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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. Ok I’ve been out of the loop on VR for a while now. Someone sell me on some VR games that I could play on the Quest 2 (no link cable ones yet).
  2. I think they’ve been offering that for a while now. I never trust those kind of ones as they never know their stock allocation etc.
  3. https://www.game.co.uk/en/playstation-5-digital-edition-2826341
  4. Smyths have preorders up now
  5. Looking forward to a new Final Fantasy game. VII Remake has left me wanting more!
  6. Anyone got time to dig through this thread and find the posts where Dcubed guaranteed the PS5 would be stupidly expensive?
  7. Amazing stream yet again
  8. At £299 I'm now really tempted to put in a preorder.
  9. Mass Effect Trilogy Remaster rumours popping up again at the moment along with some product pages. Wonder if it’ll appear tonight.
  10. As it’s my last day of Game Pass sub I figured I would try xcloud on my phone. Went with Halo Reach. For the most part the video seemed ok, bit of artifacting here and there but not too distracting. The audio however wasn’t great, lot of crackling. I was a lot more impressed with Google Stadia when I tested that.
  11. Here we go
  12. I’m pretty sure someone posted the battery sizes on twitter and the PS5s was bigger than the Switch Pro’s.
  13. God dammit. Why do so many parents decide to fill in school forms with the shittest handwriting imaginable??? And why am I the mug who volunteered to take home all the forms this term to input them onto the database because we're all too busy??? I can't even read this kids bloody name!
  14. I quite like the box but I can imagine the top part of the Xbox pulsing on it, almost like it's breathing.
  15. Our school has had a couple of pupils get tests but no positives so far. Obviously it's hard to keep the kids apart but I don't think we are doing too badly. Different play areas for different bubbles, staggered lunch times, hand gel dispensers on every entry door etc. Our main worry was going to be the parents but after a rocky first day they are now learning to not leave their cars at pick up/drop off and no parking. This is causing the occasional queue on the high street but the kids are starting to get quicker and quicker at pick up so it's not too bad.
  16. They just look like two speakers to me. I think I’ll pass on the Xbox, I've already got an Amazon Echo which does the job for me.
  17. It was £575. I'd never learn to play it, I'd only want it to pose for photos with a lean back while pretending to play it 😆
  18. We've said it before but this generation more than any other, previous digital purchases are going to be a massive factor. I've got some games on my PS4 that I'm leaving now until the PS5 comes out and I think it's great that they'll just transfer over. I don't want an Xbox for a few reasons but that is a big one.
  19. Oculus Quest 2 leak https://www.theverge.com/2020/9/14/21435891/oculus-quest-2-leaked-promotional-video-specs-features-qualcomm-xr-2-platform-6gb-ram-4k-display
  20. Just seen a Saxaphone on HotUKDeals, should I buy it?
  21. I now have to wait a few weeks for the PC version to come out. I've got around 2000 hours of muscle memory built up with the Xbox pads when playing the original so using any other controller diminishes my reaction time quite a bit.
  22. I think they’ve managed to sell loads of people on charm alone. It may fall apart when people actually play it but for now they’ve done a great job creating buzz for an unknown.
  23. Crazy Liverpool v Leeds match. Our defense was pretty terrible but gotta give credit to Leeds, they certainly brought it to us tonight.
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