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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. Your BBcode didn't work. Happy Birthday. Danny
  2. Rrrriiiiight. I think their may be a thing such as too descriptive. That right there^ counts.
  3. Bappy Hirthday! Remember the best way to start a fire is to go tell gamefaqs that OoT and FFVII suck.
  4. There is already a Wiki page on the new Astro Boy game. Claims that it will release with the movie...
  5. If an obvious troll is obvious why don't they get banned? As for the Wii 2. I more or less expect the Wii but with better graphics 720p (I've already stated before my lack of faith in 1080p becoming standard)a more precise but still unique control system. Wii Motion++ basically, but not a peripheral, although perhaps a peripheral would be good to help people keep controllers from one console to the next. I don't have faith in the online improving to XBL levels, I think FCs are still likely, or at least a single Wii code. Still not as simple as just sending an request through the service when you have to exchange 16 digits, likely on a forum. Their downloadable service will likely improve. Better netcode and servers for fast downloads perhaps game demos and background downloading. If we're lucky the VC will actually be utilized to great effect (the classics you want to buy again as opposed to Donkey Kong Jr. Math) Hopefully an HD will be standard, or at least supported in the case of game demos or DLC.
  6. Clear your browsers cache. Should just be under Tools-Delete Private Data. Assuming Firefox that is, if you aren't using Firefox or Opera, do so. Clearing the Cache will likely result in you having to re-enter any saved data, like username/password for NE,YT,FB etc.
  7. Conan is unfunny so I don't watch the Tonight Show anymore.
  8. Yea, except twilight ones, so really I was making fun of the stupidity of Twilight.
  9. Maybe it's a vampire and it just gets sparklely in the light.
  10. He's not kid link?
  11. A bout 2 weeks ago a 5yo girl went missing, today FBI started searching the river less than half a mile away from my house on a "tip". There were 4 News helicopters circling my area (likely the closest they were allowed). I'm on a rural back road inbetween a main road and a well traveled road. the well traveled road seems to be closed at the one end of mine, since we're getting lots of traffic from there. It's confirmed that a body was found, rumored to be the girl but not yet confirmed to be, but I don't really see the police finding another body in the river. tis Confirmed
  12. I'm not sure it matters much where they set the game in relation to the first, the story will likely not make any more sense than the first. That is to say, very little, and what does is still off the wall.
  13. The first one was pretty hard so I'd assume this one will be.
  14. You can move left and right an jump around like the first game. Other than that it's on rails. I wonder if they'll top the aircraft carrier level of the first one. I'm pretty sure that's about the craziest thing I've seen in a game.
  15. The Twilight Realm is copious amounts of bloom for the most part.
  16. You don't want to do that. At least I wouldn't suggest it. You don't want to create static electricity in any way either. I don't know if a vacuum will do that or not though. Stores do sell canned air, which you can buy and use to blow dust out of all the dirty areas. That's what I would recommend. Or if you hvae superman lungs...
  17. Graphics look much smoother in motion, just looks fantastic compared to pictures.
  18. Nolan

    Fallout 3

    I have about 70 hours and haven't actually beaten the game. I know my dad has beat it at least once and probably has well over 300 hours now. He's doing at least a second playthrough and he's level 18 or 19.
  19. It's Sam Raimi, it's meant to be horror with a twist. That twist being hilarity.
  20. As I suspected. You could always go for a nice bit of Water Cooling. Personally I don't mind the fans and I've used the 4870 with some loud fans.
  21. A 9500 GS....It's on the newer side of things so I doubt the bearing in the fan is going out so to reiterate WnC and Caris check for dust and clean it first. If it's persistent after cleaning, then I suppose it could be the bearing. I would however suggest getting a passively cooled card on the cheaper rather than trying to replace the fan if that is the case. So long as no one games on the PC, it shouldn't pose problems. @Raining Again, a passively cooled 7950GT! Didn't those run hot with fans? Or do you just have a monster copper heatsink?
  22. I guess I'm kinda glad I'm too lazy to take the initiative and send you a friend invite.
  23. Just like to point out that you can also do this with the extremely cheap but excellent AMD Athlon X2 7750. It's aless than 50 after VAC and can have 2 cores unlocked on it and with Stock cooling will easily go to 3.4 Aftermarket air cooling can likely take it to 4Ghz.
  24. Well, my mom just bought a new Vacuum Cleaner and it's a....*drum roll"......Oreck Nah just kidding she got a Dyson.
  25. I feel for you man. I feel for you.
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