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Everything posted by bob

  1. It is not great. I've never been so cold on my commute in. Genuinely thought I had frostbite in my fingertips yesterday.
  2. I am the opposite. I'm not really a fan of sad films, and now it seems Pixar do nothing else. I've not seen Coco, and I probably won't bother if it's that bad. I really hope they don't go that way with Incredibles 2...
  3. It looks like it'll be similar to The Jungle Book where they only put in the bare minimum songs. Apparently they're only having 4 in Lion King (compared to 2 in JB), so it's not surprising that Be Prepared didn't make the cut.
  4. Well if we're doing illness related leavings, we had to leave The Help halfway through because we had to take our friend to A&E with a kidney infection.
  5. I wonder if Belgium has drastically lower waiting lists for organ transplants?
  6. Why would he be drinking tears though? They would probably taste very unpleasant.
  7. I felt bad for him initially, but after he muttered and sighed through the whole third quarter right next to me, I was glad he left. He smelled strongly of booze as well, so it's pretty obvious what he spent his time away doing.
  8. True, but they can't put that on the back of the DVD.
  9. Tony Taka is pretty good, but I prefer the early work of his sister Tiki.
  10. Master villain? [emoji33] He is a villain, and a master.
  11. Yeah sorry I know nothing about weight lifting, I'm sure it's a lot more complicated than just a metal bar!
  12. Amazing! Let's hope it gets your eyes, and Blades nose.
  13. My mate walked out of that Herbie remake with Lindsey Lohan, but because none of the rest of us followed, he just had to wait around in the car park til it finished anyway. Slightly off topic, but we went to see the Harry Potter play last night. It's split into two separate plays, 2 hours apart. But each play has two halves with a 15 interval. So four quarters. The guy next to me left after the first quarter, thinking it was the end of the first play, then returned for the second play and clearly had no clue what was going on. He was huffing and blowing and gesticulating at the stage in a confused way, and eventually walked out 5 minutes before the interval. What an idiot, and what a waste of a £140 ticket.
  14. I think it's a good thing, but they need to have an extensive campaign of letting everyone know that the law has changed, and an easy way to opt out. Personally, I think what happens to your body after you die doesn't matter, and if you can help others with your left-over warm meaty parts, then great. But I do see how it could be upsetting for others, especially if they were unaware the law had changed and they could have done something about it. So yeah, make sure everyone knows, and let people opt out easily, but hopefully there'll be lots of good juicy organs for everybody!
  15. I thought it was pretty good. Loved the exploration of a sci-fi African culture, especially the Masaii warrior women - they were so badass. I look forward to a sequel, if it gets one, which it probably will.
  16. bob


    Putting the pedal to the metal, lets see what this baby can do!
  17. I suspect Olympic bars can probably withstand far more than the load they are rated to, but they limit it just to be safe. I don't have the equations to hand right now as I'm on my phone on holiday, but the strength does go up in a power law (its either cubed or fourth, I can't remember which).
  18. A bar of the same length and material that is twice as thick should be able to withstand 8 times the load. The strength (and deflection) changes with a r^4 rate. So if the 1inch bar does about 150kg as Flink says, the Olympic bar should take 1200kg to get to know the same amount of bending.
  19. I've got past 500 moons, and have run out of steam a bit. Set myself the 500 moon goal so I could open up the final world. But tried the last level and noped out after a few tries.
  20. So a roundabout and confusing way then. I thought it was a very good deal.
  21. Is this just a very roundabout way of saying there is a double pack for £35?
  22. bob

    Indie Games

    Holy crap that looks like my spirit game.
  23. I was fine after 10 minutes of acclimatisation, but for those first few moments, it took me 4 tries to guide Geralt through a door.
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