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Everything posted by bob

  1. Maybe set up another bank account which hold the money until the end of the month and then pays you out a months worth all on one go?
  2. Oh I'll applaud the ambition all day long, or as long as my palms can handle, but that doesn't mean the game won't get boring after a few hours if it doesn't have enough depth.
  3. bob

    Just Cause 3

    I really hope the new one has some badass scripted set pieces as well as all the sandbox stuff. I feel like they could put some really cool stuff in now they have this amazing physics engine in, like having a gun fight on the back of a jumbo jet as it flies into a building, or destroying a huge bridge as a train goes over it or something.
  4. Do you get to defeat a dinosaur using gymnastics?
  5. My hype for this has lessened ever so slightly after watching that gameplay video. I know it looks a bit early to say, but I worry that the game looks a bit....shallow? I'll wait and see and hope that I'm spouting rubbish (rare for me).
  6. bob

    Just Cause 3

    I had a few reservations while watching that video that they'd gone too far with the ridiculous physics, and ability to just spawn attack helicopters and the magic tension grapple. But then I carried on watching and though nah fuck it. It still looks awesome!
  7. Wow, I can't even imagine deciding to drive 30 hours. If it's anything over 8 I'd be looking for a flight.
  8. Which country are you in where you can drive for 30 hours and not drown?
  9. Actually that's what the police are for.
  10. That looks incredible!
  11. I really ought to clear out the freezer at some point too... Maybe that'll be my treat tonight.
  12. Who!? ¬_¬ °~°
  13. Soooooooo much wedding stuff.....urgh.
  14. bob

    Just Cause 3

    Was anyone else expecting the car to suddenly sprout a parachute and glide away? Just me? Ok.
  15. Yeah, travel insurance isn't very much when compared to the cost of the trip itself usually. I probably wouldn't bother if it was just a weekend away to Dublin or Paris, but anything longer and i always get some.
  16. This might be the worst pun this forum has ever seen. And that includes the ill-fated pun thread.
  17. All i can say is if Earth is invaded by alien mantis creatures, and they all look like that... ...i wouldn't complain.
  18. I pay £140, but mine covers expensive things when they're not in the house too.
  19. None of us were going to bother, to be honest. But since the thread has been made now, happy birthday Goafer.
  20. That's why I don't have life insurance.
  21. But... Infinite C4?
  22. You've got life insurance? That's an odd one to have... I have car insurance, home contents, bicycle (both theft and 3rd party damage), wedding, and always get travel insurance when I go on holiday. It's a gamble innit. Some people are happy to not bother and hope nothing ever happens, but I like to play it safe.
  23. I agree, Wii was a pretty good member to have around. He contributes so much to every thread (most of it copy and pasted) that it seems a shame to ban him. Having said that, I've never read the rules, so as long as the mods are being fair to everyone who breaks them (which I assume they are), what can they do?
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