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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Nolan


    Man....some jerk (driftkaiser) joined my fireteam today and stuck around a bit and then left in the middle of a heroic strike. Just to play Trails with some other jerks. So I went and had an awesome time at the Court of Oryx. A freakin ton of drops for all different runes. Literally one point away from hitting 295 now :/
  2. What's the bet that he too uses Adblock though? I really wouldn't be surprised if he(and many others) did it as well and kept others from owed revenue. I know of a fair few places that don't condemn Adblock but politely ask users to whitelist their site because the extra revenue does help, and the ads are unintrusive.
  3. This is the first I've heard of this. I kinda have to play it I guess, I mean I'm only an hour drive from the city after all.
  4. Nolan


    Nnnnope. Hadn't even realized they were legacy. Oh well, I didn't want the Supercell I like my Fabian Strategy. Would've been nice to at least get something with a Y2 variant to upgrade to but oh well.
  5. Nolan


    Well at least it makes it an easy choice to share them for later infusing.
  6. Nolan


    ................Fuck you Xur Figured fuck it and bought the exotic engram. Gave me the goddamn universal remote. Year 1 special that goes in my primary spot and only does 160.... Coins well spent.
  7. The first game had passable gameplay. It was fun, but I could see how others wouldn't care for it. Outside of that what it has is a FANTASTIC soundtrack, and a heartfelt depressing story that you feel deep down might not end well. You know...you're just a dad trying to save your daughter from her debilitating notcancer. The absolute best way to experience the game if you can't play it is to read this. http://lparchive.org/NIER/ TheDarkId shows off everything and gets all the endings and adds his own commentary at times in a delightful way. Even if you can or have played it I recommend reading all of that. I did it during breaks at work.
  8. Nolan


    Oh maybe. Tsugoth is the name. Seems silly to gimp a quest as opposed to change the drop rate for the mission specifically. He is one of the Zealots that can appear in the cosmodrome.
  9. Nolan


    Yesterday's daily heroic, Kings of Decay, is that quest glitched? I've done it 3 times now, twice on the daily and each and every time after Cayde finishes talking, the ghost tells me the Knight is down. I've never even seen that knight in the mission. Is it just a weird coincidence I always join literally as someone is killing it?
  10. Nolan


    I'd like to but if I have the timezones right I'll still be at work for another 3 hours. What's recommended for Normal anyway? I know it was said for HM 300minimum with a 310 weapon. I've yet to break 292 light and 300 on a weapon.
  11. Nolan


    Is that some sort of euphemism?
  12. FuCK I NEED TO GEt my keyboard. i also turned on capslock somehow and am shifting for each letter.... thanks win8.1... Much better. $10 actually. And fuck paying that, or any, amount. It affects the content creators in a massive way actually. Non Red members will still see ads and revenue will still be generated as current regardless of whether new or old content. Subscribers to Red will see no ads on any content, its very cloak and dagger, mysterious right now but there will some sort of profit split. No one really knows because Youtube is pretty tight lipped as usual. There were rumors of that creators who didn't sign up to be a part of Red (i.e. allow ad-free subscribtion videos) would have their videos marked as private and ergo viewable by no-one. I haven't found or seen hard evidence of this and I'm not going to do the hard digging but I've seen it mentioned twice now. What is happening though, is that videos are being blocked currently because the owner of the IP has yet to sign on with Red. Notably Japanese developers have not agreed and youtube has blocked any video featuring gameplay of those developers games in the US. And that is a problem. And if they never agree.....we don't know. It might just not be possible to view their games on the platform at all. And that gives a bit of truth to the rumor that content creators will have their videos marked private if they don't agree. A couple links for anyones perusal. Jim Sterling talking about it in his way. Destructoid's article about blocked videos and the response Youtube gave as to why. Basically, YoutubeRed is a bad thing. I can't blame them for wanting more revenue to themselves, but it feels really against the people. I don't see a four I see 3 threes.
  13. Nolan


    I hate Dust Palace as a holdover from pre TTK and pre adjusting the Flayers shields. My first time doing that strike was great until the end and then it was just a stone wall. I'm also still hovering around 290ish light, and have no Raid gear.....well I almost have a full Crota set from pre HoW and didn't play until TTK...so that was fun to replace with green drops.
  14. Nolan


