.
  17. Round 1: Shoot Rummy
  18. Maybe they could call it Pokemon Professor or something, where the aim isn't to catch and fight them, but see them all and fill in your Pokedex. You could play a young Professor Oak, just starting his journey into Pokedemia.
  19. I can't do Friday night, but I'm happy to let you choose and I'll see if I can join in afterwards.
  20. I never joke. I think that is the root problem right there. Whatever the issue, or topic, some people (on both sides of the fanboi debate) will argue about anything. They just like arguing. They'll argue against someone's point of view just so there is someone TO argue. I always like to remember the following comic whenever I feel myself getting worked up over a silly Internet discussion. It's helped me on many an occasion to just fucking leave it.
  21. Some people on this forum could get into an argument with themselves in a lift.
  22. I might join in depending on how much time/effort it'll need? I assume it'll just be a minute each day/cycle, which is reasonable.
  23. Why not have a drivel ban? If someone is talking drivel, delete their comments and anyone who replies to it.
  24. What an a-hole.
  25. Which one are you?
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