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Everything posted by bob

  1. Saw it last night also. Twas brillig. The only negative thing about it was that it seemed very low budget at times, but then it probably was. Hopefully the sequel will have more money to spend.
  2. I would just use your PS4 controller.
  3. Was the AVGN on there? He was good.
  4. It's funny because the fourth one was widely considered bad, so he's pretending it didn't exist.
  5. I didn't realise Ashley worked here? Anyway, Happy Birthday.
  6. Happy birthday Eeeeeeeeeeeenuh!
  7. Only ever been on one first date, and that was a decade ago.
  8. But you could just post it on here and everybody would see it.
  9. Have you tried the green tea flavoured ones? My wife brought some back from Japan, and they were surprisingly good.
  10. Terrifying, but awesome.
  11. What's the point of having a Facebook page when we have a forum?
  12. I have to admit, I'm a teensy bit more intrigued by this now I've heard he's in it. I might tune in just to see... ...how he's doing.
  13. I had to sign out and then back in again to get Tapatalk to work.
  14. But they showed promise, didn't they?
  15. Promising because it's Pokemon and therefore it'll sell bucket loads.
  16. Yeah, I've got 4 games for my PS4, which should last me 2 years based on my 2015 performance. Some of those look pretty exciting though!
  17. I want all my games in disc format. Unless they're on pc, in which case I'm perfectly happy to go digital. Not sure why that is...
  18. You're welcome.
  19. MFW i get called a horrible Russian...
  20. I finished off the 2nd of three 'zones' in Just Cause 3 (can't remember what they call them), so now just have the majority of the largest zone to do. Think i've got four missions of the main story to go as well, then it'll just be doing challenges and fucking shit up. Probably won't go for 100% on everything, but i see how far i get - still enjoying it which is pretty good!
  21. Not sure which level of burn that is...
  22. Sorry you were too quick for my ninja edit. Do your current ones actually access the volume control of the phone software?
  23. Headphones will work on anything with a headphone jack, which includes all phones, so you'll be fine! Is the volume control controlling the phone volume, or does it just control the headphone volume? If it's the latter I can't see how there would be a problem.
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