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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. It's extremely relevant, the man is advocating raising prices in light of the failing economy, while he is making 15 million a year. Maybe if the rich weren't greedy he could take a hit to his paycheck (is 15mil really necessary for anyone) to allow for prices to stay at the standard. Of course, prices staying at the standard the games would still turn a profit, right now this is the rich advocating price gouging to get richer. The rich get richer while the poor get poorer.
  2. I play on wireless with 40-60ms ping near me, and 120-150 everywhere else (including UK) Whats more is my router is in my basement on the other end of the house. As for Wii online, I've only done CoD WaW, and I'd average 2 bars, but that's because the game chooses a player to host the server, and if the host has a poor connection so does everyone else. Monster Hunter 3 will likely be a lot better in that regard since you'll just be connecting to Capcom hosted and maintained servers.
  3. Are theses scientists only a foot tall?
  4. I'm not doubting your claims, just correcting some things was all. The only example of interfrence I can come up with is Cell Phone, but mines always on and I've never had an issue so I doubt that. You may just never hae a good connection, idk.
  5. Lag is determined not by the connection type but by the servers and your bandwidth. Someone with 3/3 bars of wireless connectivity won't notice lag unless it's on the host or their ISP router whatevs, just like a Wired Ethernet connection. Wired is generally more reliably as it's not going to be affected by other random wireless activities.
  6. I quite like Enclave. I found it to be pretty damn fun actually. I'm happy about this.
  7. run diskcleanup. Also a defrag may be in order, I woudlnt' suggest using the Windows defragger though, Smart Defrag works good though.
  8. He looks like Christopher Walken.....is Christopher Walken looked like a pedophile.
  9. I don't get it. Who's Ross Kemp?
  10. It's not that your CPU is "interfering" so much as it's doing too much at once. What else are you doing while browsing?
  11. Tell me, what was his first assumption? How do we know if he was right or wrong.
  12. I approve of Warhammer painting, as for price, if you have a local hobby shop they may have something similar to what mine has, a Bits and Pieces box. It literally just has bits and pieces in it, you cna find nice high dollar models every once in a while and get them fairly cheap. Getting good paints cheap....that's a different story. I say you take up mooching off of friends. Whenever they are free, go hand out with them and partake in their hobbies of smoking drinking board games whatever. Just don't use your own money.
  13. Read that 5 times over and see if you can spot what wrong with it. The console doesn't determine what concepts are suited to it. Case in point would be looking at early Final Fantasy games, while the characters were limited by the power of the console, it's known that the games have art of characters and events far away and beyond what a console could do. The art shows what they envision, and even if it's limited by the Wii.....so what. I think it'd be limited by games in general, which isn't to say games can't do justice (PoP Valkyria Chronicles) I just think more justice is still and always possible. Besides, all we've seen is art. As someone else has said, maybe this won't be 3D, maybe it'll be 2D and as Muramasa shows, the Wii can do justice with 2D as easily as anything else (sans HD, but meh) As for 3D doing art styles and concepts justice No More Heroes and Mad World are fantastic examples. In short, wait for gameplay screens to determine if the Wii is right or wrong for the games style.
  14. Varies per game, but the mains would be Poor Controls Poor Story Poor Graphics (they've got to be pretty damn bad though, like Far Cry on the Wii) Glitches that break the game (as in make it unbeatable) Sports, Fighting. I don't like Sports and I suck at Fighting games :p
  15. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    Walk back in the door and rest if you can. Or load, and mash on your pipboy button and try your damnedest to fast travel out. Or load an old file? Which really now, this may sound mean, in any RPG I have multiple save files because I learned the hard way a long time ago bad stuff happens and losing 60 hours of gameplay sucks. In such an open RPg like Oblivion or Fallout 3....there is too much that can go wrong to not have a titload of save files. So if you really can't revert back to an old one without losing more than a couple hours, I don't feel sorry.
  16. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    The Alien Pistol in the main game pretty much raped all creatures including Deathclaws and Enclave. Too little ammo though.
  17. I didn't really have any trouble hitting the baseballs back. I was just sitting, and I'd swing slightly before the balls was too me. It was like Wii Sports but a little less refined.
  18. I do this. I also chew on things, anything plastic.
  19. Been listening to Violent Femmes as of late. Blister in the Sun(beginning is a bit of Grosse Point, middle is something odd and end is more of the movie) Audio Country Death Song Audio American Music(Only live version for some reason) Audio Gone Daddy Gone(Again only live, and not very well done...) Audio Waiting for the Bus(Demo, not as good) Audio 36-24-36 Audio Dance Motherf***** Dance (you now know 75% of the lyrics) Audio Out the Window(Live) Audio I'll quit linking to them now, Only because I can't find America Is
  20. So hardcore lesbians stop at oral?
  21. I don't have a homepage... I use Yahoo for plenty of things not searching. Yahoo offers a fair bit over google still. I hated Chrome, and basically still only use google as a search engine for links and the occasional picture. I've never had much trouble with the Yahoo search either though.
  22. Funny story about running around naked. A friend of the family is a Parole Officer, and one of her paroles (a 300lb women) was hopped up on drugs (or not taking the prescribed ones) and running around the streets of the city stark ass naked....she was tazered 3 times before she went down.
  23. Running around naked gets boring? Surely you jest?!
  24. I'm in the country, but I am pretty near a small few small towns and a single city. They are all terrible places, the nearest worthwhile cities are 30 minute drives or longer. One is a college city so there is always something going on, the other one basically shuts down at 9 (just like the nearest city) but it at least as a good mall and interesting stores. The towns are pretty lolz, as in we make fun of the fact that at any given time there might be 1 cop in town. There is a station in town, with a whole 3 cops. It isn't too bad of a place to go for a walk though.
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