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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. He won’t know what that’s from yet!
  2. I’ve only been playing the game in short bursts so I’m not too far in, only just taken back control so I could save in chapter 2. Not a massive fan of the new combat so far, I’d much rather just have direct control but I guess it’s something I’ll have to live with.
  3. Just asked on Era and apparently Astrobot can be deleted from the PS5 when you are done with it and takes up 11gb.
  4. Don’t think I ever realised just how much depth there was to the photo mode. Impressive.
  5. eBay 20% off voucher is back so I just preordered Devil May Cry 5 Special Edition for PS5 for £23.99
  6. Yeah base PS4. I guess I’m just noticing it more than I did with 6 or Kiwami 2.
  7. Didn’t last long. Started this morning 😆 Dunno if they’ve been more ambitious in this game or it’s the fact that it’s cross gen but I’m definitely noticing more chugging in places or pauses at the end of section where I started to worry it had crashed before it loaded the next scene.
  8. I thought the big thing was that Watchmen wasn’t getting a second season?
  9. Apparently the PS5 version of Watch Dogs has been pushed forward a week to the 19th so it’s inline with the console launch.
  10. Thankfully the game just arrived. Now I just have to see how long I can stop myself playing it 😆
  11. Anyone else got the console that could download the demos and see what happens?
  12. I still haven’t got my copy. First The Game Collection claimed there was another one of their supplier issues (amazing how often you hear that from them on game launches) and then they claimed they sent it yesterday but it didn’t arrive today. No dispatch email either.
  13. Was just looking at my download list on the PS Store and it looks like because I preordered Miles on PS5 I now also have the PS4 version.
  14. Hopefully that’ll be the end of it. Nothing worse than having a defective unit in a tech launch you were excited for. I had that with the Oculus Quest 2.
  15. Has your Xbox settled now?
  16. I’ve got an LG 4k tv and it’s really good so I think you’re making a good choice there.
  17. WE'RE SAVED!!! *Runs into the street and starts rubbing against people*
  18. https://blog.playstation.com/2020/11/09/ps5-the-ultimate-faq/#sf239758641 Big PS5 FAQ
  19. I need to have a proper think about job satisfaction. I get that not everyone can have their dream job but I would like to feel something about the work I do.
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