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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. Lies. filthy lies.
  2. Just noticed, it is in chelmsford they do this, my home town! Also LOL@ 24 hour store, press 1 to hear our hours :p
  3. Wait when was I punching people? I don't punch people..
  4. Right, sure I can go with that. Vote: Zell
  5. Apologies Danny for saying it was a guy and Jonnas for not realising it was you who posted it first :p
  6. What is your business?
  7. -Graduate -Start new job in London -Contemplate moving out or staying at home and saving 3 small easy things, naht.
  8. Manly Guys Doing Manly Things, Moogle you're right, definitely a great one to read after someone recommended on here a while ago. Feeling the hate about VGcats. As for cyanide and happiness, I'm afraid I don't really like most of them. Haven't read a lot though so maybe just my noobness. XKCD is a good one when I get it. Danny posted one about countries as people a little while ago, its okay though some were lame. The same guy did some strips about an interalien couple which was funny but weird as well. For anyone up to date with QC:
  9. Boooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo Great game to watch though. Was impressed with Bruma. Still not impressed with Ramires
  10. Its all about Questionable Content. Perry Bible Fellowship, whilst no longer being made are still the best strips I think.
  11. So I am apparently the watchful woman, did not know that, also I was arrested?
  12. MotD suggested it wasn't since it came off Elmander's body therefore not offside. Can't believe Man Utd won yesterday, looked like they were struggling and the Baggies really should have finished them off. Odemwengie's (sp?) penalty was poor. So was Tevez's come to think of it.
  13. I vote Cornwall! Why not?
  14. I used to play this crappy little game called Wolfenstein: Enemy Territory online. either that, or FFX, or Final Fantasy Advance Tactics which has a save of around 96hours, for a DS game!
  15. I'm one of the few annoying people that don't know the words to that song. Wish I did. And Happy New Year blah blah blah
  16. yeah my night was gooooooooooooooood, I got nice and drunk. Then drank some more. Happy New Year everyone! Today I went to my cousin's 4th birthday party at 3 (only woke up at 2) where an children's entertainer came on NEW YEARS DAY?! All the screaming, loud and annoying children meant my hangover just got worse and worse. Subsided a bit now but I fear I shall be asleep before today's midnight :p
  17. House partaaaaaaaay. I will be drunk and it will be fun. Though I'm already hungover today. I for one enjoy going to a party/ going out on New Years.
  18. Jay's sister wins the thread.
  19. You sound like a hero. I salute you moogle! Shame about the stillborns though
  20. I also bought Scott Pilgrim but I'm too lazy to post a picture in here :p
  21. Unfortunately I've been preoccupied looking after visiting GF and cousins to watch but it sounds like I should be happy about that. We sound crap on the radio so no doubt Ramar is loving it. Merry Christmas you fucker :p <3
  22. Its going to be a good game I hope either way!
  23. I suffer from what could be migraines, I get headaches every so often (used to suffer more regularly when I was younger), but I can continue with what I'm doing usually. Whereas sometimes, my headache becomes so painful I cannot do anything except lie down take some paracetamol and try to go to sleep. Eating/ moving/ looking at things especially within lighted areas are too troublesome and sometimes I'll be sick later on. From N.O.E.L's description I'd guess they must then be migraines. As for right now, I'm feeling okay hope everyone feels better soon!
  24. Fixed Yeah my memory can be frustrating at times. I can pick up random things sometimes that even astound me when it comes out of my mouth but at other times I forget some obvious memories even if they happened in the past 24hours! Also I cannot quote people or movies precisely. I can get the gist but not the actual specific wording meaning I look stupid whenever I attempt to do it.
  25. I've come into this thread very late to see some interesting discussions. I personally think there are lots of good games available and the only real problem is a lack of time and money to play all the games I should be playing. I tend to buy sequels because if I like the previous instalment I have faith in the sequel to exceed its predecessor. It takes more to persuade me to purchase new games since I don't have the money to test all these new games whereas I know vaguely what the sequels will entail.
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