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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Nolan

    Oh Hai

    Welcome to our humble abode. Cookies and donuts on the left, coffee to the right a fountain right in the middle, and our latest addition a telegraph line, that way we can communicate with others.
  2. At least that one is a gurl.
  3. ....that's a dude.
  4. My old mouse got really bad about that, it was constantly double clicking or not clicking or clicking and getting stuck down....I raged. Bought a new one and destroyed the old one. Felt good to do.
  5. I think my favorite is flying around on the flooring of the bridge of an aircraft cruiser and annihilating the navy/air forces. Not that Japan being flooded with blood was bad per se.
  6. lol indeed, the screens I saw looks worse than WaW on the Wii, and the video where he talks about the port is interspersed with 360 footage. How nice of them to port a 2 year old game though, do you think the Wii will get MW2 in 2011?
  7. Now hopefully they'll stop disabling audio tracks when people decide to put music to their own videos.
  8. Not really since, The DS hit the US in November 04 and came with a MPH demo, it's highly likely that during the time of Metroid Prime the DS was probably being fined tuned and the idea of Hunters was being batted around. So, in goes the little hint.
  9. I'm a sucker for metal cases. I'd gladly pay a bit more for metal cases. I wish they were standard.
  10. I had no intention of buying this, but goddammit all I could resist that sexy tin case.
  11. Driving on the left is weird, you guys should really quit that :p The football thing....well yeah. We just renamed it to soccer and became about the only country that doesn't love it. That's why there is something called context. When taken in the context of Grammar (as Identified when comma's were mentioned) a period only means a period. Besides, I wasn't sure if full stop meant a period or hitting 'enter' and starting a new paragraph. Fun Fact Erin, threads don't always stay on topic, the topic just changes at times. Sometimes it's allowed and other times it isn't. Another Fun Fact, Yelling at admins is not always smart.
  12. You's all just krazy, with your full stops and trousers and Zed
  13. What's the point of saying Full Stops is you just mean a period?
  14. Well, I do agree with you. At that price if it didn't come with a remote....that would be terrible.
  15. To be fair, Post Counts are just not readily displayed, they are showed on your profile though.
  16. I'll do an example opposite of everyone else, I enjoyed Two Worlds, that is a bad game. It's just poor. But I still had fun with it, it's like trolling GT fun. In the same way Wii Music is bad, but you can still have fun with it. Antoher example is Wii Play.
  17. I know I'm going to sound like a dick, but telling us when your mother died is a little irrelevant when concerning the spelling of your name (I am sorry to hear it though). Also, I don't think Flink was being disrespectful towards your name at all he just wanted to clarify that is is Erin and not Eric. As for your Grammar, it needs work. Trust me though, if you continue posting a lot and reading other posts it'll improve over time. I know I hardly used to use commas, periods (full stops? What do you guys mean by that?), and making separate paragraphs. And for the other people that complained on the grammar front, you aint seen nothing until you have someone who is dyslexic post regularly. They make Erin's posts look as regular as anyone else.
  18. ReZourceman Condoms-The size will make you laugh.
  19. I thought metroid was a already known influence. Anywho. !$#!%$#^%&$% I'm missing one Damn Passkey!!!, One Passkey form 100%. Problem is even though I'm past lvl 20. my map doesn't display diddly, and the gamefaqs map isn't useful since my laptop(broken screen) and my 360 share a monitor. Also no printer.
  20. One of the big differences is that the artstyle seems to have changed a fair bit.
  21. That'll work for some people.
  22. creepy.... In other news, this comes out in a week or two. I don't really know as Gamestop says the 1st of the month, but the latest trailer ends say the 8th of the month.
  23. Usually 1440x900, but every once in a while I'll do a bump to 1680x1050 or upto 1080p depending on what I'm doing.
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