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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I’m sure PS4 graphics in basketball games usually look better than that
  2. Just watched the season finale of Lower Decks
  3. Started playing this with @Goafer last night and while I think we both like what the game is, we did start to find the multiplayer aspect very annoying almost immediately. Three times we attempted to do the first quest where you go dig up a treasure chest on a starting island to learn what to do and three times we were killed and our boat sank because some idiots just seemed to want to camp at those beginning areas. I just can't believe that Rare didn't design the game better so you can get to know what you are doing first before all the troll tossers come out and start ruining it. If we couldn't even complete the first quest then something is wrong.
  4. I’m pretty sure Villa cheated for every single goal. Liverpool should have won with our superior defending skills and world class goalkeeper.
  5. This Liverpool match is going well...
  6. I think someone already posted an image of circle still being used as confirm on Twitter which was why I was wondering.
  7. It’s an OS level thing and devs can still use circle in their games but I wonder if Japanese games themselves started using X a while ago and this was just a decision made to match things up. Pure guess work on my part of course as I haven’t played a Japanese version of a game in years.
  8. They should have used Dreams to rebuild each game in their engine for backwards compatibility.
  9. I'd say unfortunately you and your friend treat everything like you do have it until you either get a negative result or 2 weeks has past.
  10. Really hope that doesn’t turn out to be true.
  11. Yeah Shotgun+Jetpack was always the way to go. I'd never kill the shopkeeper until the secret market level in 1. Assuming there's the same thing in this I expect that's how I'll continue to play. Too much risk at the end of each level otherwise.
  12. Really enjoying it so far, especially now I'm used to the way the character plays in comparison to Spelunky 1. I'm pretty comfortable getting through the first cave section now but the fact that the second isn't just set as the jungle as thrown me
  13. Just bought the PC version. That's all my gaming needs sorted for the next few years!
  14. Not sure what to do now with my PS4 preorder.
  15. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-09-25-new-report-says-michel-ancel-left-ubisoft-amid-investigation-into-his-toxic-behaviour
  16. https://uk.ign.com/articles/metal-gear-solid-and-metal-gear-solid-2-rated-for-pc
  17. Don't worry, I've cut holes into all my masks so I can lick away
  18. What's the point in going to London then?
  19. I haven't seen much on digital pricing but my current plan is to buy some ShopTo top ups over the next few months so when the console is released I should be able to get some better deals.
  20. Daddy, I am your father!
  21. Secretary at my school also got selected.
  22. I think all the Disney+ ones link to the movies. This one in particular leads into Doctor Strange 2.
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