    Just popped in and checked what the nightfall was this week as I read the post. Dust Palace, fuck that shit. Also, what's up with the Daily and Weekly not telling us the mission name anymore?
  15. Nolan


    When I bump max glimmer I just snag some heavy ammo synths. They're always good to have when doing strikes and raids.
  16. Essentially a unified unchanging OS but better hardware when needed. Such as how phones are these days. Or PC in a way just a closed box. Something similar to iOS, many games can run from the 4-the 6(s) but the newer the phone the better the game will run. They'll still be running into issues of something being made that is not compatible on the weaker hardware though, same as on phones actually. There will come a time a developer makes something that cannot be scaled down in a way that maintains the gameplay. Hardware is more than just graphics, look at Dead Rising on the Wii. It wasn't just graphics that were toned down. They cut the number of zombies significantly. Or more recently, the new3DS. Same OS slightly better hardware but games that don't play on the old hardware. It can make for a fractured userbase and not all developers are going to be happy with that....On the other hand it might make them even happier given the trend of rereleasing last gen games on new hardware with varying improvements.
  17. Quite enjoying this so far. More so than Hyrule Warriors actually. Hyrule Warriors felt a bit overwhelming on content.
  18. Interesting. Quite a few years behind Quake Live and Battlefield Heroes. But with the lack of a proper Unreal game combined with the other F2P games in the current craze being MOBA style, it might be timed perfectly.
  19. I agree with you actually. 60 is always better than 30 but when you play something for years at 30 and suddenly you play a version at 60, its jarring. Ala Halo MCC, and Gears Ultimate edition.
  20. Not exactly a "good thing" but best place for it and a cool thing regardless. I saw an old school Ford GT today. Good condition but an ugly yellow color. Tried to get a picture but while driving, a good pic wasn't happening.
  21. Quite agree with this. Well said to @Sheikah as well. I'll make a real post to the thread finally as well since its called down from the...interesting somewhat heated start. I think Iwata did a fine job, frankly a great job with what he had to work with. I can't say if he was a good or bad business man because I have no knowledge of that essentially. But, he became president after the GC and GBA had launched. (Two of my favorites) and then he directed the company into an uncharted area with the Wii. The Wii had some of my favorite games, from Nintendo and others. But it was not my favorite console to play on. Frankly I dislike the controller post novelty. Yet it still sits in my living room hooked up all the same. Regardless of what any of us think the console was a great thing for Nintendo. Even as an anomaly, it made them money, and they had set out to go for new gamers and they got that crowd. If even only temporarily. That much was good for them. Banking on lightning striking twice with the Wii U, not so much. I personally think its a great console. I enjoy being able to play on the smaller screen actually and have my TV doing something else. I initially tried to support 3rd party releases on the console but they became sparse. Cue me going back to PC and PS4 for 3rd parties depending on the game. Handhelds. Well i love the DS and 3DS (non xl ftw) I'd be willing to double dip on the new 3DS if they'd just bring the non XL to the states ffs. I do say I love them but I've never played them in public and frankly I don't play my 3DS half as often as I think of playing it. I still haven't finished OoT or MM even I just get aideteacked by doing other things. Basically regardless of what I think of his choices on a personal level. I do think that Iwata did the company well in the short term. Some decisions may pan out to be good in the long term but I think its only a little early to tell. When their next console comes out I think we'll have the answer to whether certain Wii brandings become staple releases. Though I'm guessing no. And for what its worth you naysayers of Sonys handhelds, I love my Vita and neglect it just as much as my 3DS. The PSP...yeah, well good first effort though.
  22. What announcement? I've just got a black box on my phone
  23. Ohhh okay, I gotcha now. You brought up the having awkward doctor conversation and threw me off.
  24. Yeah, but unless you have a latex allergy or an incredibly too small condom the side effects are rather non existent. Other contraceptives mess with how the woman's body works, hence the reason Mrs Murr switched from one to the other. So consulting with a doctor makes a bit of sense.
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