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Everything posted by Ellmeister

  1. I used that for beserk (probably favourite manga out of any I've read) but I check Mangastream for Naruto/One piece/ Bleach because it's really quick on its releases.

  2. With fragile though, surely sell him!
  3. Where do you read them? Onemanga unfortunately wasn't able to keep posting them =/


    If you want another pretty good one, try The Breaker. Its a fighting one but really good. More gritty and "mature" than most ones.

  4. Fuck sake. People, if I offer you a match, don't accept on the day without telling me and giving me NO chance to prepare! It fucks up my players form/ I don't play who I want! :p Luckily I still beat ReZ. Sorry about that! No yuuuuuf for me today, just a recommended player =/
  5. Some great pictures and the descriptions are clever too, especially Lampoon's comment of the babies being born which sound very Alien-esque. I'd love to see a few more unique non-evolution type pokemon. There was a tumblr done with famous online-comic artists drawings of themselves-ish as a three stage evolution pokemon which were also very good and drawn similarly to yours actually.
  6. I can see it now that you've mentioned it and I saw the photo again. I get conflicting opinions on my Essex accent. Some people saw it is strong, some people say you can hardly tell. I am not one of those with a "common" Essex accent, but a few of my double consonants get missed out apparently not that I notice. Also my housemates constantly take the mickey when I say "girls" believe I say "gills" which isn't true :p
  7. That was awesome Flinky! So funny, he does a good voice of Andy Gray Chelski looked pretty good tonight, but I was impressed with the movement of Bolton up front, they just didn't quite have it in them to finish off some great moves. Having to attack so early on in the game left them open to more attacks which was unfortunate. Still a win is a win
  8. You didn't look Asian in the picture you posted O.o or am I thinking about someone else????
  9. So no-one has anything to say or add?
  10. So it stops you from looking completely young with no facial hair but stops the ginger coming out? I may have to get this! EDIT: Do you normally use an electric shaver? I do but it just has to be all or nothing with that one =/
  11. *high fives* It works great for job interviews saying you're a triplet though! When they ask for an ice breaker or a unique fact that separates you from people, just say you're a triplet and they will definitely remember you
  12. I'm a triplet, yet look NOTHING alike my two sisters So simple questions like: why do we not look anything alike as though I should have the answers. Do we have telekinetic connections like twins supposedly have- usually an odd one some people ask. Is it hard sharing a birthday with two other people, not hard but weird. Is there something wrong with me? I find it hard to understand people thinking that just because I'm a triplet, medically we are supposed to be more at risk from diseases etc at birth but we're all perfectly fine (except the ginger one, she's fucked). Also I'm going into an accountancy based job even though I study law. People struggle to understand why I changed. I find it tedious to explain that, but do like saying I have a job :p I also struggled to explain "Who is John Galt?" the other day to Ashley.
  13. No Brusling though Charlie. Your talisman is off playing golf without a care nor thought of Bayern Bru anymore!
  14. WORSE! Yeah I can't really remember but the Neo game wasn't as good. Once you gained all his abilities it became stupidly easy as well.
  15. Fixed!! I thought the first game had more suspense since you couldn't just destroy the agents willynilly and it was a lot more sneaking around and using the matrix when you really needed it to dodge the bullets. The wall-head-kick was great as well. Neo's fight against all the agents in the park in his game was so badly rendered it was embarrassing.
  16. Plus 8 minus 1. All my midfield went up one point but my blasted defenders or goalkeepers didn't >_<
  17. No problem! I think you may be the only person to have taken up my recommendation of it!


    I've been reading it through bit by bit and that has made it lose some of its suspense but its still pretty damn good.


    I wonder what falcon's "girlfriend" is up to. Don't think it is really love :(

  18. Yeah tell us all.
  19. Everyone is vouching for everyone else, with no definitive statements actually being made about who there supposedly are. Ergo someone at some point is lying. I just don't know who to believe yet... Remove Vote -__-
  20. Vote: No arrest
  21. I think Heroic has a point about your first FF played. (And that FFX is the best :p). Whilst I didn't think FFXIII was a bad game. It did have so annoyances. The linear path got annoying after a while and so hopefully FFXIII-2 addresses this. I'm not sure what else people find SO bad about it but I would enjoy an explanation from people who won't just state it's rubbish because it just is...
  22. Heroic you no longer need to explain anything :p I'm sorry but 2 townies who can talk outside the thread, but don't have any powers to do anything...what use is that. Something is up. Hidden motives....REVEAL YOURSELVES! *said in Paddy's Take Me Out voice*
  23. I do not have those games, nor wifi! That's the point unfortunately sorry :p
  24. Why is only one vote on to ReZ when both me and Heroic voted for him? Heroic care to explain?
  25. I was waiting patiently but then people started getting their no lynch on so thought some more PMs may have been given.
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