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Everything posted by Nolan

  1. My sister can do all that stuff. Hell, she use to have to when she was driving the truck that burned oil. She didn't need oil changes, she just added more in. My mom knows a fair bit too, but tbh it's likely due to my dad being a mechanic.
  2. To be honest, the first time I played the game I couldn't care about the characters, and hardly noticed the development and change. While I can see these things now, I still don't particularly like the characters and do not like the game.
  3. Not even used gum? Edit: Your Bike needs to be checked too?!
  4. Same thought here. As for the picture, lol makes me think of cloud.
  5. Do you have to pay them for the test? If so...bleh.
  6. Glad someone agrees the game was terrible. It's not hard though. Junction 100 death to attack (attainable fairly early in the game iirc possibly early second disk) and you'll generally kills things in one hit since the Death Spell kills them. Then any battle that isn't a boss is a breeze.
  7. It was a joke, any car you drive will have gears. How those gears are controlled is a different matter though. Edit, What Moogle said. Also, a yearly test....odd.
  8. Is it a yearly thing?
  9. What's MOT? @ Raining, it's unpossible to drive without gears n stuff. :p Well techincally I suppose instead of gears you can drive with a gear. It just won't be very fast or economical.
  10. Oh I believed you, it's just weird.
  11. Gah I've missed alot. Fiestas aren't on the roads here, but we've got focuses and whatnots also the festiva which is basically the fiesta. Last I knew, water and oil don't mix Coolant does though, and if you get oil into your radiator that'll kill your engine. That'll give the mayo appearance, I've just never seen it yellow... I'll have you guys know, that driving an automatic you still can shift manually. I use to do it all the time before my gears went to hell, and that's not why they did so don't suggest it.
  12. How nice of you to imply americans can't drive manuals. I didn't know the MkIII was manual anyways and I don't see how that has much to do with the oil. The Oil shouldn't be mixing with anything, manual or automatic.
  13. Condensation of what? I don't know of anything that should turn oil yellow.
  14. I don't feel like going through the process of taking pics putting them on the SD card putting them on the PC then uploading them. So this isn't mine, but it's exactly the same model in a different color.
  15. lul my bad. It's just that putting that right after 1.1 made me think the engine size rather than model.
  16. Quartz? Do you mean Quarts, or Liters?
  17. I have a pretty good 1080p monitor that I've used for Killzone 2, MGS4, Valkyria Chronicles, Uncharted Demo, Red Faction Demo, and a few others. I've also played most of these on a excellent 720p Panasonic Plasma. Through HDMI on both, I'm just not overly impressed in the same way as everyone else.
  18. I find it to be pretty overrated, but voted for decent. There are improvements, text becomes readable everything is a bit clearer and there's more detail. For some reason those few things make everyone ruin their pants. If I can I'll play in HD, but if I can't, oh well I don't care and hardly notice. I'm playing the game to play the game not gawp at the omghdgrphx.
  19. bstmte, have you watched any of Sam Raimi's horror films? They're horror mixed with comedy and a campy theme. Cult-Classics.
  20. I've never liked any Monkey Ball games.
  21. This is so spot-on about the HWYD and Music Threads. Probably the general threads too, but I've never even been into one of those.
  22. Hmm the video went on for 7 and a half minutes, and he did get the Power Punch.
  23. I can't quite choose between Sonic and Mario to be honest. I like them both for different reasons. Neither really trumps the other.
  24. Did Episode 3 have Hayden Christian in it? I rest my case that it is bad. As is 2. Although two is slightly redeemed by the clone war which is cool on a technical point of it's a lot of nice CGI work. Truth be told I kinda like E1. I don't even hate Jar Jar all that much, the kid sucks though, but most children do.
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