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Everything posted by Happenstance

  1. I think we’ll see either price matching for the PS5 and Series X or £50 less for the PS5. The digital only version will probably be £50 less again from the regular. We’ll also see a PS Classic thrown in with every -reorder to finally clear that stock
  2. Points to £59.99 I save......wait, wrong discussion
  3. Oh I get that, I’m just talking about in general. You’ve been like this for ages.
  4. I’ve got to ask @Dcubed, where does your weird dislike of Sony come from?
  5. *laughs in the money I save from not spending £59.99 on new launches*
  6. To be fair I still don’t know which button powers on the PS4 and which ejects the disc.
  7. I’m just happy to see it comes with a plug.
  8. We’re going to find out how he got the name Ben and where his dice came from.
  9. I hope they release a Series E as well so we can reach our immature potential and have the title as Xbox Series S | E | X
  10. Which series is this? I don’t want to start a show in the middle!
  11. I have a feeling they might go back to pushing Jay White. New Japan seemed pretty high on him for a while.
  12. I was watching the Voyager episode yesterday where the Doctor’s backup module was reactivated 700 years later still in the Delta Quadrant. At the end of the ep they say he ended up taking a ship and trying to trace Voyager’s journey back to the Alpha Quadrant. I’d love to see this version of him turn up in Discovery season 3 😆
  13. Dune is still one of things that I’ve just missed out on completely. Never read the book or seen the 80s movie.
  14. MS aren’t going to work out their finance deals comparing prices to current deals, temporary loop holes or cheap key sellers though. The finance deal they are offering is good compared to official prices.
  15. But isn’t this just the same as any contract? Not everyone can afford to pay the full whack upfront.
  16. You can buy the Ultimate Gamepass for a 12 month period, I just don’t know if that one automatically renews at the end.
  17. I think there’s also something to be said for having everything under one convenient payment.
  18. I guess all I can say is not everyone is the same. I keep my streaming services all year round.
  19. It works out ok if you’d also be someone buying gamepass each month etc.
  20. Has anyone used Klarna before for monthly payments? I’ve seen it popping up more and more and I see Xbox will be using it for the All Access stuff
  21. To be fair PS Now is pretty close to gamepass these days now it has the choice of streaming or downloading. It just lacks the games on release and much better marketing that MS do for gamepass but the services are comparable.
  22. PS3 ended up selling more than the 360 worldwide
  23. Can you explain what you mean by the PS3 lost?
  24. When it comes to Dcubed he seems to be in his own little world where Sony is concerned.
  25. Because it also has the first party games 🤷🏼‍♂️
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